Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Sunčani novembar na Malti Sunny November in Malta

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Novembar 2022.

November 2022

Dragi putnici,

Dear Passengers,

Kada je 30. oktobra sat otkucao 3.00, u Srbiji su kazaljke pomerene za jedan čas unazad, a u avio- industriji je na snagu stupila zimska sezona. Potrudili smo se da sa zimskim redom letenja u ponudu uvedemo određene novine. Tokom predstojeće sezone očekuje nas povećanje broja letova na liniji Beograd–Njujork sa uobičajena dva leta nedeljno na tri, a od 31. oktobra Er Srbija ponovo leti na Maltu, i to dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom i petkom. Flotu pojačavamo novim avionom erbas A320, a u narednom periodu nastavljamo sa unapređenjem usluge u različitim segmentima uvereni da je to ključ dugoročnog odnosa između putnika i avio- kompanije. Er Srbija prepoznaje potrebe putnika, što pokazuje i ovogodišnji napredak u izboru najboljih svetskih avio-kompanija, koji više od 20 godina organizuje britanski specijalizovani portal Skajtreks . Naša kompanija osvojila je treće mesto u kategoriji 10 najboljih regionalnih avio-prevoznika u Evropi i tako popravila svoj prošlogodišnji plasman, kada smo u istoj kategoriji zauzeli šestu poziciju. Ove nagrade smatraju se svojevrsnim Oskarima avio-industrije i predstavljaju priznanja za kvalitet, odnosno globalno merilo izvrsnosti avio-kompanija. Od oktobra 2013. godine do danas prevezli smo više od 20 miliona putnika na redovnim i čarter letovima, od kojih je dva miliona letelo sa nama od početka 2022. godine. Nakon jula i avgusta rekordan je bio i septembar, tokom kojeg smo realizovali više od 3.400 letova. Zahvaljujući posvećenosti naših zaposlenih i poverenju koje nam putnici iznova ukazuju, pozicionirali smo se kao vodeća avio-kompanija u regionu. Ponosni smo na rezultate koje smo ostvarili u proteklih devet godina, od kada poslujemo pod imenom Er Srbija . Letimo u susret novim rekordima. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

On 30 th October, when the clock struck 3 am in Serbia and the clocks were turned back an hour, the aviation industry winter season officially started. During the upcoming season, we will add certain new benefits to the offer of our winter flight schedule. We will increase the frequency of flights along the Belgrade-New York route from the usual two to three a week and, as of 31 st October, Air Serbia is again flying to Malta, twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. We are expanding our fleet with a new Airbus A320, and in the coming period will continue to improve our services in different segments, as we firmly believe that this is the key to ensuring good long-term relations between passengers and the airline. Air Serbia recognises the needs of its passengers, which is illustrated by this year’s ascent up the list of the best global airlines published by specialised British website Skytrax. Our company secured third place in the category of the top 10 regional airlines in Europe, improving its position over last year, when we were ranked sixth in the same category. These awards are considered the “Oscars of the aviation industry” and represent recognitions of quality and a global measure of airline excellence. Since operations began in October 2013, we have to date carried over 20 million passengers on scheduled and charter flights, with two million having flown with us since the beginning of 2022. After July and August, September was another record-setting month, during which we performed more than 3,400 flights. Thanks to the dedication of our employees and the trust that passengers continue to place in us, we have positioned ourselves as the leading airline in the region. We are proud of the results we’ve achieved during the last nine years, since we began operating under the Air Serbia name, and we are flying onwards to new records. Enjoy the flight and have a nice trip,

Jiri Marek Air Serbia CEO

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7



Er SRBIJA air serbia 46.

u fokusu in focus 10.

 Dva miliona putnika na letovima Er Srbije od početka godine / Two million passengers on Air Serbia flights since the start of the year  Posle pauze od tri godine: Er Srbija obnovila letove do Malte / Air Serbia restores direct flights to Malta after three-year break Fenomeni 21. veka: Bindžovanje je došlo da ostane / Phenomena of the 21 st century: binging is here to stay  Beli lotos , druga sezona i Kruna , peta sezona / The White Lotus, season two, and The Crown, season five

 Er Srbija nagradila svog dvadesetmilionitog putnika / Air Serbia rewards its 20-millionth passenger

intervju interview 20.


na letu on board 12.

Tijana Bošković, najbolja odbojkašica sveta / Tijana Bošković, the best volleyball player in the world

 Sa nama putuju Bigru i Paja Kratak, reperi / We travel with Bigru i Paja Kratak, hip-hop artists

Striming streaming 52.

kultura culture 32.

Andre Riu: Stiže kralj valcera, spremite se za ples / André Riou: the king of the waltz is coming, so get ready to dance Festival autorskog filma: Pobednici Kana, Berlina i Lokarna u Beogradu / Festival of Auteur Film: Winners of Cannes, Berlin and Locarno in Belgrade Đorđe Mišina, U klinču : Džejms Bond sa Gardoša / Đorđe Mišina, In the clinch: James Bond from Gardoš




putujte pametno smart travel 14.  Vodimo vas na Maltu / We’re taking you to Malta

8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher

moda fashion 62.

destinacija destination 92.

Beogradska nedelja mode: Pista sa koje poleće kreativnost / Belgrade Fashion Week: The runway from which creativity takes off Carevo novo digitalno odelo ili budućnost brendova? / The emperor’s new digital clothes or the future of brands?

Istanbul: Probali smo biftek sa suvim zlatom / Istanbul: we tried gold- leaf steak Moja Barselona by Aleksa Jelić: Grad koji mi je ostvario snove / My Barcelona by Aleksa Jelić: the city where my dreams came true



ritam grada rhythm of the city 70.

Sport sports 100. Mali vodič za navijače:

100 godina Duška Radovića: Dobri duh Beograda zauvek među nama / 100 years of Duško Radović: Belgrade’s good spirit remains forever among us

Šta nas čeka u Kataru? / Mini guide for fans: what awaits us in Qatar?

Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

103. Aleksandar Mitrović: Fudbal je poštena igra / Aleksandar Mitrović: football is a fair game

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 80. Kragujevac u srcu Šumadije:

Grad koji je gledao uspon Srbije / Kragujevac in the heart of Šumadija: the city that watched the rise of Serbia

Letimo do Valete / We’re flying to Valletta Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 345 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

U fokusu In focus

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Zbog povećane potražnje za letovima između Beograda i Njujorka tokom predstojeće zimske sezone broj letova na ovoj liniji povećaće se sa uobičajena dva leta nedeljno na tri

Due to increased demand for flights between Belgrade and New York, the number of flights along this route during the upcoming winter season will be increased from the usual two flights a week to three

Besplatan let za dve osobe

Poverenje koje nam putnici ukazu- ju i posvećenost naših zaposlenih predstavljaju temelj i snažan motiv za dalje unapređivanje poslovanja i ponude. Hvala Simonidi što je iza- brala upravo Er Srbiju . Verujemo da će ovu nagradu iskoristiti za stvara- nje novih uspomena – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije . Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je tokom jula i avgusta ove godine preko matičnog aerodro- ma u Beogradu, kao i vazdušnih lu- ka u Nišu i Kraljevu, prevezla više od 800.000 putnika, čime je pre- mašila rezultate iz pretpandemijske 2019. godine. Uoči letnje sezone kompanija je proširila svoju mrežu za još 10 novih destinacija u Evro- pi. Zbog povećane potražnje za le- tovima između Beograda i Njujorka tokom predstojeće zimske sezo- ne broj letova na ovoj liniji poveća- će se sa uobičajena dva leta ne- deljno na tri. of our passengers and dedication of our employees represent the fo- undation and provide strong mo- tivation for the further improve- ment of our operations and offers. We thank Simonida for choosing Air Serbia and believe this prize will be used to create new memories,” sa- id CEO Marek. During July and August this year, the Serbian national airli- ne carried over 800,000 pas- sengers, via its Belgrade hub and airports in Niš and Kraljevo, thus ex- ceeding the results achieved in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Prior to the start of the summer season, the company expanded its network with the inclusion of 10 new desti- nations in Europe. Due to increased demand for flights between Bel- grade and New York, the number of flights along this route during the upcoming winter season will be in- creased from the usual two flights a week to three.

Er Srbija nagradila svog dvadesetmilionitog putnika „Hvala Simonidi Bugarčić što je izabrala upravo Er Srbiju . Verujemo da će ovu nagradu iskoristiti za stvaranje novih uspomena“, rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije

Er Srbija je prevezla dvade- setmilionitog putnika od 26. oktobra 2013. godine, od kada po- sluje pod današnjim imenom. Posle ukrcavanja na let JU500 za Njujork perserka je putem razglasa pozvala putnicu Simonidu Bugarčić. Usledi- lo je iznenađenje u vidu nagrade za besplatan let do bilo koje destinaci- je iz mreže Er Srbije , i to za dve oso- be. Simonidi je nagradu uručio Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije . Simonida je u Njujork putovala

turistički i tom prilikom rekla da ne leti često, ali da je, kada leti, njen iz- bor Er Srbija . – Izuzetno smo srećni što smo mesec dana pre našeg devetog ro- đendana prevezli jubilarnog dvade- setmilionitog putnika. Ovaj važan uspeh beležimo u godini tokom ko- je smo u letnjoj sezoni ostvarili re- kordne rezultate u broju prevezenih putnika, dok smo se istovremeno pozicionirali kao vodeća avio-kom- panija u regionu i po broju letova.

Simonida je u Njujork putovala turistički i tom prilikom rekla da ne leti često, ali da je, kada leti, njen izbor Er Srbija

Free flight for two

Air Serbia rewards its 20-millionth passenger

“We thank Simonida Bugarčić for choosing Air Serbia and believe this prize will be used to create new memories,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek

Air Serbia has carried its 20-millionth passenger since launching operations under its cu- rrent name, on 26 th October 2013. Following the completion of boar- ding for flight JU500 to New York, the cabin senior called out passen- ger Simonida Bugarčić via the PA system. What followed was a sur- prise in the form of a gift, a free fli- ght for two to any destination in the Air Serbia network. The pri- ze was presented to Simonida by Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek. Simoni- da was travelling to New York as a

tourist. Speaking on that occasi- on, she said that she doesn’t fly of- ten, but when she does, her choice is Air Serbia. “We are very happy to have carried our 20-millionth passen- ger, just a month before our ninth birthday. We celebrate this impor- tant success during a year in whi- ch we had record-setting summer season results, in terms of passen- gers carried, while at the same ti- me also positioning ourselves as the leading airline in the region in terms of flight numbers. The trust

Simonida was travelling to New York as a tourist. Speaking on that occasion, she said that she doesn’t fly often, but when she does, her choice is Air Serbia

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu On board

Zašto volite avione?

Why do you like planes?

Najdraže nam je da letimo do Tivta / Flying to Tivat is our favourite

Volimo avione jer su tako moćni! Imali smo razna zanimljiva iskustva na letovima, ali nam je najdraži let uvek onaj do Tivta. Razlog je to što, čim uzleti- mo, pilot nas već lagano priprema za sletanje. Iako volimo da letimo i do daljih destinacija, ovo je ideal- no jer na željenu lokaciju stigne- mo izuzetno brzo i lako. Koju muziku slušate na le- tovima? – Kada letimo, slušamo mu- ziku koja nas opušta. Naravno,

“We love planes because they are so powerful! We’ve had various interesting experienc- es aboard flights, but our favourite flight is always the one to Tivat. The reason for that is that, as soon as we take off, the pilot is already leisure- ly preparing us for the landing. Al- though we also like to fly to more dis- tant destinations, this flight is ideal because we reach our desired loca- tion extremely quickly and easily.” What music do you listen to aboard flights? “When we fly, we listen to music that relaxes us. Of course, when it comes to choosing music,

Bigru i Paja Kratak reperi / hip-hop artists

kod biranja muzike uvek se odlučimo za onu koja nas inspiriše, tako da je samim tim izbor smanjen. Bavimo se rep-muzikom i slu- šamo rep, a kada že- limo malo da prome- nimo, pustimo fank. Ko su Bigru i Paja Kratak? Bigru i Paja Kratak su umetnička imena Miloša Grubora i Pavla Jankovi- ća, srpskih rep-muzičara. Ovaj mladi dvojac važi za čuvare domaćeg hip-ho- pa, nedavno su imali pr- vi veliki koncert kada su

we always opt for music that inspires us, which in itself reduces the selection. We deal with rap music and lis- ten to rap, while we play funk when we want a bit of a change.”

