Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

M iloš Degenek je 1995. napustio rod- ni Knin, njegova porodica emigri- rala je u Sidnej, a gde god se nala- zio na svetu i koliko god teško bilo, nije prestajao da sanja. Bio je član Svetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu san je svakog dečaka koji je potrčao za loptom. Retki su oni koji ga ostvare, a među retkima je Miloš Degenek – reprezentativac Australije Navijam za Srbiju, ali se nadam pobedi Australije Miloš Degenek, fudbaler

Miloš Degenek, footballer I support Serbia, but I hope Australia wins The FIFA World Cup is the dream of every boy who’s ever chased a ball. There are few who’ve ever realised that dream, but one of those rare players is Miloš Degenek – a representative of Australia M iloš Degenek left his native Knin in 1995, when his family migrated to Sydney, but he never stopped dream- ing, wherever he found himself in the world and regardless of how difficult things got. He was a member of the Australia national squad at the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup, though he didn’t make any appearances in that tournament, while

reprezentacije Australije na Mundijalu 2018. u Rusiji, mada nije upisao nijedan nastup, a sada je na spisku za Svetsko pr- venstvo u Kataru i ima značajno veću ulo- gu u nacionalnom timu. U skladu sa tim se i priprema za period od 20. novembra do 18. decembra, kada će cela planeta gleda- ti fudbal. – Svetsko prvenstvo za mene pred- stavlja mnogo više od običnog fudbalskog takmičenja ili turnira. Mundijal je po- seban, igra se na četiri godine i ne samo zbog toga, već nema svako priliku da uče- stvuje i bude deo magije. Posebno je, naj- lepše na svetu što se tiče fudbala i spor- ta generalno. Ceo svet gleda te utakmice i dobro je da se dešava na četiri godine, jer bi interesovanje opalo ukoliko bi bilo če- šće. Pripremam se normalno i relaksirano,

he is now on the list for the upcoming World Cup in Qatar and plays a much more signifi- cant role in the national team. That’s why he’s making preparations for the period from 20 th November to 18 th December, when the whole world will be watching football. “The World Cup, for me, represents much more than a regular football competition or tournament. The World Cup is special because it is only played every four years, and not only because of that, but rather because not every- one gets a chance to participate and become part of the magic. Specifically, it is the most beautiful event in the world when it comes to football and sport in general. The whole world watches those matches and it’s good that they only happen every four years, because interest would fall if they were more frequent. I prepare regularly and relaxed; I try to train to the best of

Zašto mi je važna Er Srbija

– Ni sam ne znam kako mi se te- lo istreniralo na veliki broj letova poslednjih godina. Vreme u avi- onu najčešće koristim za gleda- nje filmova i serija. Ono što mi sada najviše odgovara jeste di- rektna linija Er Srbije za Njujork. Smatram Er Srbiju veoma do- brom kompanijom na koju Srbija svakako treba da bude ponosna naročito jer ima direktne letove za SAD. Meni je to posebno bit- no jer igram u Americi.

gledam da što bolje treniram, koristim svaku uta- kmicu da se što bolje spremim i ukoliko bude izvod- ljivo, iskoristiću vreme pred turnir za odmor – ka- že Degenek. Miloš je imao vrlo netipičnu fudbalsku karijeru, nastupao je na gotovo svim kontinentima. U Austra- liji je igrao samo za reprezentaciju što se profesional- nog fudbala tiče, nosio je dresove Štutgarta, Minhe- na 1860 i Crvene zvezde u Evropi, na dva kraja Azije nastupao je za Jokohamu i Al Hilal, dok sada igra za američki Kolumbus. Malo u reprezentaciji Australije, malo zbog gostujućih mečeva kao član Al Hilala, ste- kao je već iskustvo igranja fudbala u Kataru. – Bio sam mnogo puta u Kataru, kako na uta- kmicama sa reprezentacijom, tako i kada sam nastu-

my ability, using every match to prepare as well as pos- sible and, provided it’s doable, I will utilise the time pri- or to the start of the tournament to rest,” says Degenek. Miloš has had a very unusual football career, having played on almost all continents. When it comes to pro- fessional football in Australia, he’s only played for the national team, while in Europe he’s donned the shirts of Stuttgart, Munich 1860 and Red Star, on opposite sides of Asia he’s played for Yokohama [Japan] and Al Hilal [Saudi Arabia], while he now plays for American team Columbus Crew. Thanks partly to the Australia national team and partly to the away matches he played for Al Hi- lal, he has already experienced playing football in Qatar. “I’ve been to Qatar many times, both for matches with the national team and when I played for the club

Tekst/Words: Petar Lazić Fotografije/ Photography: Profimedia.rs

Football» Fudbal | 107

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