er srbija info / air Serbia info
Aleksandra Glušicu, kopilota Tri pitanja za...
Three questions for...
Aleksandar Glušica, First Officer
Da li više volite da letite leti ili zimi? – Obe sezone imaju svoje posebne karakte- ristike, što se tiče samog letenja. ATR 72, kao regionalni transportni tur-
Do you prefer summer or winter flying? “Both seasons have their own specific characteristi- cs when it comes to flying. The ATR 72, as a regional tran-
sport turboprop aircraft, has a lower flight ceiling compared to jet aircraft, so it is influenced si- gnificantly by weather changes in the lower atmosphere whe- re it operates. So, both seasons have their challenges, but also their advantages and scenic be- auty. I love them both, but sum- mer is still prettier.” Air Serbia has begun flights to new cities. Which of the new destinations are you happiest about? “As a technical pilot of the ATR fleet, I had the opportunity to be involved in the project of introducing new destinations this season. Considering that I fly ATRs, all these new destina- tions are somehow important to me. I would firstly like to stre- ss that this project was prece- ded by plenty of preparations to implement the new routes and required the participation of pe- ople from multiple different se- ctors within our company. But they’re also important because I haven’t yet had an opportuni- ty to fly to those airports and I was involved in implementati- on from the outset.” Which Air Serbia destina- tion would you take us to in July? “Despite it not being a sum- mer destination, I would defini- tely choose Salzburg. I haven’t
bo-propelerski avion, ima niži plafon leta u odnosu na mla- zne avione, na njega značajno utiču vremenske promene do- njih delova atmosfere u koji- ma obavlja letove, pa obe se- zone nose svoje izazove, kao i svoje prednosti i lepote pej- zaža. Volim i jedno i drugo, ali leto je ipak lepše.
Počeli su letovi do novih gradova. Kom ste se no- vom odredištu najviše obradovali? – Kao tehnički pilot ATR
flote, imao sam priliku da bu- dem uključen u projekat uvo- đenja novih destinacija ove se- zone. S obzirom na to da letim na ATR-u, nekako su mi sve te nove destinacije značajne. Pre svega, želim da istaknem da je tom projektu prethodilo dosta pripreme kako bi se realizova- le nove linije i zahtevao je uče- šće ljudi iz više različitih sek- tora naše kompanije. Ali i zato što nisam imao priliku do sada da letim na te aerodrome i što sam od početka bio uključen u realizaciju. Na koju biste nas od de- stinacija do kojih leti Er Srbija odveli u julu? – Bez obzira na to što ni- je letnja destinacija, svaka- ko bih odabrao Salcburg. Ni- sam imao priliku da boravim u
njemu privatno, ali pejzaž koji možete primeti- ti iz vazduha tokom prilaza zaista je očaravaju- ći. Prosto mislim da je to destinacija koju zaista ne treba propustiti.
had a chance to spend time there privately, but the landscape that you can notice from the air during the approach is truly enchanting. I simply think that’s a destination you really shouldn’t miss out on.”
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