Who are Bigru and Paja Kratak?

Bigru and Paja Kratak are the stage names of Mi- loš Grubor and Pavle Jank- ović, Serbian hip-hop artists. This young pair, who are con- sidered guardians of the do- mestic hip-hop scene, recent- ly held their first major concert that filled the Belgrade Fair, while they also have a lot of hits and multi-million views on music platforms. They formed the group a decade ago and have been shifting boundaries since then.

napunili Beogradski sajam, a imaju mno- go hitova i višemili- onskih pregleda na muzičkim platforma- ma. Grupu su ofor- mili pre deceniju i od tada pomeraju gra- nice.

Tekst/Words: Petar Lazić Fotografije/ Photography: Andrej Kranjc

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



Pećina Kalipso Calypso Cave

Gozo Gozo

Plava laguna Blue Lagoon

Lepotica plavog Mediterana The beauty of the blue Mediterranean

Popajevo selo Popeye Village

Valeta Valletta

Er Srbija je od 31. ok- tobra ponovo uspo- stavila direktnu lini- ju između Beograda i Malte. Letovi sa Ae- rodroma Nikola Tesla obavljaju se dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom i petkom, avionom erbas A319, pa sad možete lako da otkrijete ovaj neverovatni arhipe-

lag. Hajde da krenemo! / Air Serbia resumed di- rect flights between Belgrade and Malta as of 31 st October. Flights from Nikola Tesla Airport opera- te twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, utilising the Serbian national carrier’s Airbus A319 aircraft, so now you can easily discover this amazing archi- pelago… Let’s go!

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


od Beograda: from Belgrade:

120 min.

Sa svojom strateškom lokacijom

Malta je možda prilično ma - la, ali ima sve o čemu put - nik može da sanja. Od istori - je do arhitekture, od tradicije do noć nog života… i lista se nastavlja. Postoje neke neve- rovatne činjenice o Malti koje možda ranije niste znali, ali je sada, kada Er Srbija ima direk- tan let do Valete, vreme da ih upoznate. To je arhipelag Malta je jedna od najmanjih zemalja na svetu, ali da li ste znali da se sastoji od sedam ostrvaca? Malta i Gozo su dva najveć a koja su naseljena, dok je Komino naseljen samo to- kom letnjih meseci, kada je luksuzno letovalište otvoreno. S druge strane, preostala četi - ri su potpuno nenaseljena. Malta je slatka Malteška ostrva su u antič - kom svetu bila poznata po specijalnom mešanom i za- činjenom medu koji su pravi - le malteške pčele. Grci su to ostrvo nazvali Melite, a Rimlja- ni su ga preimenovali u Meli - ta, što u prevodu znači „ostr - vo meda“. Ona je superstara Malta je jedno od najizolovani- jih mesta na Mediteranu (sa- mo pogledajte mapu), ali po - stoje dokazi koji sugerišu da su ljudi živeli na Malti pre više od 7.400 godina! Dokaz da je ova zemlja drevna dolazi u vi- du megalitskih hramova, koji su najstarije samostojeć e ka - mene građevine na svetu i na - laze se na Uneskovoj listi svet- ske baštine. Popajevo selo Selo iz filmskog seta muzič - ke produkcije Popaj iz 1980. godine je izraslo u jednu od

između Evrope i Afrike, istorijske i kulturne znamenitosti Malte su beskrajne With its strategic location between Europe and Africa, Maltese culture, nature and historical landmarks are endless

Malta may be a small country, but it has everything a traveller could dream of! From history to architecture, traditions to nightlife… the list goes on and on! There are some amazing facts about Malta that you maybe aren’t aware of, but now – when Air Serbia has di- rect flights to Valletta – is the right time to discover them… It is an archipelago Malta is one of the smallest countries in the world, but did you know that it is compri- sed of seven tiny islets? Malta and Gozo are the two largest and most densely inhabited islands, while Comino is only inhabited during the summer months, when its luxury holi-

day resort operates. The rema- ining four islets are completely uninhabited. Malta is sweet The Maltese Islands have been renowned since time im- memorial. They were famo- us in the ancient world for the special blended and spicy honey made by Maltese bees, and the Greeks actually na- med the island ‘Melite’ – Lati- nised by the Romans as ‘Me- lita’ – which translates as “island of honey”. It is super old Malta is one of the most isola- ted spots on the Mediterrane- an (just take a look at a map!), but there’s evidence sugge-

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Da li ste znali da je Valeta bila prvi planski izgrađeni grad u Evropi? Did you know that Valletta was the first ever planned city in Europe?

