Doktorka Kristina Davidović, osnivač i vlasnik jedne od najvećih domaćih privatnih poliklinika, za svega četiri godine izgradila je brend Rea Medika. Osim radiologije i interne medicine, poliklinika Rea Medika postala je regionalno poznata po radu u oblasti estetske medicine i plastične hirurgije. Za samo 1.460 dana, svoj biznis, pored poliklinike na Voždovcu, proširila je na još dve eksklu- zivne lokacije. Prva je u Novom Sadu, druga u BW. U razgovoru za magazin Elevejt objasnila je koliko je bilo teško napraviti sve a da nijednog trenutka njen primarni posao ne trpi zbog toga. Doktorka je načelnica Radiologije u Urgentnom centru i asistent na Medicins- kom fakultetu u Beogradu. – Veoma je važno imati viziju i dobro isplanirati sve do detalja. Oformiti savršen tim uz čiju ćete pomoć kreiranu strategiju uspeti da sprovedete u delo. Često danas čujem – svaka čast tebi na tvom timu, ja svoj nikada ne mogu da napravim da sve funkcioniše. Kvalitetan kadar nema cenu, te imamo priliku da čujemo da mnogi poslodavci ne plaćaju dovoljno svoj kadar, a očekuju da imaju najbolje rezultate. Najboljeg radnika treba čuvati i nansijski ga nagraditi – objašnjava doktorka. Rea Medika ima više od 30.000 vernih pacijenata, koji se uvek iznova sa radošću vraćaju. – Ako niste prvi na tržištu, morate da istražite šta je bilo loše u vašoj proceni i zašto strategija koju ste sprovodili nije dovela do najbol- jeg rezultata. Meni je u krvi pre svega medicina, a potom biznis. Mišljenja sam da šta god radili, kojim god biznisom se bavili, morate nastojati da budete najbolji, da radite pošteno i budete predani, a rezultati će nesumnjivo doći. Imam priliku da se bavim jednom od najbrže rastućih grana medicine – estetikom. Svetski trendovi se menjaju iz meseca u mesec, biti prvi, jedinstven, kvalitetan i unikatan – to je moj cilj. Naravno, pacijent je uvek na prvom mestu, sve ostalo ide nakon toga. Nijedan vid marketninga ne može da zameni marketing koji donosi zadovoljni pacijent – kaže doktorka Kristina Davidović. Doktorka koja je napravila brend zvani Rea Biznis i medicina su mi u krvi
Dr Kristina Davidović, founder and owner of one of the country’s largest private clinics, required just four years to build the “Rea Medika” brand. Apart from being known for radiology and internal medicine, the Rea Medika polyclinic has earned regional repute for its work in the eld of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. Over a period of just 1460 days, she expanded her business to include - in addition to the Voždovac polyclinic - two more exclusive locations: the rst in Novi Sad and the second in the Belgrade Waterfront community. In this interview for Elevate, she explains how dicult it was to create everything without her primary job suering for an instant. This doctor is head of the radiology department at the Clinical Centre of Serbia’s Emergency Room and a teaching assistant at the University of Medicine in Belgrade. “It’s very important that you have a vision and good planning of everything, down to the most minute detail. Form a perfect team that will help you implement the strategy you’ve created in practice. I today often hear people say ‘well done on your team; I can never make mine in such a way that everything functions’. High-quality personnel are priceless, which is why we have the opportunity to hear how most employers don’t pay their employees enough, yet expect to have the best sta. It is necessary to protect the best worker, and to reward them nancially,” explains Dr Davidović, noting that Rea Medika has more than 30,000 loyal patients who are always happy to return. “If you aren’t number one on the market, you must investigate to determine what was wrong with your assessment and the strategy you implemented that didn’t lead to the best result. Medicine is primarily in my blood, and then business. It is my opinion that whatever you do, whatever area of business you deal with, you must endeavour to be the best, to work scrupulously and with commitment, and the results will undoubtedly come. I have the opportunity to work in one of the fastest growing branch- es of medicine: aesthetics. World trends change from month to month, while my goal is to be the number one, inimitable, high-quality and unique, and of course to always put the patient rst, with everything else subordinated to that. No form of marketing can replace the marketing that’s brought by a satised patient.” Lady doctor who created the “Rea” brand Both business and medicine are in my blood
reamedika Galerija Belgrade Bul. Vudroa Vilsona 12, II sprat
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