Servis za doručak Mine Karadžić Vukomanović/ Breakfast service of Mina Karadžić-Vukomanović
Beta Vukanović: U kafani , oko 1.900, pastel / Beta Vukanović: U kafani [In a tavern], 1900, pastel
Zaboravljena srpska slikarka Vidosava Kovačević, čija je stvaralačka nit prekinuta sa samo 24 godine, za osam godina prešla je put od realizma do impresionizma i ekspresionizma Forgotten Serbian painter Vidosava Kovačević, whose creative oeuvre was cut short when she was just 24, took just eight years to traverse a path of development from realism to impressionism and expressionism
inović, Vidosava Kovačević, Anica Savić Rebac, Zora Petrović, Desan- ka Maksimović, Leposava St. Pav- lović, Milena Pavlović Barili, Ljubica Marić, Ljubica Cuca Sokić and So- ja Jovanović will recount their life stories, destinies and achievements to visitors of this exhibition until 22 nd March. There are just as many oth- er women who are equally wor- thy of attention as these great la- dies, and this exhibition merely serves to open the floodgates to
the vast ocean of the cul- tural and historical legacy of women – with the team that worked on this exhibition having only paddled into the shallows of that ocean. Here, in the spirit of International Wom- en's Day, we present to you just a few of these great women, and it is up to you to remember to pay a visit to the House of Jevrem Grujić and get acquainted with the oth- ers. Because none of us want to ever forget them…
Pisaća mašina Isidore Sekulić / Isidora Sekulić’s typewriter
Powerful women» Moćne žene | 57
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