Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Da li ste znali da je Valeta bila prvi planski izgrađeni grad u Evropi? Did you know that Valletta was the first ever planned city in Europe?

glavnih turističkih atrakcija ispunjenu brojnim šarenim, zabavnim aktivnostima za sve mlade i one mlade u sr- cu, a otvoreno je tokom cele godine. Prvi planirani grad Da li ste znali da je Valeta bi - la prvi planski izgrađeni grad u Evropi? Grad je skicirao veli- ki majstor Valet 1565. godine. Planirao ga je kao utočište za zbrinjavanje povređenih vojni - ka i hodočasnika u 16. veku. Valeta je završena za samo 15 godina i danas je pozna - ta kao jedan od najbrže izgra - đenih gradova na svetu. Veliki majstor Valet nije doživeo nje - gov završetak, ali je novi grad nazvan po njemu. Podzemni tuneli Možda ste impresionirani šar - mantnim ulicama Valete, ali da li ste znali da zapravo po- stoji mreža tunela ispod ze - mlje? Sve je počelo tokom Velike opsade Malte 1565. I Osmanlije koje su napadale i vitezovi Svetog Jovana kopa - li su tunele ispod grada. Na - kon toga vitezovi su nastavili da grade tunele u odbrambe - ne svrhe i napravili podzemne

sting that civilisations were li- ving there more than 7,400 ye- ars ago! Providing the proof of just how ancient this coun- try is are its mysterious and impressive Megalithic tem- ples, representing the oldest free-standing stone structu- res in the world and protected as a UNESCO World Herita- ge Site. Popeye Village Popeye Village has grown from its days as a film set for the 1980 musical Popeye, starring Robin Williams, to be- come one of the major tou- rist attractions on the Maltese Islands, filled with numerous colourful and fun activities for youngsters and the young at heart. And it is open year-ro- und. First planned city Did you know that Valletta was the first ever planned ci - ty in Europe? The spatial plan for the city was sketched out in 1565 by Grand Master Va- lette. He planned the city as a refuge to care for injured sol- diers and pilgrims during the 16 th century. Valletta was com- pleted in just 15 years and is

today known as one of the world’s quickest scaled cities. Although Grand Master Valette didn’t live to see its comple- tion, the new city was nonet- heless named in his honour. Underground Tunnels of Valletta You might be impressed by Valletta’s stunning streets, but did you know there’s actually a network of underground tu- nnels beneath the city? It all started during the Great Sie- ge of Malta in 1565. Both the attacking Ottomans and the defending Knights of St. Jo- hn were digging tunnels to ac- cess the underbelly of the city. The Knights later continued to dig tunnels for defensive pur- poses, as well as creating un- derground cisterns to provide The national dish of Malta has been enjoyed for centuries. In fact, it is said that rabbits we- re introduced to the island over 3,000 years ago! The ra- bbit is prepared by simmering it in a tasty wine and tomato sauce. It is typically accompa- nied by potatoes and various fresh water. Rabbit Stew

Na Malti možete pronaci svaku vrstu plaže koju možete da zamislite In Malta you can find every type of beach imaginable

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