Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Legat 1903 je za svoju ponudu dobio prestižno priznanje Mišlenovog vodiča za 2022. godinu Legat 1903’s offer led to it receiving prestigious recognition in the Michelin Guide for 2022

highest quality ingredients with confirmed and con- trolled origins. In addition to the set fish and meat menus, which are a kind of crowning glory of the development of our team, we also have available an à la carte menu, with which we provide our guests with extensive possibilities to create, in consultation with our staff, their own unforgettable gastronom- ic experiences. Also contributing to this possibility is the wine offer, which comprises some of the world’s most fa- mous wines and well-established, celebrated names of the local wine industry, but also small producers with wines made from autochthonous, new and lo- cal grape varieties. Of a total of 240 different labels included in the offer, there are 50 wines that can also be ordered by the glass at any time, which provides us with wonderful opportunities to pair food with local and foreign wines. We are particularly proud of the fact that, for the past few months already, we’ve been able to offer guests wines from our own vine- yard, located in the foothills of Venčac mountain, and to combine - in the best possible way - the wine vision of our ancestors and our gastronomic offer, which - apart from being recognised by the prestigious Miche- lin Guide for 2022, has also been recognised by the most important judges: our guests. Give us the opportunity and we’ll create memo- ries for you – that’s the promise of the team of the restaurant Legat 1903 and the winery Venčac 1903, led by Slađana Đurović and Predrag Gavrilović.

na raspolaganju je i a la carte meni, kojim gosti- ma pružamo široke mogućnosti da u konsulataciji sa našim osobljem sami kreiraju svoja nazaboravna ga- stronomska iskustva. Tome doprinosi i ponuda vina sastavljena i od ne- kih najpoznatijih vina sveta i od već afirmisanih, do- bro poznatih imena domaće vinske industrije, kao i malih proizvođača sa vinima od autohtonih, novona- stalih i lokalnih sorti grožđa. Od ukupno 240 različitih etiketa u ponudi u svakom momentu je 50 vina mo- guće probati i na čašu, što nam pruža sjajne moguć- nosti uparivanja hrane sa domaćim i stranim vinima. Posebno smo ponosni što već nekoliko meseci imamo mogućnost da gostima ponudimo i vina iz našeg vi- nograda sa obronaka planine Venčac i da na najbolji mogući način spojimo vinsku viziju naših predaka i našu gastronomsku ponudu, koja je, pored priznanja prestižnog Mišlenovog vodiča za 2022. godinu, prepo- znata i od strane najvažnijih kritičara – naših gostiju. „Dajte nam priliku i mi ćemo vama kreirati uspo- mene“, obećavaju članovi tima restorana Legat i vina- rije Venčac 1903 Slađana Đurović i Predrag Gavrilović.

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