Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

er srbija info / air Serbia info

Er Srbija svečano ispratila kapetana Gorana Grozdanića u penziju Air Serbia gave a ceremonious retirement send off to Captain Goran Grozdanić Više od četiri decenije na nebu More than four decades in the skies

He flew for more than 40 years, was with in the national airline from day one, worked as an instructor and examiner, held the position of executive director for air traffic... One of our best pilots, he operated his last commercial flight in October

Leteo je više od 40 godina, u nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji bio od prvog dana, radio kao instruktor i ispitivač, bio na poziciji izvršnog direktora za saobraćaj… Jedan od najboljih pilota koje imamo u oktobru je leteo svoj poslednji komercijalni let Četvrtak 20. oktobar, let za Rim, kapetan i izvršni direktor za saobra- ćaj Goran Grozdanić poslednji put ulazi u kokpit aviona Er Srbije . Prizemljuje se

It was the Thursday, 20 th October, flight to Rome when cap- tain and executive director of air traf- fic Goran Grozdanić entered the cock- pit of an Air Serbia plane for the final time. He is grounding himself after spending more than four decades with the airline: first at JAT, then Jat Airways and finally Air Serbia. His colleagues arranged a farewell party for him and prepared a “pi- lot’s” cake, and he says that he was happy to able to operate one last Air Serbia flight before retiring. Howev- er, he will continue to fly beyond the confines of commercial aviation – as a pilot instructor and aviation authority ex- aminer, but also for his own pleasure. You certainly recall your first flight? “There were multiple ‘first

posle više od četiri decenije, koliko je proveo u avio-kompaniji: prvo u JAT-u, pa JAT ervejzu i na kraju Er Srbiji . Ko- lege su mu priredile svečani ispraćaj, spremile „pilotsku“ tortu, a on kaže da je bio srećan što je pre odlaska u pen- ziju mogao da obavi još jedan let u Er Srbiji . Ipak, nastaviće da leti van ko- mercijalne avijacije – kao instruktor pilota i ispitivač vazduhoplovnih vla- sti, ali i za svoje zadovoljstvo.

flights’, depending on what you mean. I remember them all and they all had one common quality – they were all a gen - uine pleasure. If we’re talking about commercial aviation, the first flight was at JAT, on a DC-9 plane, in May 1981.”

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