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Welcome message
Februar 2022. godine
February 2022
Dragi putnici,
Dear Passengers,
Drago mi je što vam se prvi put obraćam na ovaj način i siguran sam da time započinjemo lepo druženje. Nakon više od 20 godina bogatog iskustva u avio-industriji ukazana mi je čast da preuzmem po- ziciju generalnog direktora Er Srbije. U poslednje go- tovo tri godine, kao direktor za komercijalu i strate- giju, rukovodio sam širenjem mreže i komercijalnom transformacijom srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Uz predan rad i posvećenost svih kolega, zabeležili smo rekordne uspehe na kraju 2019. godine i ostva- rili natprosečne rezultate i tokom pandemije. Dolazak na čelo kompanije koja je apsolutni lider u regionu predstavlja veliku odgovornost, ali nosi i no- vu energiju i uzbuđenje. Er Srbija se ubrzano oporav- lja i teži dostizanju pretpandemijskog nivoa do 2023. godine, uz nastavak stabilnog i kontinuiranog rasta. U skladu sa tim, počinjemo širenje mreže brojnim novim destinacijama, nestrpljivi da vam ponudimo još veći izbor, naročito pred sezonu letnjih odmora. Već od 21. aprila, za samo tri sata direktnog leta, moći ćete da uživate u tradicionalnoj špan- skoj paelji u mestu gde je i nastala – Valensiji, a od juna će vam i toplo mediteransko sunce Pal- ma de Majorke biti dostupnije nego ikada pre. Pri- bližićemo vam i autentičnu italijansku atmosferu, kulturu i gastronomiju prevozeći vas direktno do lavirinta uskih, kaldrmisanih ulica Barija i do ču- venog grada u koji se rado odlazi u šoping – Tr- sta. Ne zaboravimo i lepoticu Bolonju, u kojoj će vas svaki korak vraćati u slavnu prošlost kada su Aligijeri i Petrarka sedeli u amfiteatru najstarijeg univerziteta u Evropi. Ponudićemo vam ponovo i direktne letove do Rijeke, čija će vas tradicional- na gostoljubivost potpuno osvojiti. Ali ni tu nije kraj, jer smo vam pripremili još tri fantastične no- ve destinacije: mondensko letovalište na crnomor- skoj obali – Soči, jednu od najmodernijih prestonica Bliskog Istoka – Aman, kao i istorijsku prestonicu svile – magični Lion. Putovanja su jedna od stvari u kojima svi najvi- še uživamo. Međutim, i samo čitanje o destinaciji, planiranje obilazaka i iščekivanje polaska drže nas u stanju neizmerne radosti. Nadam se da smo vam sada dodatno podigli raspoloženje i mentalno vas izmestili na suncem okupane ulice naših novih de- stinacija. Ukoliko planirate da ih posetite i fizički, znajte da su avio-karte već u prodaji. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.
I’m glad to be able to address you in this way for the first time, and I’m certain that this is just the start of a pleasant relationship. After more than 20 years of extensive experience in the aviation industry, I’ve been granted the honour of assuming the position of Air Serbia CEO. Over the last almost three years, in my role as General Manager - Commercial and Strate- gy, I managed the Serbian national airline’s network ex- pansion and commercial transformation. Thanks to the dedicated work and commitment of all colleagues, we achieved record-breaking results at the end of 2019, as well as above-industry-average results during the pandemic. Becoming the head of a company that is the absolute leader of the region represents a great responsibility, but also brings new energy and excitement. Air Serbia is re- covering rapidly and striving to reach its pre-pandemic level by 2023, while continuing to record stable and con- tinuous growth. In line with that, we are starting to ex- pand our network to include numerous new destinations and are keen to offer you even more choice, particular- ly ahead of the summer holiday season. As early as 21 st April, via a direct flight lasting just three hours, you will be able to enjoy a traditional Span- ish paella in its city of origin: Valencia; and, starting in June, the warm Mediterranean sun of Palma de Mallor- ca will be more accessible than ever before. We will also bring the authentic atmosphere, culture and gastronomy of Italy closer to you, by flying you directly to the laby- rinth of narrow cobblestone streets that is Bari, and the famous shopping destination city of Trieste. And let’s not forget the beautiful Bologna, where every step you take will transport you back to the glorious past, when Alighieri and Petrarch sat in the amphitheatre of the old- est university in Europe. We will also, once again, offer you direct flights to Rijeka, where you will be dazzled by the traditional local hospitability. But that’s not all! We’ve prepared three more fantastic new destinations: the in- ternationally popular Black Sea resort of Sochi; one of the most modern capitals in the Middle East, Amman; and the world’s historic “silk capital”, the majestic Lyon. Travelling is among the things we all enjoy the most. However, just reading about a destination, planning trips and awaiting departure can hold us in a state of immeas- urable happiness. We hope that we have elevated your mood and helped you virtually move to the sunbathed streets of our new destinations. If you’re also planning to visit them for real, tickets are already on sale. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,
Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia
jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia
Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er SrbijE
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