Elevate March 2022 | Air Serbia

Njujork New York

Jedna od 10 najpopularnijih ruta srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika, koje su ostvarile najbolji učinak u 2021. godini, bila je između Beograda i Njujorka

One of the Serbian national airline’s 10 most popular routes, which posted the best performance in 2021, was between Belgrade and New York

Trčite Njujorški maraton 20. marta ove godine Mnogo je sjajnih stvari koje možete da radite u Njujorku u martu, ali jed- na od najboljih je da trčite Njujorški maraton (u redu, da gledate Njujorš- ki maraton). U zavisnosti od toga koliko ste fizič- ki u dobroj formi, možete birati izme- đu celog maratona i polumaratona. Ne samo da ce vam učešce pomoci da ostanete zdraviji vec je to i odličan način da doprinesete nekoj dobro- tvornoj organizaciji jer se vecina ma- ratona održava da bi se prikupio no- vac za neki cilj. Trasa Njujorškog maratona prolazi kroz svih pet gradskih opština. Start je na Stejten Ajlendu, cilj Central park na Menhetnu. Na putu do cilja trči se kroz Bruklin (uključujuci Bej Ridž, Park Sloup, Vilijamsburg), Kvins i Bronks.


There are many great things to do in New York in March, but one of the best is ro run the NYC Marathon (ok, to WATCH the NYC Marathon). Depending on how good a shape you are in physically, there are full and half marathons to choose. Not on- ly will participating in one help you stay healthier, but it’s also a great way to contribute to a charity, since most marathons are held to collect money for a cause. The route of the NYC Marathon pass- es through all five boroughs of the city. The start is in Staten Island, the fin- ish is Central Park in Manhattan. On the way to the finish, they run through Brooklyn (including Bay Ridge, Park Slope, Williamsburg), Queens and the Bronx.

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