Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Intervju / Interview

and it wouldn’t be so beautiful. I’m sor- ry that my sister Dajana and brother Vuk couldn't come to the World Cup fi- nal against the Brazilians, but we spoke over the phone. They are always there for me and they tell me that they’re the proudest brother and sister”. How did you find the role of captain? “I wasn’t distracted, but it also seems to me that I didn’t enjoy the mo- ment. I could hardly wait to take the tro- phy and raise it together with the team. I will need a long time to comprehend everything we experienced and endured at the World Championship.” You’re only the second player in the history of the women’s volleyball world champion- ship to win two consecutive MVP awards? “That sounds phenomenal, but I like to share all individual accolades with my teammates. Our national team has for years been characterised by together- ness and teamwork, and nothing would have been possible without that.” It certainly can’t have been easy for you prior to depart- ing for the World Champion- ship? “In our country, the women’s vol- leyball team is always expected to win a medal. We’ve got used to playing under pressure, I don't even know how, but it’s going great for us for now. We achieved great success just by remaining unde- feated at the tournament. I’m not sure if anyone else has ever managed that. That makes this success even greater. I’m proud that I’m part of this national team and that we had a clear goal. We knew why we were going to Holland and we returned with a gold medal.” Which flight was more diffi- cult for you and when did you feel more nervous: when lead- ing the team to the World Championship as captain or when returning as leader of a gold-winning team? “I think we felt more nervousness when returning to Belgrade, because we knew what awaited us. Just like the pre- vious times when we’ve come home with medals, we knew there would be a re- ception. Friends, family, fans... That’s all really beautiful and exciting...”

Zaista sam srećna zbog priznanja, ali volela bih da nagradu podelim sa saigračicama. Ovo je bio timski rad svih 14 devojka, tako da je ovo nagrada za sve nas I’m really happy for the accolade, but I’d like to share this award with my teammates. This was about teamwork among all 14 girls, so this award is for all of us

24 | Odbojka » Volleyball

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