Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Restoran Legat 1903 / Restaurant Legat 1903 Gastonomski raj i nasleđe srpske vinske istorije / Gastronomic paradise and the legacy of Serbian wine history

Restoran Legat 1903 otvoren je u julu 2018. godine. Jedno od najčešće postavljenih pitanja bilo je odakle baš to ime i godina u nazivu, što nam je dalo savršen uvod za upoznavanje gostiju sa našom idejom. Ime smo dobili po nadaleko čuvenoj Venčačkoj vi- nogradarskoj zadruzi, osnovanoj septembra 1903. u selu Banja, pored Aranđelovca. Restoran Legat 1903 bio je prvi korak u sklopu ideje za ponovno oživlja- vanje vinarije, koja je jedno od najvažnijih i najvred- nijih nasleđa srpske vinske istorije. Mlad i izuzetno ambiciozan tim šefova u svakom meniju precizno kombinuje ukuse Mediterana, inter- nacionalne kuhinje i tradicionalnu domaću kuhinju prezentovanu na moderan kulinarski način, uz stalno traganje za što kvalitetnijim namirnicama kontroli- sanog porekla. Pored ribljeg i mesnog set menija, ko- ji su svojevrsna kruna razvoja našeg tima,

The restaurant Legat 1903 opened in July 2018. One of the most frequently asked questions re- lates to the inspiration behind the name and the year contained within it, which provided us with the per- fect introduction to acquaint our guests with our idea. We are named after the widely renowned Ven- cačka Winegrowing Cooperative, which was estab- lished in September 1903 in the village of Banja, in the vicinity of Aranđelovac. The restaurant Legat 1903 represented the first step in the revival of the win- ery, which is one of the most important and valuable benchmarks in the heritage of Serbian wine history. With each menu, Legat’s team of young and ex- tremely ambitious chefs precisely combines flavours of the Mediterranean, international cuisine and tradi- tional domestic cuisine that are presented in a mod- ern culinary way, while constantly seeking out the

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