Najnovijim proširenjem Er Srbija dodatno ojačava svoju poziciju nudeći putnicima iz celog regiona veći izbor prilikom planiranja putovanja i letnjih odmora
With the latest expansion, Air Serbia is further strengthening its position, offering passengers from the entire region greater choice when planning their trips and summer holidays
Pažljivim izborom novih destinacija Er Srbija značajno unapređuje svoju mrežu u skladu sa željama putnika Air Serbia is significantly improving its network by carefully choosing new destinations, in line with passengers’ wishes
Štutgarta, Diseldorfa, Frankfurt Hana i Kelna, Hanover predstavlja sedmu de- stinaciju Er Srbije u Nemačkoj, do ko- je će se saobraćati tri puta nedeljno to- kom letnje sezone i dva puta nedeljno po zimskom redu letenja. HANOVER The start of June saw Air Serbia com- mence direct flights along its new route between Belgrade and the German city of Hanover. The inaugural flight was wel- comed with a traditional water cannon salute at Hanover Airport, which is locat- ed 11 kilometres north of the city. Follow- ing the establishing of flights to Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Frank- furt-Hahn and Cologne, Hanover now represents Air Serbia’s seventh destina- tion in Germany. The Serbian flag carri- er’s flights to this capital of Lower Sax-
between the Serbian capital and the capital of France’s Auvergne-Rhône- Alpes region. The inaugural flight was greeted at St Exupéry Airport, located 20 kilometres southeast of Lyon, with representatives of Air Serbia and Lyon Airport in attendance. Air Serbia will operate flights twice a week to Lyon, which is the airline’s second destination in France after Paris. HANOVER Početkom juna Er Srbija je uspostavi- la i direktne letove na novoj liniji između Beograda i Hanovera, u Nemačkoj. Ina- uguracioni let dočekan je tradicional- nim pozdravom vodenim topovima na međunarodnom aerodromu u Hano- veru, smeštenom 11 kilometara sever- no od grada. Pored Berlina, Frankfurta,
ony will operate three times a week during summer and twice a week during the winter season. BARI Er Srbija je 5. juna letom u 7.15 h uspo- stavila direktan avio-saobraćaj na no- voj sezonskoj liniji između Beograda i Barija u Italiji. Letovi na ovoj ruti će se obavljati do 27. oktobra tri puta nedelj- no, a Bari predstavlja petu destinaci- ju Er Srbije u Italiji, pored Rima, Milana, Venecije i Trsta. Inauguracioni let do- čekan je na međunarodnom aerodro- mu Karol Vojtila u Bariju, smeštenom na osam kilometara od centra grada i najfrekventnijem u južnoj Italiji. BARI At 7:15am on 5 th June, Air Serbia launched its first direct flight along the new seasonal route between Belgrade and the Italian port city of Bari. Flights between Belgrade and Bari will oper- ate three times a week until 27 th Octo- ber. Bari is Air Serbia’s fifth destination in Italy after Rome, Milan, Venice and Tri- este. The inaugural flight was welcomed upon arrival at Bari Karol Wojtyła Airport, which is located eight kilometres from Bari city centre and is Southern Italy’s busiest airport. NIRNBERG Istog dana erbas A319 je odleteo do Nirnberga, u Nemačkoj. Dočekan je na aerodromu Albreht Direr , locira- nom pet kilometara severno od cen- tra Nirnberga i drugom po prometu u Bavarskoj. Letovi do Nirnberga, osme
Više infor- macija o ak- tivnosti- ma srpskog avio-prevo- znika može- te pronaći na www. airserbia. com Find more in- formation about the activities of the Serbi- an airline at www. airserbia. com
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