glavnih turističkih atrakcija ispunjenu brojnim šarenim, zabavnim aktivnostima za sve mlade i one mlade u sr- cu, a otvoreno je tokom cele godine. Prvi planirani grad Da li ste znali da je Valeta bi - la prvi planski izgrađeni grad u Evropi? Grad je skicirao veli- ki majstor Valet 1565. godine. Planirao ga je kao utočište za zbrinjavanje povređenih vojni - ka i hodočasnika u 16. veku. Valeta je završena za samo 15 godina i danas je pozna - ta kao jedan od najbrže izgra - đenih gradova na svetu. Veliki majstor Valet nije doživeo nje - gov završetak, ali je novi grad nazvan po njemu. Podzemni tuneli Možda ste impresionirani šar - mantnim ulicama Valete, ali da li ste znali da zapravo po- stoji mreža tunela ispod ze - mlje? Sve je počelo tokom Velike opsade Malte 1565. I Osmanlije koje su napadale i vitezovi Svetog Jovana kopa - li su tunele ispod grada. Na - kon toga vitezovi su nastavili da grade tunele u odbrambe - ne svrhe i napravili podzemne

sting that civilisations were li- ving there more than 7,400 ye- ars ago! Providing the proof of just how ancient this coun- try is are its mysterious and impressive Megalithic tem- ples, representing the oldest free-standing stone structu- res in the world and protected as a UNESCO World Herita- ge Site. Popeye Village Popeye Village has grown from its days as a film set for the 1980 musical Popeye, starring Robin Williams, to be- come one of the major tou- rist attractions on the Maltese Islands, filled with numerous colourful and fun activities for youngsters and the young at heart. And it is open year-ro- und. First planned city Did you know that Valletta was the first ever planned ci - ty in Europe? The spatial plan for the city was sketched out in 1565 by Grand Master Va- lette. He planned the city as a refuge to care for injured sol- diers and pilgrims during the 16 th century. Valletta was com- pleted in just 15 years and is

today known as one of the world’s quickest scaled cities. Although Grand Master Valette didn’t live to see its comple- tion, the new city was nonet- heless named in his honour. Underground Tunnels of Valletta You might be impressed by Valletta’s stunning streets, but did you know there’s actually a network of underground tu- nnels beneath the city? It all started during the Great Sie- ge of Malta in 1565. Both the attacking Ottomans and the defending Knights of St. Jo- hn were digging tunnels to ac- cess the underbelly of the city. The Knights later continued to dig tunnels for defensive pur- poses, as well as creating un- derground cisterns to provide The national dish of Malta has been enjoyed for centuries. In fact, it is said that rabbits we- re introduced to the island over 3,000 years ago! The ra- bbit is prepared by simmering it in a tasty wine and tomato sauce. It is typically accompa- nied by potatoes and various fresh water. Rabbit Stew

Na Malti možete pronaci svaku vrstu plaže koju možete da zamislite In Malta you can find every type of beach imaginable

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

cisterne za slatku vodu. Čorba od zeca

novnici otkrili, mogli su samo da zamisle da su strukture iz- gradili divovi. Danas možete posetiti dva hrama i prošeta- ti kroz ruševine iz 3.600 p.n.e. Ovo čini hramove Džgantija starijim od Stounhendža, čak i od egipatskih piramida! Odisejeva pecina Peć ina Kalipso gleda na veli - čanstveni crveni pesak najfi - nije plaže na ostrvu Gozo i na - vodno je peć ina koju pominje Homer u Odiseji . Priča kaže da je to ona u kojoj je prelepa nimfa Kalipso sedam godina držala Odiseja kao zatočeni - ka ljubavi.

other vegetables. Gozo temples

U nacionalnom jelu Malte uži - va se vekovima. U stvari, kaže se da su zečevi stigli na ostr - vo pre više od 3.000 godina! Zec se priprema tako što se dinsta u ukusnom vinu i para- dajz-sosu, a obično ga prate krompir i razno povrć e. Gozo hramovi Malta na ostrvu Gozo ima kompleks hramova koji dati- ra iz neolita. Hramovi Džgan - tija dobili su imena po masiv- nom kamenju koji čini njihove zidove. Kada su ih lokalni sta-

Malta has a temple complex on the island of Gozo that da- tes back to Neolithic times. The Ġgantija Temples are na - med after the massive sto- nes that make up their walls. When they were first discove - red by locals, the people co- uld only imagine that these structures had been built by giants! You can today visit the two temples and tour ruins da- ting back to 3600 BC. This ma- kes the Ġgantija Temples older than Stonehenge and even the Egyptian Pyramids!

Pecina Kalipso na ostrvu Gozo je navodno

ona koju pominje Homer u Odiseji

Calypso Cave on Gozo island is purportedly the one referred to by Homer in his epic poem The Odyssey

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

The Odyssey’s Cave Calypso Cave overlooks the glorious red sands of Gozo’s fi - nest beach and is purportedly the cave referred to by Homer in his epic poem The Odys- sey. According to the story, it was here in this cave that the beautiful nymph Calypso kept Odysseus imprisoned for se- ven years as a “prisoner of lo- ve”. Blue Lagoon Most of the water surrounding Malta is a typical Mediterrane- an shade of dark blue. Howe- ver, there is one popular spot on the island of Comino that has been enticing tourists for years. The Blue Lagoon, which can only be accessed by boat, is a large area of turquoise wa- ter that resembles something out of a dream. Every Kind of Beach Malta has so many unique bathing spots and you can find every type of beach ima - ginable here. From white sand to rocky cliffs and big blue swimming holes, this island has it all. A rocky exterior en- sures that there are only a handful of sandy beaches in Malta, with two of the best in the northern part of the ma- in island being Golden Bay and Ghajn Tuffieha.

Plava laguna More koje okružuje Maltu ima tipičnu mediteransku nijansu plave. Ipak, postoji jedno po- pularno mesto na ostrvu Ko- mino koje godinama privla - či turiste. Do Plave lagune se može doć i samo čamcem i predstavlja tirkiznu uvalu iz snova. Svaka vrsta plaže Malta ima mnogo jedinstvenih mesta za kupanje i ovde mo- žete pronać i svaku vrstu plaže koju možete zamisliti. Od be - log peska do stenovitih litica i velikih plavih uvala za plivanje, ovo ostrvo ima sve. Sa svo- jom stenovitom spoljašnjošć u, na Malti postoji samo nekoli- ko peščanih plaža. Golden Bay i Ghajn Tuffieha su dve od naj - boljih i nalaze se na severu.

