Jadran centenary The history of the club and the city on the famous Škver A trophy hall filled with trophies and acknowledgements, photos as titbits of time, 38 Olympian club members, legends of water polo – an entire century of one sport in Jadran
– Imam dva sina i tri unuka i svi treniraju. Jadran je moja druga po- rodica i ne postoji na svetu nešto što mi je važnije od Jadrana, osim poro- dice, naravno. Bio sam sve, od pioni- ra do predsednika skupštine, i tako već 60 godina. Moj život je sport, more, vatrepolo, Jadran. Kad bih se vratio, sve bih uradio na isti način – kaže nam Boro na kraju. Jadran je osvojio 33 titule držav- nog prvaka, a na istoj je adresi od osnivanja. Promenio je šest država, ali zastavu i ime nije. Na njihovom su bazenu gostovale reprezentacije celog sveta, a kult vaterpola nikada nije bledeo prenoseći se iz generaci- je u generaciju… Na Škveru, u Her- ceg Novom.
Legendarni vaterpolista, trener i sportski funkcioner Boro Mračević Legendary water polo player, coach and sports administrator Boro Mračević
If you were to be born in Herceg Novi, it’s highly likely that you would be swimming by the age of three, simply because you’d be grow- ing up right beside the sea. If you were born in Herceg Novi, that would mean growing up with the famous Jadran water polo club, which has been nurturing water sports for an entire century. Gen- erations of children have spent a hundred years playing water po-
lo here, first in the sea, and more recently - since 2012 - in a fresh- water swimming pool. However, the fact that seawater is dens- er means that you swim better, which is why people from coast- al areas are so good at this sport. Legendary water polo player, coach and sports administrator Boro Mračević decided to create the Monograph “Jadran” in order to commemorate the centenary of the playing of water polo in
Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs
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