Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Prvi licej, prva električna centrala u zemlji, prvi sud, prve novine, prvi teatar, prvi kraljevski orkestar i još mnogo toga vrednog pomena – sve u Kragujevcu

The country’s first lyceum, first power station, first court, first newspaper, first theatre, first Royal Orchestra and much more that’s worth mentioning – were all established in Kragujevac


Crkvu je podigao Miloš Obrenović 1818, a tu je zasedala skupština sve do izgradnje zgrade parlamenta 1859. A church was built at the behest of Miloš Obrenović in 1818, and it was there that the assembly held its sessions until the construction of the parliament building in 1859

Kragujevac » Kragujevac | 81

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