Nije maltezer nego faraonski gonič

It's not a Maltese, but rather a Pharaoh Hound

Malteški pas ili maltezer jedna je od najsta- rijih malih rasa, a zbog naziva se pogrešno misli da je poreklom sa Malte. Nema preci- znih podataka o tačnom geografskom po- reklu, ali se zna da je bio popularan u medi- teranskim kulturama. Njegovi preci su živeli u lukama, gde su se borili sa pacovima i mi- ševima. Ipak, uprkos imenu, maltezer nije sa Malte, koja zaista ima svoju rasu. U pita- nju je faraonski gonič (The Pharaoh Hound) koji se tradicionalno koristi za lov na zeče- ve. Dug vrat, još duže uši, snažan i mišićav, pravi je lepotan sa Malte.

The Maltese dog, or Malteser, is one of the old- est breeds of small toy dogs, and its name is why it is mistakenly thought to have originat- ed in Malta. There is no precise data on its ex- act origins, but it is known to have been popu- lar among ancient Mediterranean cultures. Its ancestors lived in harbours and fought with rats and mice. However, despite the name, the Mal- tese is not from Malta. The island actually does have its own breed: the Pharaoh Hound, which is traditionally used to hunt rabbits. With a long neck and even longer ears, this strong and mus- cular breed is a real Maltese beauty.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview Tijana Bošković najbolja na svetu

20 | Odbojka » Volleyball

Od 2015. godine srpske odbojkašice su se sa svih velikih takmičenja vraćale sa odličjima. Osvojile su srebro i bronzu na Olimpijskim igrama 2016. i 2020, te dva zlata na Svetskim prvenstvima

Since 2015, Serbia’s women volleyball players have returned from all major competitions with medals. They won silver and bronze at the 2016 and 2020 Olympics, as well as two World Championship gold.

Za ponos, za istoriju, za Srbiju

Euforija u Srbiji ne je- njava… Odbojkašice su pono- vile uspeh iz Japana 2018. godi- ne – odbranile su titulu šampiona sveta. I to na način koji će osta- ti upamćen. Zauvek. Plave dame su za 20 dana upisale 12 pobeda u 12 mečeva, uz samo pet izgu- bljenih setova. Nešto slično dogodilo se pre tri decenije, na Olimpijskim igra- ma u Barseloni 1992, kada je na- stao termin „tim snova“. Bila je to vreme dominacije američkih ko- šarkaša iz NBA lige, koji su do zla- ta stigli sa osam vezanih pobeda, dok su rivale dobijali sa prosečno 44 poena razlike. Bili su to Majkl Džordan, Karl Meloun i Medžik Džonson, a danas Tijana Boško-

vić, Bjanka Buša, Jovana Steva- nović i ostale izabranice selekto- ra Danijelea Santarelija. Tijana, ili kako je svi zovu Ti- ća, obeležila je odbojku već prvog dana kada se pojavila na parketu. Pre više od deset godina, dok je počinjala karijeru u Vizuri, u od- bojkaškim krugovima se pričalo da „ima jedna mala iz Hercego- vine koja će postati najbolja na svetu“. Bila je još maloletna ka- da je 2014. debitovala za senior- sku reprezentaciju Srbije na SP u Italiji. Kakav je to debi bio – do- nela je najviše poena na prvom meču! Rivali već tada nisu mogli da poveruju da devojčica rođena 8. marta 1997. godine u Trebi- nju igra kao da je dvostruko sta- rija. Sa 17 godina postala je i do danas ostala strah i trepet za Ita- lijanke, Amerikanke, Brazilke... U karijeri je osvojila sve što se osvojiti može, sa reprezentaci- jom, sa klubovima, a na nedavno završenom Svetskom prvenstvu u Poljskoj i Holandiji proglašena je za najkorisniju igračicu turni- ra. Kao i četiri godine ranije u To- kiju. Ipak, Tijana od prvog trofe- ja koji je podigla ne želi da sebe stavlja u prvi plan, tako je vas- pitana... Tim pobeđuje i tim gu- bi, a kada se slavi, ništa ne može bez porodice, sestre Dajane, koja igra odbojku za Crvenu zvezdu, i brata Vuka, koji trenira košarku, kaže Tića za Elevejt . – Uvek je lakše kada je poro- dica uz vas. Međutim, posle uta- kmice sam dosta emotivna. Sreć- na sam i zahvalna što imam takvu podršku, porodicu koja je uz me- ne od prvog dana. Bez njih sve ovo ne bi bilo moguće i ne bi bi- lo toliko lepo. Žao mi je što sestra Dajana i brat Vuk nisu mogli da dođu na finale SP sa Brazilkama, Tekst/Words: Aleksandar Pjevac Fotografije/Photography: OSS, Profimedia.rs

Igrala je Tijana maestralno na

Svetskom prvenstvu, na kom je odbranila tron i još jednom se okitila zlatom, a svojim partijama zaslužila titulu najbolje odbojkašice sveta

Grad Beograd organizovao je na platou ispred Starog dvora veličanstven doček za zlatne odbojkašice, a više hiljada građana okupilo se da zajedno proslavi još jedan veliki uspeh The City of Belgrade organised a magnificent welcome reception for the gold-winning women’s volleyball team on the plateau in front of the ‘Stari dvor’ City Assembly, with thousands of citizens gathering to jointly celebrate yet another major success

