Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Bijenale / BIENNALE Oktobarski salon / October Salon

Oktobarski salon biće otvoren u više izlagačkih prostora i pratiće ga inten- zivan program čitavog trajanja, s obzirom na to da će se izložbeni prosto- ri sukcesivno otvarati sve do 15. decembra, koliko traje ovo 59. izdanje. U nizu galerijskih, javnih i medijskih prostora predstaviće se oko 50 umetni- ca, umetnika i kolektiva uglavnom iz Srbije i iz okolnih zemalja i inostran- stva. Različite teme koje preispituju predstavljeni radovi akcenat stavlja- ju na promišljanje o mogućim prostorima za bolji zajednički život. Ulaz u sve izlagačke prostore je besplatan, uz napomenu da Narodni muzej ima slo- bodan ulaz samo nedeljom. The October Salon Belgrade Biennale will be held at numerous exhibition spaces and will be accompanied by an intensive programme throughout its entire duration, with the exhibition spaces set to open successively until 15 th December, which marks the culmination of this 59 th edition. Around 50 in- dividual artists and collectives – mainly from Serbia, but also from the coun- tries of the region and further afield – will participate in a series of events at galleries, public venues and media spaces. The various topics addressed by the presented works place an emphasis on considerations about possi- ble spaces for a better common life. Entry to all exhibition spaces is free of charge, though entrance to the National Museum is only free on Sundays.

Festival / FESTIVAL Džez u Pančevu / Jazz in Pančevo

The jubilee 25 th edition of the Pančevo Jazz Festival takes place from 4 th to 6 th November, with eight international en- sembles, comprising musicians from ten countries, per- forming over its three days in the Hall and Foyer of the Pančevo Cultural Centre. The festival opens on 4 th Novem- ber with the performance of Italian bandoneonist Daniele Di Bonaventura and his Band'Union line-up. The second day will feature cellist Eric Friedlander, one of the legends of the American free and avant-garde jazz scene, who will perform as part of a quartet that includes three other renowned mu- sicians: pianist Uri Caine, double bass player Mark Helias and drummer Ches Smith. The final evening of 6 th November will be opened by Aleksandra Bijelić Aleksijević, one of the most famous vocalists of the local jazz scene, while the festival will close with the concert of great American saxophonist Joe Lovano, who will perform together with Poland’s Marcin Wa- silewski Trio.

Jubilarno 25. izdanje Pančevačkog džez festivala održa- va se od 4. do 6. novembra, a tokom tri festivalska dana u Dvorani Kulturnog centra Pančeva i foajeu KCP-a nastu- piće osam internacionalnih sastava s muzičarima iz de- set zemalja. Festival će 4. novembra otvoriti italijanski ban- doneonista Danijele di Bonaventura sa svojom postavom Band’Union . Drugog festivalskog dana nastupiće jedna od legendi američke scene slobodnog i avangardnog džeza, čelista Erik Fridlander s kvartetom u kojem sviraju još trojica renomiranih muzičara – pijanista Uri Kejn, basista Mark He- lijas i bubnjar Čes Smit. Poslednjeg dana, 6. novembra, ve- če otvara Aleksandra Bijelić Aleksijević, jedna od najpozna- tijih vokalistkinja domaće džez scene, a festival će zatvoriti velika američka zvezda, saksofonista Džo Lovano, koji će nastupiti sa triom Marsin Vasilevski iz Poljske.

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