King's Business - 1967-03


Since 1908, Biola has been the Christian education center of the West. Over 15,000 former students are serving in places of spiritual leadership around the world, not only in the ministry but also in the business and professional society.

CROWELL HALL A 450 seat Concert Hall and a three manual Schantz pipe organ are the heart of Crowell Hall. In addition, the facility includes private teaching studios, class and rehearsal and practice rooms, and a newly completed high fidelity audio room. The Music Department, housed in the new air-conditioned Crowell Hall, offers majors in the following fields: Church Music, Applied Music, Music Theory and Composition, Music Educa­ tion, and Departmental Music. The student may choose to par­ ticipate in one of the nine musical ensembles — five choral and four instrumental ensembles. The music faculty, consisting of eleven full-time teachers and three part-time instructors, pro­ vides thorough instruction in all aspects of music. Biola College is accredited with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition, with accreditation through the Collegiate Division of the Accrediting Association of Bible Col­ leges, Biola students receive from two to three times more Bible and doctrine than other comparable Christian liberal arts col­ leges require.

Professor of Music, Raynor Brown, M.M., University of Southern California, is an accomplished organist and noted composer. His compositions range from special works for the organ

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T t i e K i n g s B u s i n e s s

A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 58, No. 3 • MARCH, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910 A r t i c l e s COVETOUSNESS: THE CHURCH 'S DEADENING SIN — Harold L. Longenecker .................................................. 9 THERAPY V IA TELEVISION — Herbert Henry Ehrenstein ........ 12 RETREAT — BUT ADVANCE — Homer G. Benton ................... 13 THE SEX DRIVE— A SACRED GIFT OF GOD — Robert H. Meneilly ..................................................... 16 THE GOOD THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH — Vance Havner .... 18 THE "PRAYED— FOR" HOUSE — Ben Owen .......................... 22 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION — James H. Christian ........ 23 A POLICE OFFICER SPEAKS OUT — Glen E. Vander Brink ........ 36 WHERE ARE THE VOLUNTEERS? — Arnold Pearson ............... 40 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 4 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf .......................... 28 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................. 30 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................... 31 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 32 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ....................................... 34 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 35 JUNIOR K ING 'S BUSINESS ..................................................... 38 CHRISTIAN WORKERS C L IN IC — C. Chester Larson ............... 44 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ........................................................... 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................................................... 21 READER REACTION ................................................................. 29 C o v e r " A summer day at Emerald Lake." Taken at Emerald Lake in Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada. Photo by Darwin Van Cam pen — A ll Rights Reserved — S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor BILL EHMANN: Coordinator EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker PAUL SCHWEPKER: Treasurer JAMES BRAMER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

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MARCH, 1967

"Europe Our Campus"



Great Britain, Germany

J a n u a r y 24 o f this year, the newspapers headlined a news item to the effect that the Supreme Court had just ren­ dered another startling decision. This one now makes it illegal to require any school teacher to sign a loyalty oath, stating that he does not presently belong to any Communist or Communist- front organization, nor has he belonged to any such organization in the past. In other words, a teacher need not declare his ideologi­ cal convictions in order to obtain a teaching position in the public schools o f this land. This furnishes a wide-open door for Com­ munists and Communistic sympathizers to enter the teaching field. If the members o f the Supreme Court, who presented this majority judgment, had come directly from Moscow, and were paid representatives o f Communism, they could have done no more to destroy the Christian American way o f life than did the Supreme Court in this far-reaching decision. This leaves the vast majority o f the American public utterly confused, bewil­ dered, stunned, and completely frustrated in trying to figure out how this sickening trend on the part o f the majority o f the Su­ preme Court can be stopped. There is no doubt that the vast percentage o f the American people are heartily opposed to these late decisions o f the Supreme Court. The vote on the recent deci­ sions which have so vitally affected our American way o f fife has been extremely close. The liberal wing o f the Supreme Court, composed o f five members, consistently has gunned down the historic position o f America on many o f these important ideologi­ cal issues. The conservative element in the Supreme Court, con­ sisting o f four members, just as consistently has endeavored to uphold the historic American way o f life. Thus the vote o f but one man is changing the whole ideological pattern o f America in ways that can only lead to continuing deterioration and ulti­ mate extinction o f the beloved land which our fore-fathers knew and as we know it. Alas, subsequent generations will be able to know it as it was only through the reading o f history books. We have been heartily opposed to the idea o f the recall process, but

Switzerland, Italy

France Your desire to visit the historic sites of Europe can become a reality through "Europe Our Cam­ pus." College age young people, school teachers, and anyone inter­ ested in travel through Europe with a Christian group will enjoy this tour which can provide up to six units of college credit if de­ sired. Cost is less than any four with comparable features, from New York $1324.00; from the West Coast $1570.00. JUNE 26-AUG. 8 Write fo r free brochure UNUSUAL TOURS 13800 Biola Are. La Mirada, Calif.



