Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Generacije umetnika rođenih posle Drugog svetskog rata podeljene su u dve grupaci- je, a prelomna dekada koja ih razdvaja su bur- ne devedesete godine. Za starije ta dekada predstavljala je tranziciju, a za mlađe defi- nisala društveni milje u kojem su se razvijali. Izložba traje do 19. novembra. The generations of artists born in the post-WWII period are divided into two groups, with the tu- multuous ’90s marking the decade that sep- arates them. For the older artists, that decade represented a transitional period, while it de- fined the social milieu in which the younger art- ists developed. The Identities exhibition runs un- til 19 th November.

Identiteti / Identities izložba / EXHIBITION Selekcijom radova iz privatnih kolekcija u Galeriji Arte napravljena je izložba radova savremenih autora / A selection of works from private collections has been used to create an exhibition of works by contemporary authors

Ovo je peta po redu izložba u okviru projekta Galerije Arte Kolekcionar kao kustos i selektor čiji je osnovni cilj da premosti jaz između privatnih i javnih zbirki, te publici omogući pristup radovima koji bi, iako u privatnom vla- sništvu, po kvalitetu lako mogli stajati u muzejima. This is the fifth consecutive exhibition within the scope of ARTE Gallery project entitled The Collector as Curator and Selector, the basic goal of which is to bridge the gap between private and public collections, as well as provid- ing the public with access to works that, despite being privately owned, could easily be included in museum col- lections thanks to their quality.

Izložba je u četiri galerijska prostora Galerije Arte okupila radove umetnika či- ja su dela nastala tokom poslednjih šest decenija. Marina Abramović, Aleksan- dar Cvetković, Čeda Vasić, Mrđan Bajić, Radoš Antonijević, Uroš Đurić, Džo- ni Racković, Nebojša Bežanić, Saša Pančić, Ivona Pleskonja, Žolt Kovač, Petar Mirković, Mihael Milunović, Marina Marković, Petar Mošić, Lidija Delić, Vuk Vučković i Kristina Pirković samo su neki od njih. The exhibition, held in four gallery spaces of the ARTE Gallery, brings together works of artists created during the last six decades. The artists include, among others, the likes of Marina Abramović, Aleksandar Cvetković, Čeda Vasić, Mrđan Bajić, Radoš Antonijević, Uroš Đurić, Džoni Racković, Nebojša Bežanić, Saša Pančić, Ivona Ple- skonja, Žolt Kovač, Petar Mirković, Mihael Milunović, Marina Marković, Petar Mošić, Lidija Delić, Vuk Vučković and Kristina Pirković.

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