Volleyball » Odbojka | 21

Intervju / Interview

ali čuli smo se telefonom. Oni su uvek tu za mene i kažu mi da su najponosniji brat i sestra. Kako je bilo u ulozi ka- pitena? – Nisam se zbunila, ali čini mi se da nisam ni uživala u trenut- ku. Jedva sam čekala da uzmem pehar i da ga podignem zajedno sa ekipom. Biće mi potrebno du- go da shvatim šta smo sve doži- vele i preživele na Svetskom pr- venstvu. Tek ste druga odbojkaši- ca u istoriji planetarnih šampionata sa dva MVP priznanja u nizu? – Zvuči fenomenalno, ali sva individualna priznanja volim da podelim sa saigračicama. Našu re- prezentaciju godinama krase za- jedništvo i timska igra i bez toga ništa ne bi bilo moguće. Sigurno vam nije bilo la- ko pre polaska na Svet- sko prvenstvo? – U našoj zemlji se od odboj- kašica uvek očekuje medalja. Navi- kli smo da igramo pod pritiskom, ne znam ni sama kako, ali nam za- sad ide super. Veliki uspeh smo ostvarili i samim tim što smo osta- li neporaženi na tuniru. Nisam si- gurna da li je to nekom pošlo za rukom. Samim tim, ovaj uspeh još je veći. Ponosna sam što sam deo ove reprezentacije i što smo imale jasan cilj. Znale smo po šta idemo u Holandiju i vratile smo se sa zlatnom medaljom. Koji vam je let bio teži i kada ste imali veću tre- mu? Kada ste kao kapi- ten poveli tim na SP ili kada ste se kao lider sa ekipom vratili sa zla- tom? – Mislim da je veća trema bi- la kada smo se vraćale u Beograd jer smo znali šta nas čeka. Kao i prethodnih puta kada smo dola- zili sa medaljama, znali smo da će biti doček. Prijatelji, porodi- ca, navijači... Sve je to jako lepo i uzbudljivo…

Er Srbija : Torta i šampanjac za šampionke Najbolji ženski odbojkaški tim na svetu, sa peharom svetskog šampio- na i zlatnim odličjima oko vrata, stigao je u Srbiju redovnim letom iz Am- sterdama. U kabini aviona erbas A319 posada Er Srbije poslužila im je dve torte sa natpisima „Bravo, devojke“ i „Čestitamo vam titulu prvaka sve- ta“, kao i šampanjac, koji je otvorio selektor srpske ženske odbojkaške re- prezentacije Danijele Santareli. Kapetan Milan Marić je pred poletanje sa aerodroma Šiphol poručio našim odbojkašicama: „Zlatne devojke, veži- te vaše sigurnosne pojaseve, vodimo vas kući! Na ovom letu iz Amster- dama za Beograd imamo veliko zadovoljstvo da ugostimo i čestitamo uspeh najboljem odbojkaškom timu na svetu. Želimo vam dobro zdravlje, svu sreću i još mnogo, mnogo medalja!" Air Serbia: cake and champagne for the champions The world’s best women's volleyball team, carrying the world champion- ship trophy and with gold medals around their necks, arrived in Serbia on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam. In the passenger cabin of the Airbus A319, the Air Serbia crew served them two cakes, inscribed with the mes- sages “well done, girls” and “congratulations on the title of world champions”, as well as champagne, which was opened by team coach Daniele Santarelli. Prior to departure from Schiphol Airport, the flight’s captain, Milan Marić, told our volleyball players: “Golden girls, fasten your seat belts, we're taking you home! On this flight from Amsterdam to Belgrade, we have the great pleas- ure of hosting and congratulating the best volleyball team in the world. We wish you good health, good luck, and many, many more medals!”

22 | Odbojka » Volleyball

Tijana Bošković, the best in the world For pride, for history, for Serbia Tijana played masterfully at the World Championship, where she defended her throne and was once again decorated with gold, while her form earned her recognition as the world volleyball championship MVP

lona Olympics, leading to the creation of the term “Dream Team”. That was the time of the dominance of America’s NBA basketball players, who won gold following eight consecutive victories, beating their rivals by an average mar- gin of 44 points. Those players includ- ed Michael Jordan, Karl Malone and Magic Johnson, while today’s dream team includes Tijana Bošković, Bianka Buša, Jovana Stevanović, along with the rest of the players selected by coach Daniele Santarelli. Tijana, or Tića – as she is affec- tionately called by everyone – stamped her mark on volleyball the very first time she appeared on court. It was more than a decade ago, when she was just beginning her career at the Vizura club, that it was being said in volleyball circles “there is a little girl from Herzegovina who will become the best in the world”. She was still a teenage junior when she debuted for Serbia’s senior national team at the 2014 World Championship in Italy. And what a debut it was: she scored the team’s most points... in her first match! Even back then, her rivals couldn’t comprehend how this girl, who was born on 8 th March 1997 in

Trebinje, was playing like a top pro- fessional twice her age. She became a source of fear and trepidation for Italian, American and Brazilian play- ers at the tender age of 17, and re- mains so to this day... She’s already won everything that she could possibly win in her career, both with the national team and the clubs she’s played for, while she was de- clared tournament MVP at the recent World Championship jointly hosted by Poland and the Netherlands, repeat- ing her personal success from Tokyo four years ago. However, Tijana has avoided being the focus of attention from the first trophy she lifted, which is a reflection of her upbringing... The team wins and the team loses. And, as she tells Elevate, she can’t celebrate anything without the family: her sis- ter Dajana, who plays volleyball for Red Star, and her brother Vuk, who plays basketball... “It’s always easier when you have your family with you. However, I’m quite emotional after a game. I’m fortu- nate and grateful that I have this kind of support, with a family that’s been beside me since day one. All of this wouldn’t be possible without them,

There is no waning of the sense of euphoria in Serbia ... The women’s national volleyball team repeated its success from Japan in 2018 – with the suc- cessful defence of its world champi- on title. And the team did so in a way that ensures it will remain remem- bered forever. Over the course of 20 days, the “Blue Ladies” recorded 12 victories from 12 matches, losing on- ly five sets along the way. Something similar first happened three decades ago, at the 1992 Barce-

