VALENSIJA Redovni letovi na relaciji Be- ograd–Valensija obavljaće se dva puta nedeljno, sredom i subotom tokom aprila i ma- ja, a zatim od početka juna če- tvrtkom i nedeljom. Nacional- na avio-kompanija će do svoje treće destinacije u Španiji sa- obraćati avionom erbas A319. VALENCIA Scheduled flights between Belgrade and Valencia will operate twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays during April and May, then on Thursdays and Sundays from the beginning of June. Serbia’s national airline will deploy its Airbus A319 aircraft to its third destination in Spain. LION Redovan avio-saobraćaj i do Liona u Francuskoj uspostav- lja se 3. juna. Letovi do Lio- na, trece destinacije Er Srbije u Francuskoj posle Pariza i Ni- ce, obavljaće se dva puta ne- deljno. LYON A scheduled route will be es- tablished to Lyon, France, as of 3 rd June. Flights will operate twice a week to this city, which – after Paris and Nice – repre- sents Air Serbia’s third destina- tion in France. NIRNBERG Letovi Er Srbije do Nirnberga obavljaće se dva puta nedelj- no tokom cele godine, počev- ši od 6. juna. NUREMBERG Air Serbia will operate flights to Nuremberg twice a week, year-round, starting from 6 th June. Srpska avio-kompanija će od 11. juna do 29. oktobra između Beograda i Palma de Majorke leteti dva puta nedeljno, utor- kom i subotom. Letovi do če- tvrte destinacije Er Srbije u Španiji, posle Barselone, Ma- drida i Valensije, obavljaće se avionom erbas A319. PALMA DE MAJORKA
PALMA DE MALLORCA The Serbian national carrier will operate flights between Bel- grade and Palma de Mallorca twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 11th June un- til 29 th October. Flights to this fourth Air Serbia destination in Spain – following Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia – will oper- ate using Airbus A319 aircraft. AMAN Er Srbija 1. juna pokreće direk- tne redovne letove između Be- ograda i Amana u Jordanu, a letovi će se obavljati četiri pu- ta nedeljno tokom cele godine, osim u zimskom periodu, kada će ih biti tri. AMMAN Air Serbia will launch direct scheduled flights between Bel- grade and the Jordanian cap- ital of Amman as of 1 st June, with these flights to be operat- ed throughout the year - three times a week during winter and four times a week throughout the rest of the year. HANOVER Srpski nacionalni avio-prevo- znik će između Beograda i Ha- novera od 3. juna saobraća- ti tri puta nedeljno tokom letnje sezone i dva puta nedeljno po zimskom redu letenja. HANOVER The Serbian national airline will commence scheduled flights between Belgrade and Hanover as of 3 rd June, with three flights a week during the summer sea- son and two a week under the winter flight schedule. SALCBURG Do Salcburga, svoje druge de- stinacije u Austriji, Er Srbija će od 7. juna saobraćati tri puta nedeljno tokom leta, odnosno dva puta nedeljno tokom zime. SALZBURG Air Serbia will launch flights to Salzburg, representing its sec- ond destination in Austria, as of 7 th June, with three flights a week during the summer peri- od and two a week during the winter months.
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