Na letu
On board
Zašto volite avione?
Why do you like planes?
Volim taj osećaj letenja I love the feeling of flying
Avione volim iz ne- koliko razloga. Prvi i osnovni, što se mene tiče, je- ste to što volim osećaj letenja, naročito osećaj tokom uzleta- nja. Drugo, avioni su jedino me- sto gde svoju potrebu za kontro- lom prepustim nekome, a to je takođe dobar osećaj. Treći razlog je pogled iz ptičje perspektive, koji je nešto zaista posebno i je- dinstveno. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne ulazim bez knji- ge ili časopisa, instalirane igri- ce na telefonu, žvaka, naočara, a sve drugo što bi eventualno mo- glo da mi zatreba ima u avionu. Ko je Milan? Prve glumačke korake napra- vio je u Omladinskom pozorištu Dadov, nakon diplomiranja na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu 2013. postao je stal- ni član Jugoslovenskog dram- skog pozorišta. Igrao je u mno- go serija – od onih generacijskih poput Jutro će promeniti sve, do sve popularnijih kriminalističkih kakve su Besa ili Državni službe- nik. Na sceni matične kuće odi- grao je brojne uloge, ali je sarađi- vao sa mnogim drugim teatrima u Srbiji. Ruski film Dovlatov mu je doneo nagradu za najboljeg mladog glumca na 40. međuna- rodnom filmskom festivalu u Moskvi, a uvršćen je među deset najboljih evropskih mladih glu- maca na Berlinalu 2019. Filmska publika zapamtila ga je i u ulozi Tome Zdravkovića.
Milan Marić, glumac/actor
What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t board a plane with- out a book or magazine, games installed on my phone, chewing gum, sunglasses, and the plane has everything else that I could possibly need.” Who is Milan? He took his first steps in act- ing at the Dadov Youth Thea- tre. Following graduation from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, in 2013, he became a permanent member of the Yu- goslav Drama Theatre. He has performed in many television se- ries - from generational ones like Morning Changes Everything to increasingly popular crime ones like Besa or Civil Servant. He has performed numerous roles on the stage of his home thea- tre, but has also collaborated with many other theatres around Ser- bia. His performance in Russian film Dovlatov won him the Best Young Actor Award at the 40 th Moscow International Film Fes- tival, while the 2019 Berlin In- ternational Film Festival includ- ed him among the ten best young European actors. He is also re- membered by film audiences for the role of Toma Zdravković.
“There are several reasons why I love aer- oplanes. First and foremost, as far as I’m concerned, it’s be- cause I love the feeling of flying, particularly the feeling during take-off. Second, planes repre- sent the only place where I give my need to be in control to some- one else, and that’s also a good feeling. The third reason is seeing the land from a bird’s-eye view, which is something really special and unique.”
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović
Fotografije/Photography: Aleksandar Dimitrijević
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