we devoutly pray that some way might be devised whereby the will o f the vast majority o f the people can be heard as over against the will o f the pathetically small, but loud-mouthed and determined minority, which is avowedly dedicated to the over­ throw o f our American government. The President o f the United States must assume his full share o f responsibility for this utterly deplorable condition. In his most recent appointment o f a justice o f the Supreme Court, he had the opportunity o f appointing either a liberal or a conservative. The President evidently chose the former. It is completely ironical, then, that in his state o f the Union message, he very piously should have proclaimed that as far as Viet Nam is concerned, we are in the war to stay; that Communism must be stopped; and that we will send our young men in whatever numbers are necessary to see that it is stopped, and that its godless, ruthless, inhuman principles and tactics will not be allowed to over-run the innocent peoples o f Asia or any other part o f the world. At the same time, he makes his appoint­ ment o f one who is opening wide the doors o f Communism into our very own public school system throughout the entire coun­ try. Where is the consistency o f sending young men to die to stop Communism abroad while at the same time we are inviting Communists in untold numbers to poison the minds o f our chil­ dren and young people during the most formative years o f their lives right here at home? It would seem that in the immediate years that lie ahead, the over-riding issue will be that o f electing a President, regardless o f his party affiliation, who will promise to put appointees on the Supreme Court bench, as the present members retire, who will get America back on our proper course; who will begin to interpret the laws o f the land, insofar as our ideology is concerned, to conform to the will o f the people and the historic position o f our beloved country. The Democratic party must assume the greater share o f responsibility for Supreme Court decisions during the past few decades by virtue o f the fact that we have had only Democratic presidents, with but one exception, since 1932. Presently there are four members o f the Supreme Court who were Republican appointees, and in this latest issue, two o f these, namely Chief Justice Warren and Jus­ tice Brennen, helped formulate the majority decision. In view o f the rugged Americanism which repeatedly has been displayed by General Eisenhower, one concludes that surely he must rue the day that he ever suggested the names o f these two justices to serve in the Supreme Court. This is an issue that ultimately will involve the whole religious life o f our country. Our religious lib­ erty is at stake in the final analysis. Unless present trends are completely reversed soon, we shall find that we are past the point o f no return, and religious freedom, as we have known it through­ out the history o f our country, will be a thing o f the past. This thought should at once drive us to our knees, and then drive us to take whatever appropriate action the Lord would have us take. B E


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MARCH, 1967

Rev. C. Chester Larson, Western Di­ rector of the Christian Education

f a t T ^ ie - S c M t e s i fë e a cU t tÿ

Extension Depart­ ment of Scripture Press, Wheaton, 11- l i n o i s , has an ­ nounced the 1967 Leadership Train­ ing Institutes, to be held on the Biola College Cam­ pus in La Mirada, C a lifo r n ia . On

DAY OF RESURRECTION Leslie B. Flynn. Eight meditations on the Easter-Day appear­ ances of the risen Christ and their meaning for today. The author dramatizes the reactions of Peter, Mary Magdalene, and others to provide inspiring reading. $2.00 THE CYCLE OF PRAYER Ralph A. Herring. This creative new approach to the study of prayer is an excellent devotional or gift book. It probes deep truths, using a combination of line drawings and text to state them clearly and simply. $2.50 THE OTHER DIMENSION Ralph L. Murray. Nine meditations on the Lord's Prayer offer stimulating interpretation for today's needs. Interesting ex­ cerpts from poetry, hymns, etc., help show prayer's impor­ tance in each Christian's life. $2.00 GOD AND HUMAN SUFFERING

Rev. Larson Monday even ings March 6 through April 10 a special Vacation Bible School Workshop will be conducted. The dates of the Fall Institute will run October 2 through November 9. Special courses pre­ pared by ETTA along with addition­ al materials will be offered at the sessions running 7:30-9:30 p.m. More than 150,000 recordings were pressed in 1966 by Singcord Corpo­ ration, producers of Zondervan rec­ ords. Among these, 24 new records were released, several of which made the Best-Seller lists: Yuletide Favorites— Herman Voss Dean Brown and the Caravan Sing­ ers Sing Along With Marcy (a chil­ dren’s record) Doyle Blackwood and the Memphians The Best Songs of Helen Barth Metropolitan Choir of Praise Aunt Theresa —Stories for Children Down by the Riverside— Jimmie McDonald With each passing year, Zondervan has succeeded in adding solid record releases to its ever-growing list. The records of George Beverly Shea and the Sixteen Singing Men continue to find ready and wide response among music lovers everywhere. In addition, such established favorites as Jack Holcomb, John Peterson and Harold De Cou are thrilling old friends and making new friends wherever good Gospel music is appreciated. Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, General Direc­ tor for the National Association of Evangelicals, has announced the res­ ignation of the organization’s execu­ tive director, Dr. Arthur M. Climenhaga. Returning to service with his de­ nomination, the Brethren in Christ Church, Dr. Climenhaga will assume a major administrative position. A date for termination of his respon­ sibilities with the N.A.E. was not given. Dr. George Cowan, President of Wyc- liflfe Bible Translators, Inc., has re­ turned to International Headquar- THE KING'S BUSINESS

