F estival mimoze otvori- la je koncertom Neda Ukraden na Trgu Niko- le Đurkovića, a završiće se tradicionalnim „spa- ljivanjem karnevala“, povorkom mažuretkinja i koncertom Deja- na Petkovića i Big benda . Raznovrstan program će ove godine obuhvatiti još i tradicional- ni maskenbal uz koncert Gorana Karana, pozorišne predstave, broj- ne koncerte, književne i poetske večeri, izložbu cveća, sajam vina, Hercegnovski zimski salon, kao i sportske programe i manifestacije za decu. U okviru ove zimske turi- stičke manifestacije u Herceg No- vom organizovano je i predstav- ljanje tri prijateljska grada, među kojima je i Beograd. Mimoze su cvet koji se pove- zuje sa dolaskom proleća. Febru- ar je njihov mesec, a generalno se mogu videti od januara do mar- ta. Prvi sunčani dani slažu se sa izrazito žutom bojom ovog cveća grozdastog oblika, a najčešće sti- žu baš iz Herceg Novog. Po dola- sku u Evropu, prvenstveno su kra- sile bašte bogatih Francuza, da bi se kasnije proširila na čitavo Sre- dozemlje. Legenda kaže da su mimoze nastale iz nesrećne ljubavi. Nai- me, kada se pre mnogo godina de- vojka iz plemićke australijske po- rodice zaljubila u ribarevog sina, porodica ju je nasilno udala za dru- gog. Nesrećni mladić je pobegao u obližnju šumu, u kojoj je i umro. Devojka ga je pronašla i pored te- la svog dragog umrla od tuge. Na mestu njihove smrti izraslo je pre- lepo žuto cveće – mimoze. Baš iz tog razloga one do današnjeg dana simbolišu ljubav i besmrtnost. Mi- moze su i simbol emancipacije že- na, a u Italiji i Rusiji se tradicional- no poklanjaju damama za 8. mart. Jedan od najstarijih i najpopularnijih festivala na ovim prostorima ove godine proslavlja 53. rođendan i slaviće se do 5. marta
Mimoza je simbol ljubavi, besmrtnosti i emancipacije žena Mimosa symbolise love, immortality and the emancipation of women
T his year’s Mimosa Fes- tival opened with a Ne- da Ukraden concert on Nikola Đurković Square and will culminate with the traditional “burning of the Car- nival”, the procession of majorettes and a concert of Dejan Petković and his Big Band. The diverse programme for this year will also include a traditional fancy dress masquerade ball with a concert by Goran Karan, theatre plays, numerous concerts, literary and poetry evenings, a flower ex- hibition, wine fair, the Herceg No- vi Winter Salon, but also sporting programmes and children’s events. This winter tourist event in Herceg Novi also included presentations of three friendly cities, one of which was Belgrade. One of the oldest and most popular festivals in these lands, it commemorates its 53 rd birthday this year and will be celebrated until 5 th March
The flower of the mimosa tree is associated with the arrival of spring. February is the month when they blossom, while they can generally be seen from January to March. The first sunny days match the distinct yellow hue of this globular cluster flower, and they usually come right from Herceg Novi. Upon arrival in Europe, they primarily adorned the gardens of wealthy folk in France, only to later expand to cover the en- tire Mediterranean region. Interestingly, one legend has it that the mimosa emerged out of love’s misfortune. Specifically, many years ago, a young girl from a noble family fell in love with the son of a fisherman, but the family forced her to marry another. The unlucky young man that she loved fled to a nearby forest, where he died. The girl found him and, grief-stricken, died beside the body of her beloved. And beautiful yellow mimosa flow- ers grew on the spot where they’d died. That’s why they continue to symbolise love and immortality to this day. Mimosas are also a sym- bol of women’s emancipation and are traditionally given to women in Italy and Russia on 8 th March...
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