Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
New destinations
With the introduction of these routes to Trieste and Bologna, coupled with the existing regular flights to Rome and Milan, and announced flights to Ve- nice and Bari, Italy is set to become the market with the largest number of destinations serviced by Air Serbia from Belgrade – six in total. “The decision to introduce new destinations in Italy is a result of the strategic importance of renewing and strengthening our presence in one of the world’s most visited countries. Italy represents an extremely impor- tant market, both for our airline and for Serbia, due to the close economic ties between our two countries. We are particularly happy to be commencing direct fli- ghts to Trieste, which is the city with the largest Ser- bian diaspora in Italy,” says Air Serbia Head of Network Planning and Scheduling Bojan Aranđelović. Located in the northernmost section of the Adria- tic coast, along the very border between Italy and Slo- venia, Trieste is the capital of the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and represents the coastal gate to Northern Italy, Germany, Austria and Central Europe. Bologna is the capital of the Emilia-Romagna re- gion, Italy’s richest region, and the country’s seven- th most populous city. It is known as Italy’s culinary and student capital and boasts numerous museums, whi- le its historic centre is under UNESCO protection. Every corner of this dynamic student metropolis transports us back to the glorious past, when Dante Alighieri and Francesco Petrarch sat in the amphitheatre of Europe’s oldest university. The Serbian national airline will launch scheduled flights between Belgrade and Trieste as of 2 nd June, followed by a scheduled Belgrade-Bologna service to commence on 6 th June. Flights to both of these Italian destinations will operate three times a week: to Trieste on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and to Bologna on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Air Serbia to launch Trieste and Bologna flights
Nove destinacije
Uvođenjem letova do Trsta i Bolonje, uz posto- jeće letove do Rima i Milana, kao i najavljene do Vene- cije i Barija, Italija postaje tržište sa trenutno najvećim brojem destinacija do kojih Er Srbija saobraća iz Beo- grada – ukupno šest. – Odluka o uvođenju novih destinacija u Italiji rezul- tat je strateškog značaja obnove i jačanja našeg prisu- stva u jednoj od najposećenijih zemalja na svetu. Ita- lija predstavlja izuzetno značajno tržište kako za našu kompaniju, tako i za Srbiju, zbog bliskih ekonomskih ve- za između naše dve zemlje. Posebno nam je drago što uvodimo direktne letove do Trsta, grada sa najvećom srpskom dijasporom u Italiji – izjavio je Bojan Aranđelo- vić, viši menadžer za planiranje i optimizaciju reda lete- nja u Er Srbiji . Smešten na najseverniji deo obale Jadranskog mo- ra, na samoj granici Italije sa Slovenijom, Trst je glavni grad autonomne pokrajine Friuli-Venecija Đulija i pred- stavlja pomorsku kapiju za severnu Italiju, Nemačku, Austriju i srednju Evropu. Bolonja, glavni grad najbogatije italijanske pokraji- ne Emilija Romanja i sedmi po veličini grad u Italiji, važi za kulinarsku i studentsku prestonicu te zemlje, sa broj- nim muzejima i istorijskim jezgrom pod zaštitom Une- ska. Svaki kutak ove užurbane studentske metropole vraća u slavnu prošlost, kada su Dante Aligijeri i Franče- sko Petrarka sedeli u amfiteatru najstarijeg univerzite- ta u Evropi. Er Srbija pokreće letove do Trsta i Bolonje Srpska avio-kompanija od 2. juna pokreće redovne letove između Beograda i Trsta, dok od 6. juna uspostavlja redovan avio-saobraćaj na relaciji Beograd–Bolonja. Letovi ka obe destinacije u Italiji će se obavljati tri puta nedeljno – do Trsta utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom, a do Bolonje ponedeljkom, sredom i petkom
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