Elevate March 2022 | Air Serbia

NA SVETSKOJ IZLOŽBI U DUBAIJU Biznis-program povodom Dana državnosti Srbije


Business programme to commemorate Serbian Statehood Day

TO MARK THE OCCASION OF SER- BIAN STATEHOOD DAY, on 15 th February, the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Ser- bia (CCIS), in cooperation with the Serbian De- velopment Agency (RAS), the Government of Serbia, the Serbia Pavilion and the Expo team, organised a special business programme at sev- eral Expo 2020 Dubai locations, encompassing business forums, B2B meetings and an invest- ment conference. The almost 300 businesspeople from 140 companies that participated in the 8 th thematic week of the World Expo from 12 th to 20 th Febru- ary, “Agriculture and Food”, established a large number of very high-quality contacts and held meetings with potential partners, and soon ex- pect this to lead to specific contracts and in- creased exports to the markets of the United Arab Emirates and other countries of the Mid- dle East and Far East, which they see as a huge opportunity for business expansion. Serbian wineries and distilleries used a spe- cial event to present themselves and their pro- duce to major distribution chains that repre- sent not only the UAE market, but those of the Middle East as a whole. Serbia’s business dele- gation also visited Gulfood, the region’s largest food and beverage trade exhibition, which was being held in Dubai at the same time. Great interest in the Serbian agriculture and food industry was also shown by potential inves- tors at the investment conference ‘Serbia Coun- try Business Briefing’, which also focused on in- novations, high-tech applications in agriculture and the digitalisation of production processes.

POVODOM OBELEŽAVANJA DA- NA DRŽAVNOSTI, 15. FEBRUARA, PRI- VREDNA KOMORA Srbije (PKS), u sarad- nji sa Razvojnom agencijom Srbije, Vladom, Paviljonom Srbije i Ekspo timom, organizo- vala je poseban biznis-program na nekoliko lokacija u okviru Ekspo 2020 Dubai , koji je obuhvatio poslovne forume, B2B sastanke, investicionu konferenciju. Gotovo 300 privrednika iz 140 kompani- ja, koji su od 12. do 20. februara učestvovali na 8. tematskoj nedelji Poljoprivreda i pre- hrana na Svetskoj izložbi, ostvarili su veliki broj veoma kvalitetnih kontakata i susreta sa potencijalnim partnerima i uskoro oče- kuju konkretne ugovore i veći izvoz na trži- šta Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata i drugih zemalja Bliskog i Dalekog istoka koja vide kao ogromnu šansu da prošire poslovanje. Naše vinarije i destilerije su se na po- sebnom događaju predstavile velikim dis- tributerskim lancima koji zastupaju ne sa- mo tržište UAE već i čitavog Bliskog istoka. Privredna delegacija Srbije takođe je pose- tila i Gulfood , najveći sajam prehrambene industrije na tim prostorima, koji je u tom periodu održan u Dubaiju. Veliko interesovanje za srpski agrar i prehrambenu industriju potencijalni ulaga- či pokazali su i na investicionoj konferen- ciji Serbia Country Business Briefing , fo- kusiranoj i na inovacije, primenu visokih tehnologija u poljoprivredi i digitalizaciju proizvodnje.

Od 1. oktobra, kada je počela Svetska izložba u Dubaiju, Eks - po je posetilo više od 1.200 naših privrednika u organizaciji PKS i Vlade Srbije. U Biznis-habu Srbije održano je više od 150 sastanaka i prezentacija, a sklopljeno je više od 15 ugovora i predugovora.

Since 1 st October last year, when Ex- po 2020 began in Dubai, more than 1,200 Serbian businesspeople have visited this global event, under the organisation of the CCIS and the Government of Serbia. During that time, Serbia Business Hub Dubai has hosted more than 150 meet- ings and presentations, with more than 15 contracts and preliminary contracts having been agreed.

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