Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia

the Zastava Arms factory. This is the oldest preserved part of the military factory, which was itself the first of its kind in the then Principality of Serbia, and the mu- seum collection encompasses some 5,500 objects. The area alongside the museum is often used as a film shoot location, while the famous Arsenal Fest music festival is also held there each June. There is also a reinforced concrete bridge on this spot, representing one of the first two to be built in Serbia, in 1923 and 1924. The country’s bridges had previously been made mostly of wood and stone. The first secondary school in Serbia was founded here in 1833, and received its own building in 1887, which can still be seen today. Many famous figures at- tended school here, such as Radomir Putnik and Jovan Ristić, while at one time famous poet and painter Đu- ra Jakšić was among its lecturers. It was here, on 21 st October 1941, that invading German soldiers rounded up a large number of pupils and teachers and led them away to be shot, which is why one of the school’s rooms was turned into a memorial classroom. Nearby stands another important building: Kragujevac Theatre, while there is also the Tržnica bazaar, which was the first cov- ered market in Europe. Set aside a little time to tour the House of Đura Jakšić. It was here that the Serbian paint- er and poet lived and worked during his time in Kragu- jevac, while it is today used as a venue to host exhibi- tions and literary evenings. In memory of the victims of the October 1941 shoot- ings, the entire area of Šumarica was turned into a Memo-

rial Park covering an area of 352 hectares. The “Kragujevac October” Park was founded in 1953 and the memorial complex is traversed by a seven-kilometre-long circular road. Visitors can see the locations of 30 mass graves. At the entrance stands the building of the 21 st October Museum, which was intentionally designed without win- dows and doors to represent all the tragedy and hopeless- ness of unarmed citizens confronted by German soldiers. The museum preserves poignant documents related to this date in 1941, when Nazis shot and killed approxi- mately 3,000 citizens, including many children, in retal- iation for the 10 German soldiers who were killed and 26 wounded in the battle of the previous days. Austrian General Franz Boehme ordered “100 for one” be shot. Visit “V/3”, the saddest monument. For lovers of active holidays, we recommend hik- ing, as Kragujevac, which occupies the Lepenica valley, is surrounded by the foothills of the Gledić Mountains, Crni vrh and Rudnik. Equestrian sports also have a long tradition in Kragujevac, and local stables, an equestri- an club, and even rural households, go out of their way to accommodate both novices and experienced riders. While we’re on the subject of villages, there are many in the municipality of Kragujevac that provide perfect conditions for rural tourism, with affordable prices and hosts that prepare meals made from ingredients sourced from their own estates. Fine foods go well when paired with fine wines and, knowing that the Order of Šumadi- ja’s Wine Knights operates in Kragujevac, wine lovers re- ally have reason to rejoice here.

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