Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia



Njujork / New York Parada za Dan zahvalnosti Pre nego što Amerika navali na pečene ćur- ke i udobno se smesti da gleda fudbal, sve oči se okrecu ka Menhetnu tokom Mejsi pa- rade za Dan zahvalnosti. Ovog 24. novem- bra, nakon dve godine kada su proslave izgledale sasvim drugačije, stvari se vraca- ju u normalu. Godišnje svetkovina džinov- skih balona, navijačica, klovnova, bendova, brodvejskih predstava i slavnih likova jedan je od najboljih događaja u Njujorku u novem- bru. Obično počinje na raskrnici 77. ulice i Central Park Vesta i spušta se do 34. ulice i Majsi Herald skvera. Parada počinje odmah u 9 ujutro i završava se oko podneva. Thanksgiving Day Parade Before America tucks into on turkey and settles in to watch some football, all eyes turn to Manhattan during the Macy’s Thank- sgiving Day Parade. This 24 th November, af- ter two years when celebrations looked very different, things are getting back to normal. The annual pageant of giant balloons, floats, cheerleaders, clowns, marching bands, Bro- adway performances and celebs is one of the best NYC events in November. It usually star- ts at 77 th St and Central Park West and heads down to 34 th Street to Macy‘s Herald Squa- re. The parade kicks off promptly at 9am and ends at noon.

Milano / milan Najveća kafe žurka na svetu Milanski festival kafe se vraca u Superstu - dio Piu na tri dana kofeinske zabave od 12. do 14. novembra. Sve o kafi, od početka do kraja. Besplatne degustacije podržane uličnom hranom. Baristi svetske klase, de- monstracije, umetnost i živa muzika. Ključ- ni ljudi iz industrije spajaju se sa poznava- ocima kofeina kako bi uživali u atmosferi kreacije novih trendova. Otkrijte više nači- na za pravljenje i kuvanje kafe kod kuce, a iskustvo začinite mirisom i ukusom pijaca ulične hrane. The Biggest Coffee Party On Earth The Milan Coffee Festival returns to Super- studio Piu for three days of caffeinated fun from 12 th to 14 th November.​Everything abo- ut coffee - from beginning to end. Free ta- stings are all supported by street food deli- ghts. World-class baristas, demonstrations, art and live music. Key industry folks blend with caffeine connoisseurs to enjoy an atmosphere of creating new trends. Disco- ver multiple ways to make and brew coffee at home, punctuated with artisan food and street food markets.

Berlin / Berlin Otvaraju se božićni marketi Ovaj božicni market je prirodno šarman- tan, sa zamkom Šarlotenburg kao pozadi- nom. Otmeni ukrasi su svuda, a sve to da- je veoma prijatnu atmosferu. Na brojnim tezgama postoji veliki izbor rukotvorina i delikatnih sitnica. Plus je što možete uci u zagrejane šatore i tamo nastaviti kupovi- nu ako je napolju hladno. Kada? Od 21. no- vembra do 26. decembra (zatvoreno 24. decembra). Christmas markets opens This Christmas market is naturally char- ming, with the Charlottenburg Castle as a backdrop. Fancy decorations are everyw- here, and it all provides for a very cosy atmosphere. There is a large selection of craft and delicate trinkets at the numero- us stalls. A plus is that you can enter the he- ated tents and continue shopping there if it is cold. When? From 21 st November to 26 th December (closed on 24 th December).

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda do Berlina / Air Serbia flies six times a week from Belgrade to Berlin

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beogra - da do Milana / Air Serbia flies five times a week from Belgrade to Milan

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda do Njujorka / Air Serbia flies twice a week from Belgrade to New York

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