Kuća 4711 4711 je klasičan nemački miris koji krasi muškara - ce i žene od 18. veka. Trendovi u mirisima dolaze i odlaze, ali 4711 ostaje. Najstariji eau de cologne rođen je u oktobru 1792. godine, kada je Vilhelm Muelhens dobio tajni recept kao svadbeni poklon. Otvorio je manufakturu u oblasti Glokengase, a svo - ju čudotvornu vodu prodavao kao zdravo pice. Na - ziv kuće i broj koji nosi posledica su francuske voj - ne okupacije, kada je jedan general numerisao sve kuce, a Muelhenova je dobila broj 4711, koji je od tada ostao uz brend. Napoleon je naredio da se za sve recepte moraju otkriti sastojci, a Muelhens, ko - ji to nije želeo, počeo je da prodaje „čudesnu vodu“ kao miris.
HOUSE 4711 4711 is a classic German fragrance that has been po- pular among both men and women since the 18 th century. Trends in fragrances come and go, but 4711 remains. The oldest Eau de Cologne was created in October 1792, when Wilhelm Mülhens received a se - cret recipe. He opened a workshop in the Glockenga- sse area and sold his water as a health drink. The na- me and number of the house are a consequence of the French military occupation – when one general chose to number all houses and Mülhens’ received the number 4711. Napoleon ordered that the ingre- dients for recipes must be listed publicly, and Mül - hens, who didn’t want to reveal his, began selling his “miraculous water” as a fragrance
Glokengase je jedna od najpoznatijih ulica u Kelnu, iako je duga manje od 400 metara Glockengasse is one of Cologne’s most famous streets, despite being less than 400 metres long
Između 9 i 19 časova, čak 20 zvona Kuce 4711 svira tri me - lodije svakog punog sata. Uvek se čuju melodije Marseljeza i Verni husar , a treca melodija varira u zavisnosti od godiš - njeg doba, od karnevalskih hi - tova do božicnih kompozicija. Ime mirisa poznatog kao Eau de Cologne ne ostavlja vas u nedoumici o tome gde je na - stao. Da, tu u Kelnu. Zato je 4711 Original Eau de Cologne ikona među kolonjskim voda - ma, pa nije ni čudo što je vi - še puta proglašavan brendom veka.
Between 9am and 7pm, 20 bells of the House of 4711 play three melodies every hour, on the hour. These always include “Le Marse- illaise” and “The Faithful Hussar”, while the third melody varies from carnival hits to Christmas compo- sitions, depending on the season. The name of the fragrance known popularly as “Eau de Co- logne” leaves you in doubt as to where it originated. The “4711 Original Eau de Cologne” is an icon among colognes, so little wonder, then, that it has been proclaimed brand of the century on multiple occasions.
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