Volleyball » Odbojka | 23

Intervju / Interview

and it wouldn’t be so beautiful. I’m sor- ry that my sister Dajana and brother Vuk couldn't come to the World Cup fi- nal against the Brazilians, but we spoke over the phone. They are always there for me and they tell me that they’re the proudest brother and sister”. How did you find the role of captain? “I wasn’t distracted, but it also seems to me that I didn’t enjoy the mo- ment. I could hardly wait to take the tro- phy and raise it together with the team. I will need a long time to comprehend everything we experienced and endured at the World Championship.” You’re only the second player in the history of the women’s volleyball world champion- ship to win two consecutive MVP awards? “That sounds phenomenal, but I like to share all individual accolades with my teammates. Our national team has for years been characterised by together- ness and teamwork, and nothing would have been possible without that.” It certainly can’t have been easy for you prior to depart- ing for the World Champion- ship? “In our country, the women’s vol- leyball team is always expected to win a medal. We’ve got used to playing under pressure, I don't even know how, but it’s going great for us for now. We achieved great success just by remaining unde- feated at the tournament. I’m not sure if anyone else has ever managed that. That makes this success even greater. I’m proud that I’m part of this national team and that we had a clear goal. We knew why we were going to Holland and we returned with a gold medal.” Which flight was more diffi- cult for you and when did you feel more nervous: when lead- ing the team to the World Championship as captain or when returning as leader of a gold-winning team? “I think we felt more nervousness when returning to Belgrade, because we knew what awaited us. Just like the pre- vious times when we’ve come home with medals, we knew there would be a re- ception. Friends, family, fans... That’s all really beautiful and exciting...”

Zaista sam srećna zbog priznanja, ali volela bih da nagradu podelim sa saigračicama. Ovo je bio timski rad svih 14 devojka, tako da je ovo nagrada za sve nas I’m really happy for the accolade, but I’d like to share this award with my teammates. This was about teamwork among all 14 girls, so this award is for all of us

24 | Odbojka » Volleyball

Trending u


Šta je novo u novembru? What’s new in November?

Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture

26 | U trendingu » Trending

Trending » U tendingu | 27

Generacije umetnika rođenih posle Drugog svetskog rata podeljene su u dve grupaci- je, a prelomna dekada koja ih razdvaja su bur- ne devedesete godine. Za starije ta dekada predstavljala je tranziciju, a za mlađe defi- nisala društveni milje u kojem su se razvijali. Izložba traje do 19. novembra. The generations of artists born in the post-WWII period are divided into two groups, with the tu- multuous ’90s marking the decade that sep- arates them. For the older artists, that decade represented a transitional period, while it de- fined the social milieu in which the younger art- ists developed. The Identities exhibition runs un- til 19 th November.

Identiteti / Identities izložba / EXHIBITION Selekcijom radova iz privatnih kolekcija u Galeriji Arte napravljena je izložba radova savremenih autora / A selection of works from private collections has been used to create an exhibition of works by contemporary authors

Ovo je peta po redu izložba u okviru projekta Galerije Arte Kolekcionar kao kustos i selektor čiji je osnovni cilj da premosti jaz između privatnih i javnih zbirki, te publici omogući pristup radovima koji bi, iako u privatnom vla- sništvu, po kvalitetu lako mogli stajati u muzejima. This is the fifth consecutive exhibition within the scope of ARTE Gallery project entitled The Collector as Curator and Selector, the basic goal of which is to bridge the gap between private and public collections, as well as provid- ing the public with access to works that, despite being privately owned, could easily be included in museum col- lections thanks to their quality.

Izložba je u četiri galerijska prostora Galerije Arte okupila radove umetnika či- ja su dela nastala tokom poslednjih šest decenija. Marina Abramović, Aleksan- dar Cvetković, Čeda Vasić, Mrđan Bajić, Radoš Antonijević, Uroš Đurić, Džo- ni Racković, Nebojša Bežanić, Saša Pančić, Ivona Pleskonja, Žolt Kovač, Petar Mirković, Mihael Milunović, Marina Marković, Petar Mošić, Lidija Delić, Vuk Vučković i Kristina Pirković samo su neki od njih. The exhibition, held in four gallery spaces of the ARTE Gallery, brings together works of artists created during the last six decades. The artists include, among others, the likes of Marina Abramović, Aleksandar Cvetković, Čeda Vasić, Mrđan Bajić, Radoš Antonijević, Uroš Đurić, Džoni Racković, Nebojša Bežanić, Saša Pančić, Ivona Ple- skonja, Žolt Kovač, Petar Mirković, Mihael Milunović, Marina Marković, Petar Mošić, Lidija Delić, Vuk Vučković and Kristina Pirković.

28 | U trendingu » Trending

Bijenale / BIENNALE Oktobarski salon / October Salon

Oktobarski salon biće otvoren u više izlagačkih prostora i pratiće ga inten- zivan program čitavog trajanja, s obzirom na to da će se izložbeni prosto- ri sukcesivno otvarati sve do 15. decembra, koliko traje ovo 59. izdanje. U nizu galerijskih, javnih i medijskih prostora predstaviće se oko 50 umetni- ca, umetnika i kolektiva uglavnom iz Srbije i iz okolnih zemalja i inostran- stva. Različite teme koje preispituju predstavljeni radovi akcenat stavlja- ju na promišljanje o mogućim prostorima za bolji zajednički život. Ulaz u sve izlagačke prostore je besplatan, uz napomenu da Narodni muzej ima slo- bodan ulaz samo nedeljom. The October Salon Belgrade Biennale will be held at numerous exhibition spaces and will be accompanied by an intensive programme throughout its entire duration, with the exhibition spaces set to open successively until 15 th December, which marks the culmination of this 59 th edition. Around 50 in- dividual artists and collectives – mainly from Serbia, but also from the coun- tries of the region and further afield – will participate in a series of events at galleries, public venues and media spaces. The various topics addressed by the presented works place an emphasis on considerations about possi- ble spaces for a better common life. Entry to all exhibition spaces is free of charge, though entrance to the National Museum is only free on Sundays.

