Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Kultura / Culture

Alkaras, Karla Simon Pet godina nakon nagrade za najbolji du- gometražni prvenac ( Leto 1993 ) Karla Si- mon se ove godine iz Berlina još jednom vratila sa nagradom, i to ovog puta Zlat- nim medvedom za najbolji film 72. izdanja Berlinala. Alkaras , naslovljen prema istoi- menom katalonskom selu, prati porodicu Sole, koja se generacijama bavi uzgojem breskvi, ali se čini da njihovom poslu dola- zi kraj jer im preti iseljenje sa farme. Ume- sto stabala breskve, plan novog investito- ra uključuje postavljanje solarnih panela, u vezi sa kojima Soleovi imaju podeljena mi- šljenja. U sudaru tradicionalne poljoprivre- de i moderne industrije porodica Sole se suočava sa neizvesnom budućnošću i ri- zikuje da izgubi mnogo više od svog do- ma, a postavlja se pitanje ko će njeni čla- novi uopšte postati ukoliko napuste svoju zemlju.

Sigurno mesto , Juraj Lerotić

Sigurno mesto , još jedan dugometražni prvenac sa ove liste, ostvarenje je scenari- ste i reditelja Juraja Lerotića, koji u filmu ta- kođe i glumi. Na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Lokarnu Goran Marković nagra- đen je za najbolju mušku ulogu, Lerotić za najboljeg novog reditelja, a sam film pro- glašen je najboljim debitantskim ostva- renjem festivala. Lerotićev film polazi od istinite priče, tragedije koja je zadesila nje- govu porodicu, a govori o pokušaju samo- ubistva Damira, mlađeg od dvojice braće, koga tumači Goran Marković, dok starijeg brata Bruna glumi sam Lerotić. Nakon jed- ne iznenađujuće nadrealne intervencije film se vraća svom realističnom toku i fo- kusira na odnos između braće, koji je na- kon tragedije postao napet i nesiguran. Safe Place, Juraj Lerotić Safe Place, another debut feature included on this list, is the work of screenwriter and director Juraj Lerotić, who also appears in the film. The Locarno International Film Fes- tival awarded Goran Marković as best ac- tor for his role in the film, while Lerotić was awarded as best emerging director, and the film itself was declared the best debut feature film. Lerotić’s film, which is based on a true story and a tragedy that befell his family, addresses the attempted suicide of Damir, the younger of two brothers, played by Goran Marković, while Lerotić himself portrays elder brother Bruno. Following a surprisingly surreal intervention, the film re- turns to its real-world course and focuses on the relationship between the brothers, which has become tense and precarious following the tragedy.

I ove godine će na festivalu biti prikazano najbolje što evropska filmska scena trenutno nudi This year, once again, the festival will screen the best currently offered by the European film scene

Alcarràs, Carla Simón Five years after receiving the award for best debut feature film (Summer 1993), Car- la Simon this year again returned from Ber- lin with an award – and this time around it was the Golden Bear for the best film of the 72 nd Berlinale. Alcarràs is the epony- mous Catalan village where the Solé fam- ily has been growing peaches for gener- ations, but the threat of eviction from the farm seems to spell the end of their family business. A new developer plans to replace the peach trees with solar panels, about which the Solés’ opinions are divided. In a clash between traditional agriculture and modern industry, the family faces an un- certain future and risks losing much more than just their home, while a question aris- es as to who they will become if they aban- don their country.

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