Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia



Er SRBIJA air serbia 46.

u fokusu in focus 10.

 Dva miliona putnika na letovima Er Srbije od početka godine / Two million passengers on Air Serbia flights since the start of the year  Posle pauze od tri godine: Er Srbija obnovila letove do Malte / Air Serbia restores direct flights to Malta after three-year break Fenomeni 21. veka: Bindžovanje je došlo da ostane / Phenomena of the 21 st century: binging is here to stay  Beli lotos , druga sezona i Kruna , peta sezona / The White Lotus, season two, and The Crown, season five

 Er Srbija nagradila svog dvadesetmilionitog putnika / Air Serbia rewards its 20-millionth passenger

intervju interview 20.


na letu on board 12.

Tijana Bošković, najbolja odbojkašica sveta / Tijana Bošković, the best volleyball player in the world

 Sa nama putuju Bigru i Paja Kratak, reperi / We travel with Bigru i Paja Kratak, hip-hop artists

Striming streaming 52.

kultura culture 32.

Andre Riu: Stiže kralj valcera, spremite se za ples / André Riou: the king of the waltz is coming, so get ready to dance Festival autorskog filma: Pobednici Kana, Berlina i Lokarna u Beogradu / Festival of Auteur Film: Winners of Cannes, Berlin and Locarno in Belgrade Đorđe Mišina, U klinču : Džejms Bond sa Gardoša / Đorđe Mišina, In the clinch: James Bond from Gardoš




putujte pametno smart travel 14.  Vodimo vas na Maltu / We’re taking you to Malta

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