Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

The Odyssey’s Cave Calypso Cave overlooks the glorious red sands of Gozo’s fi - nest beach and is purportedly the cave referred to by Homer in his epic poem The Odys- sey. According to the story, it was here in this cave that the beautiful nymph Calypso kept Odysseus imprisoned for se- ven years as a “prisoner of lo- ve”. Blue Lagoon Most of the water surrounding Malta is a typical Mediterrane- an shade of dark blue. Howe- ver, there is one popular spot on the island of Comino that has been enticing tourists for years. The Blue Lagoon, which can only be accessed by boat, is a large area of turquoise wa- ter that resembles something out of a dream. Every Kind of Beach Malta has so many unique bathing spots and you can find every type of beach ima - ginable here. From white sand to rocky cliffs and big blue swimming holes, this island has it all. A rocky exterior en- sures that there are only a handful of sandy beaches in Malta, with two of the best in the northern part of the ma- in island being Golden Bay and Ghajn Tuffieha.

Plava laguna More koje okružuje Maltu ima tipičnu mediteransku nijansu plave. Ipak, postoji jedno po- pularno mesto na ostrvu Ko- mino koje godinama privla - či turiste. Do Plave lagune se može doć i samo čamcem i predstavlja tirkiznu uvalu iz snova. Svaka vrsta plaže Malta ima mnogo jedinstvenih mesta za kupanje i ovde mo- žete pronać i svaku vrstu plaže koju možete zamisliti. Od be - log peska do stenovitih litica i velikih plavih uvala za plivanje, ovo ostrvo ima sve. Sa svo- jom stenovitom spoljašnjošć u, na Malti postoji samo nekoli- ko peščanih plaža. Golden Bay i Ghajn Tuffieha su dve od naj - boljih i nalaze se na severu.

Nije maltezer nego faraonski gonič

It's not a Maltese, but rather a Pharaoh Hound

Malteški pas ili maltezer jedna je od najsta- rijih malih rasa, a zbog naziva se pogrešno misli da je poreklom sa Malte. Nema preci- znih podataka o tačnom geografskom po- reklu, ali se zna da je bio popularan u medi- teranskim kulturama. Njegovi preci su živeli u lukama, gde su se borili sa pacovima i mi- ševima. Ipak, uprkos imenu, maltezer nije sa Malte, koja zaista ima svoju rasu. U pita- nju je faraonski gonič (The Pharaoh Hound) koji se tradicionalno koristi za lov na zeče- ve. Dug vrat, još duže uši, snažan i mišićav, pravi je lepotan sa Malte.

The Maltese dog, or Malteser, is one of the old- est breeds of small toy dogs, and its name is why it is mistakenly thought to have originat- ed in Malta. There is no precise data on its ex- act origins, but it is known to have been popu- lar among ancient Mediterranean cultures. Its ancestors lived in harbours and fought with rats and mice. However, despite the name, the Mal- tese is not from Malta. The island actually does have its own breed: the Pharaoh Hound, which is traditionally used to hunt rabbits. With a long neck and even longer ears, this strong and mus- cular breed is a real Maltese beauty.

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