Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Sigurno se sećate svog prvog leta? – Bilo je više prvih letova. Svih se sećam i imali su jednu zajedničku crtu: svi su bili pravo zadovoljstvo. Ukoliko pričamo o komercijalnoj avijaciji, prvi let je bio u JAT-u na avionu DC-9 u maju 1981. JAT, JAT ervejz , Er Srbija ... Gde je bilo najlepše? – Kada čovek voli ono što radi, njemu je uvek le- po. Sva ta imena koja ste pomenuli, sve je to jedna ista

JAT, Jat Airways, Air Serbia – where did you feel best? “When a person loves the work that he does, he always feels good. All those names you mention, that’s all one and the same company, with a great and mighty tradition, and all those periods were equally beauti - ful. The essence is that regulations are respected and that we fly and advance, and that the company oper - ates successfully.”

Najvažnije je da se ne bo- jite letenja, da budete si- gurni u svoj izbor, odno- sno da je le- tenje nešto što zaista želite

After everything you’ve done, what would you single out as the most enjoyable and most difficult parts of your job? “Alongside standard flying, I also worked as an instructor and examin - er for the aviation authorities. An in - structor and examiner must be a kind of double personality. When you train a candidate, you must adapt yourself to the conditions, tailor your training approach to suit the candidate’s mind - set and provide them with continuous support throughout the entire training process. It’s a totally different story when you’re testing. When you’re an examin - er, you don’t adapt yourself to the can - didates. The exact same criteria must ap - ply to absolutely everyone.” The Boeing 727 has remained your favourite aircraft to this day... “For me, and I believe also for the ma - jority of other pilots who operated it, the Boeing 727 was, and remains, a favourite plane. It was a three-engine plane that performed wonderfully. It could fly up to a speed of 0.86 Mach, which is very fast. For example, today’s Airbus 320 flies be - tween 0.76 and 0.79 Mach.” You’ve spent the last three years and nine months in the position of exec- utive director of air traffic. Have you missed flying? “Of course I have, but the priority was my duties related to the position of Air Serbia’s executive director of air traf - fic. I only flew when my job allowed it.”

kompanija velike i moćne tradicije i u svim tim periodima bilo je podjedna- ko lepo. Suština je da se poštuje regu- lativa i da letimo i napredujemo, a da kompanija uspešno posluje. Šta biste posle svega izdvojili kao najlepši, a šta kao najteži deo svog posla? – Pored standardnog letenja, radio sam i kao instruktor i ispitivač vazdu- hoplovnih vlasti. Instruktor i ispitivač mora biti neka vrsta dvostruke ličnosti. Kada obučavate kandidata, morate da se uskladite sa uslovima, da svoj pristup u obuci prilagodite mentalnom sklopu kandidata i da mu tokom kompletnog procesa obuke neprekidno pružate po- dršku. Potpuno je druga priča kada ispi- tujete. Kada ste ispitivač, onda se ne pri- lagođavate kandidatima. Apsolutno isti kriterijum mora da važi za sve. Boing 727 vam je do danas ostao omiljeni avion… – Za mene, a verujem i većinu dru- gih pilota koji su njime upravljali, boing 727 bio je i ostao omiljeni avion. To je bio tromotorni avion, koji je imao sjajne performanse. Mogao je da leti do 0,86 maha, što je veoma brzo. Primera radi, današnji erbas 320 leti brzinom od 0,76 do 0,79 maha. Poslednje tri godine i devet meseci proveli ste na mestu iz- vršnog direktora za saobraćaj. Da li vam je nedostajalo letenje? – Naravno da jeste, ali su prioritet bile

The most impor- tant thing is not to fear flying, to be cer- tain in your choice, i.e., that flying is something that you re- ally desire

moje dužnosti izvršnog direktora za saobraćaj Er Srbije . Leteo sam samo onda kada mi je to posao omogućavao. Šta biste poručili nekim novim klincima ko- ji, kao i vi nekad, sanjaju da postanu piloti? – Najvažnije je da se ne boje letenja, da budu sigur- ni u svoj izbor, odnosno da je letenje nešto što zaista žele. Takođe je važno da znaju da postavljaju prioritete. Pilot postavlja prioritete i u skladu sa tim odlučuje šta prvo mora da reši, nakon toga rešava drugi problem, a treći nekad ne mora ni da reši. I tu je važan timski rad. Kapetan na kraju donosi odluku, ali mora da uzme sve elemente u razmatranje.

What would you say to some new kids who dream of becoming pilots, as you once did? “The most important thing is not to fear flying, to be certain in your choice, i.e., that flying is something that you really desire. It is also important for them to know how to set priorities. A pilot sets priorities and, in accordance with that, decides which problem he has to resolve first, and after that he resolves the second problem, and sometimes the third one doesn’t even have to be resolved. And teamwork is also important in that. The captain ultimately makes the final deci - sion, but he must take all elements into consideration.”

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