Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia



Pećina Kalipso Calypso Cave

Gozo Gozo

Plava laguna Blue Lagoon

Lepotica plavog Mediterana The beauty of the blue Mediterranean

Popajevo selo Popeye Village

Valeta Valletta

Er Srbija je od 31. ok- tobra ponovo uspo- stavila direktnu lini- ju između Beograda i Malte. Letovi sa Ae- rodroma Nikola Tesla obavljaju se dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom i petkom, avionom erbas A319, pa sad možete lako da otkrijete ovaj neverovatni arhipe-

lag. Hajde da krenemo! / Air Serbia resumed di- rect flights between Belgrade and Malta as of 31 st October. Flights from Nikola Tesla Airport opera- te twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, utilising the Serbian national carrier’s Airbus A319 aircraft, so now you can easily discover this amazing archi- pelago… Let’s go!

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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