Festival / FESTIVAL Džez u Pančevu / Jazz in Pančevo

The jubilee 25 th edition of the Pančevo Jazz Festival takes place from 4 th to 6 th November, with eight international en- sembles, comprising musicians from ten countries, per- forming over its three days in the Hall and Foyer of the Pančevo Cultural Centre. The festival opens on 4 th Novem- ber with the performance of Italian bandoneonist Daniele Di Bonaventura and his Band'Union line-up. The second day will feature cellist Eric Friedlander, one of the legends of the American free and avant-garde jazz scene, who will perform as part of a quartet that includes three other renowned mu- sicians: pianist Uri Caine, double bass player Mark Helias and drummer Ches Smith. The final evening of 6 th November will be opened by Aleksandra Bijelić Aleksijević, one of the most famous vocalists of the local jazz scene, while the festival will close with the concert of great American saxophonist Joe Lovano, who will perform together with Poland’s Marcin Wa- silewski Trio.

Jubilarno 25. izdanje Pančevačkog džez festivala održa- va se od 4. do 6. novembra, a tokom tri festivalska dana u Dvorani Kulturnog centra Pančeva i foajeu KCP-a nastu- piće osam internacionalnih sastava s muzičarima iz de- set zemalja. Festival će 4. novembra otvoriti italijanski ban- doneonista Danijele di Bonaventura sa svojom postavom Band’Union . Drugog festivalskog dana nastupiće jedna od legendi američke scene slobodnog i avangardnog džeza, čelista Erik Fridlander s kvartetom u kojem sviraju još trojica renomiranih muzičara – pijanista Uri Kejn, basista Mark He- lijas i bubnjar Čes Smit. Poslednjeg dana, 6. novembra, ve- če otvara Aleksandra Bijelić Aleksijević, jedna od najpozna- tijih vokalistkinja domaće džez scene, a festival će zatvoriti velika američka zvezda, saksofonista Džo Lovano, koji će nastupiti sa triom Marsin Vasilevski iz Poljske.

Trending » U trendingu | 29

Muzika / MUSIC Bemus / BEMUS

Beogradske muzičke svečanosti Bemus održaće se od 1. do 15. novembra pod sloganom „Zavodljivo… kao muzika!“, uz veoma bogat program u širokom stilskom rasponu, od muzike renesan- se i baroka do savremenih ostvarenja. Najveće zvezde svetske scene nastupaju na koncertima u Kolarčevoj zadužbini: čuve- ni velški bas-bariton Brin Terfel otvara Bemus uz dirigenta Bojana Suđića i gošću Sofiju Petrović, soprana. Slavni pijanista Ivo Pogo- relić nastupa 7. novembra sa programom Šopenove muzike. Be- mus će premijerno beogradskoj publici predstaviti dva istaknuta mlada umetnika. Korejska violinistkinja Bomsori Kim, pobedni- ca brojnih takmičenja, 5. novembra biće solistkinja na koncertu Simfonijskog orkestra RTS-a pod dirigentskom palicom Manue- la Lopeza Gomeza iz Venecuele, a španski pijanista Martin Garsi- ja Garsija, laureat prošlogodišnjeg Šopenovog konkursa u Varša- vi, zatvoriće ovogodišnji Bemus 15. novembra. Ciklus koncerata kamerne muzike u Sali Beogradske filharmoni- je 3. novembra otvara Nemanja Stanković, u saradnji sa istaknu- tim italijanskim pijanistom Marinom Formentijem. Dva renomi- rana domaća kamerna sastava, Novosadski kamerni ansambl i Gudački kvartet Difrakcije , održaće koncerte 6. i 13. novembra u istom prostoru. Ceo program Bemusa možete potražiti na www.bemus.rs. The Belgrade music festival - BEMUS will this year take place from 1st to 15 th November under the slogan ‘Seductive... like music!’ and will include an exceptionally rich programme with a broad stylis- tic range including everything from Renaissance and Baroque mu- sic to contemporary works. The biggest stars of the world stage will perform at Kolarac Endowment Hall. Opening this year’s edition will

be renowned Welsh bass-baritone Bryn Terfel, together with con- ductor Bojan Suđić and soprano guest performer Sofija Petrović. Famous pianist Ivo Pogorelić will perform on 7 th November with a programme of Chopin music. BEMUS will include the premiere Bel- grade performances of two prominent young artists: Korean vio- linist Bomsori Kim, who has won numerous competitions, will be a soloist for the concert of the RTS Symphony Orchestra on 5 th No- vember, conducted by Venezuela’s Manuel Lopez-Gomez; while Spanish pianist Martin García García, laureate of last year’s Cho- pin competition in Warsaw, will bring this year’s BEMUS to a close on 15 th November. A series of chamber music concerts at the Belgrade Philharmonic Hall will be opened on 3 rd November by Nemanja Stanković, in col- laboration with prominent Italian pianist Marino Formenti. Two cele- brated domestic chamber ensembles – the Novi Sad Chamber En- semble and the Diffractions String Quartet – will hold concerts at the same venue on 6 th and 13 th November respectively. Check out the full Bemus programme at www.bemus.rs.

Pozorište / THEATRE Magbet / Macbeth

Tema ove tragedije je toliko snažna da se Šekspir, pi- šući je, prvi put odriče njemu svojstvenih spored- nih i paralelnih radnji, razvijajući je u svoj njenoj usa- mljenoj veličini. Predstavu režira Jagoš Marković, a glavne uloge tumače prvaci Drame Nebojša Duga- lić i Nataša Ninković. Šekspirove stihove će za sce- nu uobličiti profesor Ljiljana Mrkić Popović, dok će kostime kreirati Lana Cvijanović. Premijera predsta- ve Magbet uveličaće Dan Narodnog pozorišta 22. novembra. The theme of this tragedy is so powerful that, when writing it, Shakespeare renounced the introduction of secondary and parallel sub-plots so characteristic of his work, opting instead to develop the theme in all its solitary grandeur. This National Theatre in Belgrade in- terpretation is directed by Jagoš Marković, while the lead roles are performed by premier stage champi- ons Nebojša Dugalić and Nataša Ninković. Professor Ljiljana Mrkić Popović is tasked with adapting Shake- speare’s verses for the stage, while the costumes will be created by Lana Cvijanović. Macbeth’s premiere will mark National Theatre Day on 22 nd November.

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