– TEŠKO JE POVEROVATI DA JE PROŠLA DEKADA otka- ko smo, čistog srca i puni entu- zijazma, krenuli sa Beogradskim irskim festivalom jedne hladne ne- delje 2013. godine – iskren je Jas Kaminski, direktor BIF-a. – Od tada imidž Irske u Srbi- ji i Srbije u Irskoj podignut je do vrtoglavih visina, što nas čini po- djednako srećnim i ponosnim. Be- ograd, sa svojim vlastitim keltskim korenima, prigrlio je irsku kulturu i ponovo učvrstio veze između da- lekih severozapadnih i jugoistočnih kvadranata Evrope. Stoga nam je velika čast i zadovoljstvo što čita- vu deceniju slavimo irsku kulturu svojim fascinantnim programom – naglašava Kaminski. Kao uvod u ovogodišnji pro- gram, 1. marta počinje Rebel Song: Faces of Irish Music – izložba foto- grafija na otvorenom prostoru Sa- vamala promenade čuvenog mu- zičkog fotografa Endrua Katlina. U istoimenoj knjizi Katlin je obja- vio fotografije najistaknutijih ir- skih muzičara – Bona, Šinejd O’ Konor, Boba Geldofa, Rorija Ga- lagera... Poznata irska umetnica i ilus- tratorka Holi Pereira 7. marta po- činje sa pravljenjem velikog murala u Ulici maršala Birjuzova 16, ko- jim odaje priznanje svim ženama i njihovim veštinama. Kao inspi- raciju za mural Holi je uzela tka- nje pirotskog ćilima. Zvanični program počeće 11. marta fantastičnim miksom filmo- va, dobre muzike i tribina – cen- tralni događaj je koncert benda Hothouse Flowers , koji se održa- va 18.marta u Bitefartcafeu . Film- ski program Irish Film Week sadr- ži nagrađivane dokumentarce, a tu je i čuveno „ozelenjavanje“ Pala- te Albanija , Mosta na Adi, hotela Moskva , Brankovog mosta i fon- tane na Slaviji. Kada tome dodate tradicio- nalnu proslavu Dana Svetog Pa- trika,uz ragbi utakmice između Irske i Engleske i Irske i Škotske, dobar provod na irski način u Be- ogradu je zagarantovan.
“IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE A DECADE HAS PASSED since we launched, with pure hearts and full of enthusiasm, the Belgrade Irish Festival one cold week in 2013,” says an honest Jas Kaminski, BIF director. “Since then, the image of Ire- land in Serbia and Serbia in Ire- land has reached dizzying heights, which makes us feel equally happy and proud. Belgrade, with its own Celtic roots, has embraced Irish cul- ture and again strengthened the ties between Europe’s far north-west- ern and south-eastern quadrants. “That’s why it’s a great honour and pleasure for us that we’ve spent an entire decade celebrating Irish culture with our fascinating pro- gramme,” stresses Kaminski. As a prelude to this year's pro- gramme, 1 st March sees the opening of the photography exhibition “Re- bel Song: Faces of Irish Music” on the open-air space of the Savamala Promenade, featuring works by fa- mous music photographer Andrew Catlin. In his eponymous book, Cat- lin published images of Ireland’s most renowned musicians: Bono, Sinéad O'Connor, Bob Geldof, Ro-
ry Gallagher et al.
Renowned Irish artist, mu- ralist and illustrator Holly Pereira will begin creating a large mural on 7 th March at 16 Maršala Birjuzova Street, with which she will pay trib- ute to all women and their skills. Holly found inspiration for her mu- ral in the traditional weaving of the Pirot rug. The official programme com- mences on 11 th March, with a fan- tastic blend of films, good music and podiums – the central event is the concert of rock group Hot- house Flowers, which will be held on 18 th March at the Bitefartcaffe. The “Irish Film Week” programme includes award-winning documen- taries, while there will also be the famous “greening” of major land- marks, including Palace Albanija, Ada Bridge, Hotel Moskva, Branko's Bridge and the fountain on Slavi- ja Square. When we add to this the tradi- tional commemorating of St. Pat- rick's Day, alongside rugby matches between Ireland and England and Ireland and Scotland, a good time in the Irish style is guaranteed in Belgrade.
Detaljan program Irskog festivala
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