Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

LajfstAjl / Lifestyle

Outdoor training Fitness, oxygen, nature Avoid stuffy (or, worse still, oppressively air- conditioned) gyms and train your body in the most effective way, in nature

days, every cell of the body will be supplied with a sufficient amount of oxygen. All you need is to dress ap- propriately. We advise that you re- search deep breathing exercises based on yoga principles that balance body and spirit – and that bring our vital- ity to its full expression. And you don’t have to be in the midst of zen greenery to feel your own fitness nature evolving – it can even be beneficial to enjoy outdoor training in a city. According to a study conducted by the University of Co- penhagen, sporting activity practised outdoors and in urban settings is cru- cial to the ‘holy trinity’ of wellness: reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases; relieving the body of stress; and providing a long-term boost to the immune system. In truth, how- ever, the polluted air of densely pop- ulated urban areas is incomparable to a mountain breeze. But the es- sence of training outdoors in con- stantly changing conditions is that it activates our muscles in a way that gym machines never could. And be sure to pack your clothes for training when you head out on your travels: one of the most attractive ways to get acquainted with different surround- ings is to follow the fitness routes of a city’s residents.

F itness experts consid- er that it’s simply in our genes: physical activity combined with surround- ings that are relaxing on the eye result in us restoring the “fac- tory settings” of our ancestors, thus providing us with a unique oppor- tunity to rediscover what our bodies are really capable of doing. Every ac- tivity becomes more efficient – and that’s not only for the body, but al- so for the mind: both top athletes and excellent exercise practitioners will testify that it is this link between the brain and muscles that helps us maintain top form. Let’s take, for example, the tread- mill: the monotone tempo and fleet- ing glances at the monitor showing calories burned (or, worse still, a screen showing TV programming) lead to us experiencing this basic activity as torture, while jogging through a forest on an uneven trail

“works” on the principle of our ad- venturous spirit. The essence lies in concentrated oxygen, and the impor- tance of fresh air and the benefits it provides compared to exercising and spending time indoors. Then there’s also the generally ac- cepted optimistic principle of chro- motherapy: according to this branch of alternative medicine, applied ex- posure to certain colours can have therapeutic effects. Chromother- apy views colour as a powerful tool for improving mood and establish- ing mental and physical equilibri- um, thus improving quality of life. Nature is dominated by the colour green, which provides a sense of se- renity and inner balance while reliev- ing stress... Green has a pronounced positive impact on the cardiovascu- lar and respiratory systems. This will ensure that every cell of your body is supplied with sufficient levels of oxygen. Even in the season of cold

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Nature provides a sense of serenity and inner balance while relieving stress

76 | Fitnes » Fitness

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