Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Frankfurt Frankfurt

Rezervišite avio-karte do Frankfurta i posetite ovaj uzbudljivi grad za oko dva sata udobnog leta iz Beograda

Book flights to Frankfurt and visit this exciting city in about two hours comfortable flight from Belgrade

Dobro došli u Frankfurt

Kao sedište nekih od najvećih svetskih korporacija, Frankfurt slovi za jednu od najvažnijih fi- nansijskih tačaka na mapi Evro- pe. Da grad na Majni nije tipičan nemački grad, potvrđuje i po- slovna četvrt poznatija kao Maj- nhetn. Iz nje se izdižu impozantni neboderi, remek-dela savreme- ne arhitekture. Važno je da Fran- kfurt nije samo poslovna desti- nacija. Stari grad, koji se nalazi nasuprot brojnih kancelarija i predstavništava kompanija, kra- se srednjovekovne kuće i izliza- na kaldrma. U njima su sakrive- ni brojni kafići, pabovi i klubovi, zbog čega se frankfurtski noćni život najčešće poredi sa onim u Berlinu. Pa šta još čekate? welcome to frankfurt As the seat of some of the world's largest corporations, Frankfurt is one of the most important fi- nancial points on the map of Eu- rope. The fact that the city on the Main is not a typical German city is confirmed by the business dis- trict known as "Mainhattan". Out- standing impressive skyscrapers, masterpieces of contemporary architecture, arise from the dis- trict. What is important is that Frankfurt is not just a business destination. The Old Town, locat- ed opposite numerous seats and representative offices of com- panies, is adorned by medie- val houses and worn down cob- bled pavements. There are plenty of hidden cafes, pubs and clubs, which make Frankfurt's nightlife similar to that of Berlin. So, what are you waiting for?

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