Oura x Gucci Smart Ring U potpuno nesvakidašnjem obrtu, istorijski važna italijanska modna kuća Guči se odlučila na saradnju sa haj- tek brendom Oura , i to na posebno dizajniranoj verziji njihovog pametnog prstena treće generacije namenje- nog kontinuiranom praćenju zdravlja. Luksuzni aksesoar krstari na li- niji bahatog pokazi-
te verujemo da ćemo ga uskoro spa- ziti na vatrenim fanovima firentinskog bastiona luksuza kao što su Džared Leto i Ledi Gaga. Oura x Gucci Smart Ring In a totally unexpected twist, histori- cally significant Italian fashion house Gucci has opted to join forces with high-tech brand Oura, and has done so to work on a specially designed version of its third-genera-
ed to monitor health continuously. This luxury accessory sails along the line of arrogant displays of status and an in- troverted desire for wellness through the acquiring of healthier habits, and we soon expect to spot it on the fin- gers of passionate fans of this Floren- tine bastion of luxury, such as Jared Le- to and Lady Gaga.
vanja statusa i introvertne že- lje za blagosta- njem kroz stica- nje boljih navika,
tion smart ring, which is intend-
Bandai SPY x FAMILY Anya Forger Tamagotchi Ukoliko vam i dalje treba dokaz da su se rane dvehiljadite vratile među naj- popularnije trendove, povratak šar- mantnog gedžet ljubimca će vas de- finitivno uveriti da je sve staro ponovo novo. Zahvaljujući jednoj popular- noj anime seriji, kompanija koja je ta- da napravila bum ovim specifičnim gedžetom ponovo može da se na- da globalnoj pomami (i subsekventno velikom profitu). Bandai SPY x FAMILY Anya Forger Tamagotchi If you still needed proof that the noughties have returned to the trend- ing spotlight, the return of this charm- ing gadget pet will surely convince you that everything old is once again new. Thanks to a popular anime se- ries, the company that caused a sen- sation back in the day with this specif- ic gadget can once again hope for a global craze (and subsequent big profits).
Jasno je da su kolabo- racije po- stale im- perativ ne samo u mo- di već i na polju teh- nike Collabora- tions – not only in fash- ion, but also in the field of technology – have clear- ly become an imper- ative
Daily Paper x Beats Studio Buds Jasno je da su kolaboracije posta- le imperativ ne samo u modi već i na polju tehnike, ali brend audio-ak- sesoara Beats bio je na okosnici tog trenda prvi. Nakon saradnji sa kre- atorkom Parijom Farzane i markom Stüssy , Beats ima no-
Daily Paper x Beats Studio Buds Collaborations – not only in fashion, but also in the field of technology – have clearly become an imperative, but audio accessories brand Beats was the first to outline this trend. Fol- lowing collaborations with fashion designer Paria Farzaneh and the Stüssy brand, Beats has a new project together with Dutch fashion brand Daily Paper, resulting in the creation of the unique Beats Studio Buds that draw inspiration from New York graffiti art- ists of the 1980s and ‘90s. That legendary era of street art enjoys a special status in today’s hype culture, which is why we have no doubt that these featherweight earbuds (sport- ed by British rapper Unknown T in the promotional campaign) will cause a sensation before you can say “Beats”.
vi projekat rame uz rame sa Daily Pa - per . Kao rezultat nastao je prime- rak Studio Buds nadahnut grafi-
ti umetnicima Nju- jorka osamdesetih i devedesetih. Ovo legen-
darno doba ulične umetnosti ima poseban status u hajp kulturi današ- njice, pa ne sumnjamo da će ove pe- rolake slušalice (koje u kampanji no- si britanski reper Unknown T) planuti dok si rekao „Beats“.
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