Elevate February 2022 | Air Serbia



Ketvok ulicama sveta/ Catwalk of the world’s streets

Ulični stil se vraća na velika vrata Street style is back in a big way Nakon kratke pauze zbog pandemije poslednjih meseci ponovo uživamo u foto-galerijama najbolje odevenih ljudi u svetu/ Following a short break due to the pandemic, we’ve spent recent months again enjoying the photo galleries of the world’s best-dressed people S ećate se snimaka avetinjski praznih ulica iz proleća 2020? Da li vam sve to deluje kao da je bilo mnogo davnije nego što realno jeste? Modni uposlenici, ali i oni koji pa- sionirano prate trendove, sećaju se i da je R emember those images of eerily deserted streets from the spring of 2020? Doesn’t that all seem to be much longer ago than it really was? Those employed in the fash- ion industry, but also those who passion-

pandemija počela usred fešn vik ciklusa u svetskim metropolama stila, te da smo mesecima nakon što je prvi lokdaun završen bili uskraćeni za strit stajl pri- zore koji nam obično pune baterije i daju nadahnu- će za nesvakidašnje kombinacije. Malo-pomalo, najlepše odevene dame i gospoda sa Instagrama vratili su se svom ketvoku niz prostra- ne bulevare Pariza, ušuškane uličice Milana, kaldr- mu Londona i avenije Njujorka... Uprkos tome što svetska zdravstvena kriza još nije gotova, život po- činje da liči na onaj kakav smo znali pre, makar to podrazumevalo da uklopite svoju zaštitnu masku sa Jacquemus torbicom. Prelistali smo najzinimljivije strit stajl odevne kombinacije koje su svojim objektivom uhvatili hro- ničari autfita, a koji će poslužiti kao dobra doza in- spiracije pred prolećni stilski start. Jasno je da su vibrantne nijanse dominirale – od otrovnozelenih i nuklearnonarandžastih tonova do upečatljive ružiča- ste. Sudeći po uličnim izdanjima na koja nismo osta- li imuni, hrabri miks modni je imperativ. Mnoštvo luksuznih tekstura, elegancija definisana kroz bri- žljivo odabrane slojeve, siluete koje osvajaju svojim elaborativnim krojevima... Volimo što smo svedoci rađanja novog kodeksa odevanja prigodnog za no- vu normalnost u kojoj se pronalazimo i snalazimo.

ately follow trends, also recall that the outbreak of the global pandemic occurred in the middle of the cycle of fashion weeks in the world's metropolises of style, and that we were deprived of the street style scenes that usually recharge our batteries and provide inspi- ration for unusual combinations for months after the end of the first lockdown. Little by little, Instagram’s most beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen slowly returned to their make- shift catwalk, along the spacious boulevards of Par- is, the hidden alleyways of Milan, the cobblestones of London and the avenues of New York... And despite the global health crisis having still not ended, life is beginning to resemble the one that we were familiar with before – even if that has meant matching your protective mask with a Jacquemus bag. We browsed through the most interesting combi- nations of street style clothing that outfit chroniclers have captured with their lenses, and which will pro- vide a good dose of inspiration prior to the start of the spring style season. It is clear that vibrant tones are dominant – from toxic green and nuclear orange tones, to striking pink hues. Judging by the street style edi- tions that we haven’t developed an immunity against, the fashion imperative is a bold mix. Masses of luxu- rious textures, elegance defined through carefully se- lected layers, silhouettes that win us over with their elaborate tailoring... We love the fact that we are wit- nessing the birth of a new dress code to suit the new normal in which we find ourselves and which we’re managing to handle.

Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs/Depositphotos

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