Dokaz da je muška moda veli- ki biznis je firentinska fešta tren- dova poznatija kao Pitti Uomo . Posetioci sebi uvek daju ambi- ciozne stilske zadatke i u njima briljiraju kao da je reč o modnoj olimpijadi. Mi, kao i uvek, voli- mo da bacimo pogled na te nji- hove „ispod čekića“ stajlin- ge. / Testifying to the claim that men's fashion is big business is Florence’s festival of mens- wear trends, better known by the name Pitti Uomo. Visitors always set themselves ambitious stylistic tasks and shine in them as if com- peting in some fashion Olym- pics. As always, we like to cast our gaze over their “under the ham- mer” styling. firenca Florence
Najlepše odevene dame sa Instagrama vratile su se na ulice velegrada Instagram’s most beautifully dressed ladies have returned to the streets of major cities
Najlepše odevene zvanice kopenhagen- ske nedelje mode pokazale su da neu- tralno nije dosadno – tamošnja modna manifestacija se već etablirala kao novi epicentar stila. Oversajz kaput je prota- gonista, a Dankinje vole da nose luksuzne kašmirske varijante u svetlim bojama. / The most beautifully dressed guests of Copenhagen Fashion Week demonstrat- ed that neutral isn’t boring – this city’s fashion event has already established it- self as a new epicentre of style. The over- sized coat plays the leading role, and Dan- ish ladies love to wear luxurious cashmere variations in bright colours. kopenhagen Copenhagen
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