Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Sanjam električne snove , Valentina Maurel Debitantski dugometražni film Kostarikan- ke Valentine Maurel dobitnik je nagrada za najbolju glumicu, glumca i reditelja na Me- đunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Lokarnu, a festivalski život je nastavio u Sarajevu, gde je bio nominovan za specijalnu nagra- du za promociju rodne ravnopravnosti. Glavna junakinja ovog ostvarenja je tvrdo- glava šesnaestogodišnjakinja Eva koja ži- vi sa majkom, mlađom sestom i mačkom Kvesi, ali očajnički želi da se preseli kod oca Martina – slikara, vajara i pijanice. Kve- sino zdravlje i Martinov način života glav- ni su razlozi porodičnih neslaganja. Dok Eva sazreva i pokušava da balansira izme- đu života tinejdžerke i odrasle žene, Martin prolazi kroz drugi pubertet živeći boem- ski život izmučenog umetnika. U njihovom odnosu je linija između ljubavi i mržnje če- sto veoma tanka.

Blisko , Lukas Dont Nakon osvojene nagrade u selekci- ji Izvestan pogled (Un certain regard) Kanskog festivala 2018. godine sa de- bitantskim ostvarenjem Devojka , mladi belgijski reditelj Lukas Dont ove godine je poneo i gran-pri ovog prestižnog fe- stivala za svoj najnoviji film – Blisko . Ova drama o odrastanju, prijateljstvu i od- govornosti prati dvojicu trinaestogodiš- njaka – Lea i Remija, nerazdvojnih prija- telja. Nakon što njihovi vršnjaci počnu da sumnjaju da su dvojica tinejdžera zapravo ljubavni par, njihovo prijatelj- stvo se iznenada prekida, ostavljajući Lea zbunjenim. On pokuša da odgovo- re dobije od Remijeve majke, ali reak- cija njegovog nekada najboljeg druga dovodi do tragedije. Dok prati Leov ži- vot u narednim mesecima, film istražu- je osećanja i želje koje tinejdžeri često imaju, ali uglavnom ne razumeju. Close, Lukas Dhont After winning the 2018 award of the Cannes Film Festival’s Un Certain Re- gard section with his debut film Girl, young Belgian director Lukas Dhont this year also took away this prestig- ious festival’s Grand Prix for his latest film: Close. This drama about growing up, friendship and responsibility follows two 13-year-old boys, Léo and Remi, who are inseparable best friends. Their friendship comes to an abrupt end af- ter their peers begin to suspect that they are actually a romantic couple, leaving Léo confused. He seeks an- swers from Remi’s mother, but the re- action of his former best friend leads to tragedy. As the film follows Leo’s life over the following months, it explores the feelings and desires that teenag- ers often have, but generally don’t un- derstand.

Posle sunca , Šarlot Vels Dobitnika specijalne nagrade za rodnu rav- nopravnost na Sarajevo film festivalu, film Posle sunca škotske autorke Šarlot Vels, nagradio je i žiri programa Nedelja kriti - ke Kanskog festivala. Sa Polom Meskalom, zvezdom serije Normalni ljudi , u jednoj od glavnih uloga (drugu tumači jedanaesto- godišnja Frenki Korio), film prati jedno le- tovanje mladog oca i njegove ćerke. Nji- hov odnos se čini vrlo skladnim i putovanje je prepuno zabave i novih iskustava za malu Sofi, ali se ona često oseća neshvaćenom od svog oca, zbog čega je sećanje odrasle Sofi na taj period ispunjeno melanholijom. Aftersun, Charlotte Wells The recipient of the Sarajevo Film Festival’s Special Award for Promoting Gender Equali- ty, Scottish filmmaker Charlotte Wells’ After- sun also won the French Touch Jury Prize at Cannes Critics’ Week. Featuring Paul Mes- cal, star of the miniseries Normal People, in one of the main roles (with the other lead role performed by 11-year-old Frankie Corio), the film follows the summer holiday of a young father and his daughter. Their relationship seems very harmonious and the trip is filled with fun and new experiences for the young Sophie, but she also often feels as though she’s misunderstood by her father, which is why the adult Sophie’s recollections of that period are also filled with melancholy.

I Have Electric Dreams, Valentina Maurel

The debut feature film of Costa Rican film- maker Valentina Maurel won awards for best actress, actor and director at the Lo- carno International Film Festival, after which it continued its festival life in Sarajevo, where it was nominated for a special award for promoting gender equality. The main protagonist of this work is Eva, a stubborn 16-year-old who lives with her mother, younger sister and cat Queasy, but desperately wants to move in with her fa- ther, Martin - a painter, sculptor and alco- holic. Queasy’s poor health and Martin’s lifestyle are the main causes of family disa- greements. As Eva matures and attempts to balance the life of a teen and an adult woman, Martin goes through a second ad- olescence, living a bohemian life as a tor- mented artist. In their relationship, the line between love and hate is often very thin.

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