Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

ritam grada / Rhythm of the city

Zahvaljujući jubilarnoj

monografiji, u prilici smo da Duška Radovića upoznamo iz novog, intimnijeg ugla Thanks to this jubilee monograph, everyone will have an opportunity to familiarise themselves with Duško Radović from a new, more intimate perspective

Budite čovek po svaku cenu. Ako treba, platite koliko košta. Neka to bude najskuplja stvar u vašoj kući. Niko nema veće obaveze prema sebi nego da bude i ostane čovek.

Be human at all costs. If you must, pay as much as it costs. Let that be the most expensive thing in your house. No one has a greater obligation to self than to be, and remain, human.

72 | Beograd » Belgrade

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