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od Beograda: from Belgrade:
110 min.
Trst je poznat po tome što njegovim ulicama duvaju ve - trovi. Oni pravi, hladna bura, ali i oni istorijski vetrovi koji su ovamo donosili dinosauru - se i neandertalce koji su neka - da lutali brdima kraškog regio - na. Legenda kaže da su Jason i Argonauti uplovili sa Zlat - nim runom, ali su ovde „duva - le“ i imperije – Rim, Vizantija i Austrougarska. Svi su osta - vili trag. Kuć a Habsburga iz - gradila je već i deo kraljevskog jezgra Trsta i ostavila trajni trag u njegovoj gastronomiji – što se vidi po pivu, kiselom kupusu i štrudli u mnogim re - storanima. Vetrovi su doneli i Džejmsa Džojsa, koji je s pre - kidima živeo u gradu počet - kom 20. veka. Ali Trst teško da je samo isto - rija. Novi muzej fotografi - je visoke tehnologije, područ - je noć nog života koje se širi i otmena nova marina Portopi - ccolo pridružuju se crkvama starog sveta, slikovitim pjaca - Šarmantni spoj vekova
Charming artistic fusion of centuries
photography museum, an expanding nightlife hub and a fancy new nearby marina, Portopiccolo, combine wi- th old-world churches, pictu- resque piazzas, sumptuous palazzo-museums, classic Austrian coffeehouses and cosy seafood restaurants to create a distinctive Adriatic experience. White market Magazines, olive oil, peppers, shoelaces, bouquets, old cir- cus clown paintings, faded postcards, ginger-apple jam and that vintage Doris Day album: you can now tick the- se items off your shopping list. All are on offer at the Mercato Coperto, a two-le- vel space dating back to the 1930s and including touc- hes of Art Deco. The pungent aromas of regional produce emanate from grocery stalls, fishmongers and flower stalls. Antiques and art The Revoltella Museum pro- vides vivid proof that Italian art continued to thrive even after the Renaissance. The upper floors of the museum — three combined historical palazzi — display 19 th - and 20 th -century Italian painters (and a few foreign expats) who might not be household names, but whose works are awe-inspiring. The opulent historical rooms of the lower floors are a treasure trove of decorative arts, from the vast ballroom to the ornate library, lined with leather-bo- und volumes.
Trieste is famous for its cold, gale-force Bora wind and, in- deed, all manner of creatures and people have blown thro- ugh this coastal city in Italy’s far northeast. Dinosaurs and Neanderthals once roamed the limestone hills of the Karst region, and legend has it that Jason and his Argona- uts sailed in with the Golden Fleece. Empires breezed into town too, notably the Roman and Byzantine empires, but it was centuries of Austrian ru- le that left the most enduring mark. The House of Haps- burg built much of Trieste’s regal core and left a perma- nent mark on its gastronomy — as revealed by the beer, sauerkraut and strudel to be found on many restaurant menus. The winds also brou- ght James Joyce, who lived in the city intermittently du- ring the early 20 th century. But Trieste is hardly a gu- sty relic. A new high-tech
Aperitiv pred večeru je ovde ritual, a oblast Pjaca Kavana nudi neke od najboljih čašica, ali i zalogaja A pre-dinner aperitivo is a ritual here, and the Piazza Cavana area of the city offers some of the best sips and nibbles
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