Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Đorđe Mišina, In the Clinch The James Bond of Gardoš The character of Filip Antonijević, who is portrayed by Đorđe Mišina in the series In the Clinch, has become one of the most popular characters on the small screen this autumn, along with the entire cast of the series, thanks to this story of an urban team struggling for survival in the clinch of life. O ne of the best and most popular current domestic series, In the Clinch, which is aired on RTS, is a story about coming of age, about moments in which young peo- ple transition from their high school peri-

older colleagues, and they bought into our energy. We listened to our colleagues behind the camera and cre- ated magic. Of course, everyone praises his own horse, but it’s not as much about the quality of the series as it is about the quality of conditions and cooperation during filming.” What aspects of yourself did you recognise through your character, and in which ways do you differ completely? “Everyone has a Filip in them, who lives for adven- ture and life on the edge. That Filip often awakens within us when we’re ready to do everything to preserve what’s important to us. Of course, Filip also has his flaws, but that’s what brings him to life and makes him real. I need- ed to be aware of my own negative sides and engage my entire being to create him. For me, acting is wealth be- cause it provides us with the possibility to imagine and create a new being. And for that we also need to know our own personality, in order to know what the map that a person is made of looks like.” In working on this series, who gave you the most important advice about the character? “It is difficult for me to single out any individual in particular. Everyone tried to help me do the right thing. That’s why I needed a lot of patience to listen carefully to all the people involved: from the writer and the di- rector to my other colleagues. I take what I need, add a lot of my own, and reach the right answer in some kind of joint cooperation.” How do you handle it when you find yourself “in a clinch” in life? “I try not to give up. That’s the most important thing. I’ll fight as long as I live. Many people have succeed- ed in overcoming all sorts of stuff before me, so why wouldn’t I be able to too!? I don’t see a hopeless situa- tion, the obstacle isn’t in front of us, but rather inside us, we need to beat ourselves - our dragon. Everything else will come as easy levels in some game. We have to give our all to reach that lucky star in the sky. And to help, not only ourselves, but also others who are chas- ing their own lucky star. In unison we are stronger. Man was not created to be alone.” You’ve played noted roles in other domes- tic series. How are your acting experiences to date? “It meant a lot to me that I started working with great actors from my first projects, at a young age. And I absorbed their craft and effort like a sponge. I heeded their advice and enjoyed every shot and every scene with them. I can state with pride that our senior colleagues – at least those I’ve met, of which there are many – are honourable, intelligent and just people.” Are you interested in Hollywood? “I believe every actor fantasises about Hollywood while they’re young, but I haven’t given up on that! [laughs]. Acting is important to me wherever it is. I’ve also started working with foreign projects a bit, though I shot most of them in the Balkans.”

od to become university students or workers who begin to realise, or become disillusioned by, their ambitions. The young cast is led by music star of the region Mihajlo Veruović, aka Vojaž, while his best friend is portrayed by Đorđe Mišina, who describes the character he plays as a crazy, confused, insecure, but actually very capable guy. “In the Clinch is a story about growing up, about family, about transcending oneself and the obstacles life throws in front of us. It is life as it is and everything that we have to beat in the ring in order to achieve our own aims and become the best. We strive to show every in- dividual who watches the series that they aren’t alone in this struggle we call life. I play Filip, a good-hearted lout, the James Bond of Gardoš, a gambler, or whatever people often call the character I play. I like those popular names [laughs]. Filip is trying in his own way to swim in the waters of life for himself and his family. He has various resources and the competence to achieve his goals. He often stumbles over his decisions, but nev- er capitulates.” What do you think is the secret of this series’ success, which achieved great popularity in- stantly? “There is no secret, just a well-known recipe for suc- cess: work, effort, spontaneity, imagination, desire and, of course, most importantly, understanding for the team and colleagues. It has that famous acting quote: the part- ner is always right! And it was this motto that guided us through the shooting of the series. We learned from our

Everywhere with my Air Serbia “I often fly Air Serbia, in recent times every flight I've taken has been with our na- tional airline. I’m very satisfied and can hardly wait for my next trip, which will take me to Scandinavia. I often fly and I fantasised about flights and travels as a child. I’m glad to be making those wishes come true. I want to thank the people at Air Serbia, who have always been there to help me with every trip. I must single out Svetlana Kokeza as the most deserving, an Air Serbia employee who has always been there for me. Ceca, thank you for your great patience and effort!”

Interview » Intervju | 43

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