Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

sport / sports

Srbija igra jednim srcem u neverovatnom ritmu, plešu zajedno i prelepo je gledati ih Serbia plays with one heart and an unbelievable rhythm; they dance as one and watching them is beautiful

pao za klub iz Saudijske Arabije. Vrlo lepa država, pristojna, bezbedna, uredna... Lepo je za život. Mun- dijal se igra zimi, mada je moglo i leti zbog uslova na stadionima koje su napravili. Klimatizacija je neve- rovatna, igrali smo nekoliko mečeva kvalifikacija za

from Saudi Arabia. It’s a very pretty country, pleasant, safe, orderly... A nice place to live. The World Cup is be- ing played during winter, though it could have been held during summer because of the conditions at the stadi- ums that they’ve built. The air conditioning is amazing;

Svetsko prvenstvo u Kataru i toliko je bilo hladno na stadionu da smo na klupi za re- zerve morali da nosimo jakne. Biće intere- santno, igrači dolaze u punoj formi. Australijanci su na Mundijalu u jednoj od najtežih grupa sa Francuskom, Dan- skom i Tunisom. Prva utakmica je sa Fran- cuzima, a Miloš veruje da Australija može da iznenadi Dansku, a onda i porazi Tunis. Degenek je oduševljen igrama fudbalske reprezentacije Srbije, koja je takođe obez- bedila nastup na Mundijalu. – Iznenađen sam koliko dobro igra- ju i kako je selektor napravio tim. Srbi- ja igra jednim srcem u neverovatnom ri- tumu plešu zajedno i prelepo je gledati ih. Poznajem nekoliko igrača i mnogo mi je drago zbog njih, a i zbog selektora Draga- na Stojkovića Piksija. Moram da pomenem Aleksandra Mitrovića, koji je pred Svetsko prvenstvo postigao 50. gol za Srbiju, česti- tam mu, uradio je to na mnogo manje uta-

we played several World Cup qualifiers in Qa- tar and it was so cold inside the stadium that we had to wear jackets on the subs bench. It will be interesting, with players coming at the top of their form.” Australia is part of one of the World Cup’s toughest groups, together with France, Denmark and Tunisia. Their first match is against the French, and Miloš believes that, if they go further, Aus- tralia can surprise Denmark and then also de- feat Tunisia. Degenek is delighted with the form of Serbia’s football team, which also secured its place at the World Cup. “I’m surprised how well they play and how the coach put together the team. Serbia plays with one heart and an unbelievable rhythm; they dance as one and watching them is beautiful. I know several players and I’m really happy for them, as well as for coach Dragan Stojković Piksi. I have to mention Aleksandar Mitrović, who scored his 50 th goal for Serbia before the World Cup. I con- gratulate him; he succeeded in doing that before

Why Air Serbia is important to me “I don’t even know myself how my body trained for such a large number of flights in re- cent years. I mostly use my time aboard a plane to watch films and series. And what suits me the most right now is Air Serbia’s direct line to New York. I consider Air Serbia to be a very good company, so Serbia should certainly be proud specifically that it has direct flights to the U.S. That’s particularly important to me because I play in America.

kmica od mnogih velikih fudbalskih zvezda, a želim mu još toliko. Želim orlovima mnogo sreće i voleo bih da prođu grupu na Mundijalu, pa onda da pro- đu što dalje.

many major football stars, and I wish for him to score just as many more. I wish the “eagles” lots of luck and would like them to pass the group stage at the World Cup, and then to go as far as possible.”

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