Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Belgrade Fashion Week Runway that launches creativity Belgrade will this November celebrate the 50 th edition of the city’s fashion week, an event that forever changed the course of creative nonconformity among local fashion designers

B elgrade Fashion Week was certainly one of the few things that repre- sented a beacon of cre- ativity during the not- so-happy nineties. Created in 1996 within the innovative wing of fash- ion studio Klik, it quickly began attracting undivided media atten- tion with its premiere chamber edition, intriguing even those for whom fashion trends are far from their sphere of interest. Spare invi- tations to attend the shows of Fash- ion Week were soon being sought – that marked the birth of new op- timism and hinted towards a more open era when the pioneers of the local fashion scene began to act globally, and not just think globally. With the birth of the phe- nomenon of digital reality, Bel- grade Fashion Week began taking on, alongside its creative aspect, the format of a socially responsi- ble event – by bringing to light urgent issues linked to social re- sponsibility and environmental sustainability. Now, on the eve of the jubilee marking the 25 th an- niversary of this most important

regional fashion event, it has be- come a synonym for a communi- ty with an indestructible creative spirit. One of its most important projects – the designers’ associa- tion BFW Design Collective – has created a network that connects more than 80 independent Serbi- an designers focused on contem- porary fashion and small series production. Belgrade Fashion Week places an emphasis on connecting the lo- cal fashion scene with nearby mar- kets and the world’s leading fashion centres. “The main characteristic of Belgrade Fashion Week is its abili- ty to fuse the artistic and commer- cial aspects of fashion. We are this time preparing an extensive pro- gramme which will have attractive- ness that’s worthy of the jubilee. We want this celebratory edition to present the most important as- pects of the event,” says fashion studio Klik director Nenad Radu- jević, the mastermind behind this project of multifaceted importance. This year’s Belgrade Fashion Week will be held from 8 th to 29 th November at numerous attractive venues across the city, such as Be- lexpocentre hall, Dorćol Platz and city gallery spaces where visitors can expect to see the ancillary pro- gramme. Each of those venues, but also the distinctive location select- ed for the finale, has its own par- agraph to tell in the story of how this city lives and breathes fash- ion during Fashion Week, shining a light that can still be seen from far away.

Nastala je 1996. u inovativnom okrilju modnog studija Klik i ubrzo počela da privlači nepodeljenu medijsku pažnju Created in 1996 within the innovative wing of fashion studio Klik, it quickly began attracting undivided media attention

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