Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Film / FILM Slobodna zona The Free Zone Film Festival

Filmski festival Slobodna zona proslaviće svoje punolet- stvo raznovrsnim i intrigantnim programom od 3. do 8. novembra u bioskopima Beograda, Novog Sada i Niša. U 14 programskih celina biće prikazano više od 60 igranih i dokumentarnih ostvarenja. Festival će 3. novembra otvo- riti dobitnik Zlatne palme, kapitalistička satira Trougao tu - ge Rubena Ostlunda. Retrospektivne selekcije U fokusu biće posvećene filmovima Avija Mograbija i Monike Viti, zaštitnom licu ovogodišnjeg vizuala. Predstavljamo vam neke od ovogodišnjih festivalskih poslastica... The Free Zone Film Festival will this year celebrate its com- ing of age from 3 rd to 8 th November, with a varied and in- triguing programme at cinemas in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš. It will screen more than 60 feature films and docu- mentaries in the scope of 14 programming components. The festival opens on 3 rd November with Palm d’Or winner Triangle of Sadness, a satire of capitalism written and di- rected by Ruben Östlund. The In Focus retrospective se- lections will be dedicated to the films of Avi Mograbi and Monica Vitti, the face of this year’s visuals. Here we present some of this year’s festival treats...

Moonage Daydream Filmska odiseja o Dejvidu Bouviju nije klasični dokumentarac, kaže redi- telj Bret Morgen. Bouvijeva porodica omogućila mu je pristup bez pre- sedana celokupnoj arhivi, koju je sam Dejvid pažljivo sakupljao dece- nijama. Morgen je pet godina radio na filmu, od čega je čak tri proveo pregledajući kompletnu umetničku zaostavštinu Dejvida Bouvija. Mor- gen je do sada snimio dokumentarce o Kurtu Kobejnu, Rolingstonsi- ma , Džejn Gudal i Robertu Evansu, a nominovan je za Oskara za film On the Ropes . Moonage Daydream This cinematic odyssey on David Bowie is not a classic documentary, ac- cording to director Brett Morgen. Bowie’s family granted him unprec- edented access to the artist’s entire archive, which Bowie had himself painstakingly collected over many decades. Morgen worked on the film for five years, three of which were spent reviewing Bowie’s entire artistic legacy. Morgen, who has to date made documentaries about Kurt Co- bain, the Rolling Stones, Jane Goodall and Robert Evans, was nominated for an Oscar for his film On the Ropes.

Rabije Kurnaz protiv Džordža V. Buša U fokusu nemačkog reditelja Andreasa Drezena je majka, su- pruga i domaćica, vrlo temperamentna Rabije Kurnaz iz Bre- mena, koja će u pokušaju da spase sina Murata iz zloglasnog Gvantanama stići do Vašingtona i pred Vrhovnim sudom SAD pokrenuti postupak protiv Džordža Buša Mlađeg. Glavna glumi- ca Meltem Kaptan dobila je nagradu za najbolju glumicu u Berli- nu, a Srebrnog medveda film je dobio i za scenario (Lejla Štiler). Rabiye Kurnaz Vs. George W. Bush German director Andreas Dresen focused on the mother, wife and housewife that is the rather temperamental Rabiye Kurnaz from Bremen, who makes it all the way to Washington, D.C. and launches proceedings against George W. Bush before the U.S. Supreme Court in an attempt to save her son, Murat, from the infamous Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Lead actress Melt- em Kaptan received the Berlinale award for best actress in a star- ring role, while the film also won a Silver Bear for best screenplay (Laila Stieler).

Ljubav, nemačke marke i smrt Jedno od najtraženijih ostvarenja sa ovogodišnjih svetskih festiva- la, svojevrsni tutorijal iz oblasti turske i nemačke novije istorije u re- žiji Džema Kaje, priča je o poslovima turskih emigranata, nostalgi- ji i njihovoj muzici. Love, Deutschmarks and Death One of the most highly sought-after works from this year’s world fes- tivals, this film essay is a kind of tutorial in the recent history of Turk- ish-German relations. Directed by Cem Kaya, it tells the story of the jobs of Germany’s Turkish emigrants, nostalgia and their music.

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