Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Na letu On board

Zašto volite avione?

Why do you like planes?

Najdraže nam je da letimo do Tivta / Flying to Tivat is our favourite

Volimo avione jer su tako moćni! Imali smo razna zanimljiva iskustva na letovima, ali nam je najdraži let uvek onaj do Tivta. Razlog je to što, čim uzleti- mo, pilot nas već lagano priprema za sletanje. Iako volimo da letimo i do daljih destinacija, ovo je ideal- no jer na željenu lokaciju stigne- mo izuzetno brzo i lako. Koju muziku slušate na le- tovima? – Kada letimo, slušamo mu- ziku koja nas opušta. Naravno,

“We love planes because they are so powerful! We’ve had various interesting experienc- es aboard flights, but our favourite flight is always the one to Tivat. The reason for that is that, as soon as we take off, the pilot is already leisure- ly preparing us for the landing. Al- though we also like to fly to more dis- tant destinations, this flight is ideal because we reach our desired loca- tion extremely quickly and easily.” What music do you listen to aboard flights? “When we fly, we listen to music that relaxes us. Of course, when it comes to choosing music,

Bigru i Paja Kratak reperi / hip-hop artists

kod biranja muzike uvek se odlučimo za onu koja nas inspiriše, tako da je samim tim izbor smanjen. Bavimo se rep-muzikom i slu- šamo rep, a kada že- limo malo da prome- nimo, pustimo fank. Ko su Bigru i Paja Kratak? Bigru i Paja Kratak su umetnička imena Miloša Grubora i Pavla Jankovi- ća, srpskih rep-muzičara. Ovaj mladi dvojac važi za čuvare domaćeg hip-ho- pa, nedavno su imali pr- vi veliki koncert kada su

we always opt for music that inspires us, which in itself reduces the selection. We deal with rap music and lis- ten to rap, while we play funk when we want a bit of a change.”

Who are Bigru and Paja Kratak?

Bigru and Paja Kratak are the stage names of Mi- loš Grubor and Pavle Jank- ović, Serbian hip-hop artists. This young pair, who are con- sidered guardians of the do- mestic hip-hop scene, recent- ly held their first major concert that filled the Belgrade Fair, while they also have a lot of hits and multi-million views on music platforms. They formed the group a decade ago and have been shifting boundaries since then.

napunili Beogradski sajam, a imaju mno- go hitova i višemili- onskih pregleda na muzičkim platforma- ma. Grupu su ofor- mili pre deceniju i od tada pomeraju gra- nice.

Tekst/Words: Petar Lazić Fotografije/ Photography: Andrej Kranjc

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