Elevate November 2022 | Air Serbia

Zasladite se pudingom od bundeve POTREBNO JE: 800 g očišćene bundeve, oko 100 ml mleka, žuti šećer, kesica vanilin šećera, po želji cimet, seckani orasi PRIPREMA: Isečenu bundevu obarite u vodi da omekša i pro- cedite. Potom je preručite u sud, sipajte mleko i žuti šećer. Dobro je umutite žicom da dobijete ujednačenu smesu kao puding. Po želji dodajte cimet i seckane orahe. Sipajte u čini- ju, ohladite i poslužite. Indulge your sweet tooth with pumpkin pudding INGREDIENTS: 800g of cleaned pumpkin flesh, approx. 100ml of milk, brown sugar, one sachet of pudding sugar and, if desired, cinnamon and chopped walnuts PREPARATION: Blanch the sliced pumpkin to soften it before straining. Transfer to a bowl and add the milk and brown sugar. It is best to use a pudding whisk to create a uniform pudding-like mixture. Add cinnamon and chopped walnuts if and as desired. Pour into a bowl, chill and serve.

čorbe stižu zvezde šumadijske trpeze – svadbarski kupus, sarma, pasulj sa suvim rebrima, pečenje, praseće i ja- gnjeće, kao i teletina ispod sača! Sja- jan obrok treba da bude zaokružen poslasticom, pitom šljivarom, palačin- kama ili nečim originalnim kao što je puding od bundeve, za koji ovde mo- žete naći i recept. The traditional Šumadija welcome of plum slatko [a thin, syrupy preserve con- taining whole fruits] and plum rakija pro- vide a nice introduction to everything that awaits you on the rich spread of tra- ditional Šumadija dishes from the heart of Serbia. This region, which is today re- nowned far and wide for its plum orchar- ds, stretches between the Danube and Sava rivers, the Great and Western Mo- rava rivers, and the Kolubara, Ljig and Di- čina rivers. Once upon a time, in the ear- ly medieval period, it was covered by almost impenetrable oak and beech fo- rests, hence the name Šumadija [šuma means forest]. Various historical circum- stances led to people often migrating to this area, and it was only at the be- ginning of the 19 th century that the diver- se population, which had arrived from all directions and finally settled there, mi- xed and were unified under a single na- me: Šumadinci. They are known for producing good ra- kija, but also as diligent, kindly and wi- tty hosts. At a table filled with selected Šumadija delicacies, enjoy without rus- hing, eat slowly, and feel the rhythm of Šumadija... A traditional Šumadija meal starts with a rakija aperitif served with a meze or a Šu- madija snack, while you await the main course. The snack combines cured me- ats, cheeses, good salads and hot bre- ad buns. Of course, there can be not- hing here without homemade, Šumadija gibnica and other pies filled with chee- se, spinach, potato etc. Following a go- od veal or chicken thick soup, the stars of Šumadija tables arrive: wedding ca- bbage, sarma cabbage rolls, baked be- ans with dry-roasted ribs, pork and lamb, as well as veal under a bell! A wonderful meal should be rounded off with a des- sert, plum pie, pancakes or something original like pumpkin pudding, the recipe for which you can find here.

Kad se pomene Šumadija, mnogi prvo pomisle na gibanicu, koja će vam „umastiti i brkove i bradu“ / When Šumadija is mentioned, many people’s first association is gibanica cheese pie, which will “leave your moustache and beard greasy”

Tastes of Serbia » Ukusi Srbije | 87

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