James D. Bryden. A pastor and layman ex­ plore the problem of human suffering in an exchange of letters discussing the causes of suffering and God's relationship to ad­ versity. *95 HIS GOOD AND PERFECT WILL

Newman R. McLarry. An interpretation of God's will in re­ lation to evil and suffering. The author describes the con­ stant conflict between the wills of Satan, man, and God, then aives practical steps toward determining and doing God's will. 91.25 THIS WAY TO THE CROSS

C. A. Roberts. Examines five philoso­ phies of life whose combined end result was the crucifixion of Christ. Since these "ways of life" are still prevalent it makes the crucifixion contemporary— and all of us both spectators and participants. $1.95 SEVEN FIRST WORDS OF JESUS J. Winston Pearce. An interpretation of Jesus' sense of destiny for himself and others, taken from seven of his first state­ ments about himself. The statements reveal his awareness of a God-given destiny and his confidence in the ultimate victory of good over evil. $2.75


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ters in Santa Ana, California, after six months of travel in England, Germany, Switzerland and West Africa. In addition to his mission of viewing the work of the organiza­ tion in these countries, Dr. Cowan also planned the itinerary for Wyc- liffe missionary-translator Rachel Saint and two converted Auca Indians. He was present with them in Berlin for the World Congress on Evangelism. According to Dr. Burton Bascom, assis­ tant registrar, the dates for three 1967 sessions of the Summer Insti­ tute of Linguistics (SIL) have been announced. The program will be off­ ered at the Universities of North Dakota, Oklahoma and Washington. In co-operation with the Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc., the Summer Institute of Linguistics serves nu­ merous mission boards. Courses offered by the Summer Institute of Linguistics are designed to instruct students in the general principles basic to all languages. The courses are intended especially for those who are preparing to serve pre-literate people, to do some spe­ cific linguistic task such as Bible translation, or to study languages for which written linguistic materi­ als are inadequate. Seven months and a third of a mil­ lion dollars produced the completed 46-bed Alliance Convalescent Hospi­ tal in Glendale, California. It was opened in November and dedicated officially in December. Part of the four-fold complex called Glendale Alliance Center, the new hospital represents years of planning, pray­ ing and giving on the part of the C&MA, according to Rev. W. Guy McGarvey, General Administrator of the Center, which covers five acres adjacent to Glendale Boulevard.

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Dignitaries gathered in front of the main entrance to the new Alliance Convalescent Hospital on the day of dedication. Left to right are Mayor William Peters of Glendale; Rev. Bernard S. King, Chris­ tian and Missionary Alliance Treasurer,- Milton Quigg, Assistant Treasurer; Rev. L. W. Pippert, Home Secretary; Dr. Nathan Bailey, President; Rev. Cyril H. Steinmann, South Pacific District Superintendent; Rev. Wilbur Nelson, soloist; Rev. William F. Smalley; Miss Junette Johnson, Hospital Administrator; and Rev. Louis King. MARCH, 1967

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“ T H E GROUND OP A CERTAIN RICH MAN brought • forth plentifully . . These are familiar words which tell a familiar story: the account of a supremely covetous man who hoarded what he had and lusted for more. The tale is old! But the tale is also new! With just a few unimportant changes, the story can be made truly contemporary. “ The forty-hour-week of a certain employee paid a fine wage . . . ” “The com­ mission of a certain noted sales representative brought a handsome salary . . .” “The stocks and bonds of a certain prominent financier produced excellent dividends . . .” “ The well-tilled acres of a certain modern farmer brough t forth abun­ dantly . . .” Use any such opening you wish, and the remainder of the story can be altered quickly to fit, for the sin of this man is the sin of men today—the sin of covetousness. The story of this rich fool is not an indictment o f wealth per se. Covetousness is not simply “want­ ing more,” or “wanting what someone else has.” It is “wanting more for myself!” Covetousness, therefore, is not peculiar to any one class o f peo­ ple. It may strike millionaire or pauper, laborer or executive, capitalist or communist, farmer or ur­ banite, preacher or lay person. The question is not how much you have, nor indeed, how much more you want, but why you want it! The rich man's sin was an illicit desire for things purely for the satis­ faction of self. He wanted “more” simply to satiate his own desires This story in Luke 12, therefore, constitutes an unmistakably clear indictment o f the man, in any age, who lives simply to possess “ things.” Jesus’ treatment of this theme covers twenty- one verses and falls easily into three divisions. In verses fifteen and twenty-one, we discover first Christ’s EXPOSE of covetousness. Prompted by a question over family finances, Jesus throws the spotlight of His evaluation upon it. He reveals the philosophy of covetousness in verse fifteen. “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” Re­ verse the emphasis of this statement, make it posi­ tive instead of negative, and it becomes a clear-cut pronouncement of the philosophy o f the covetous man. “A man’s life DOES consist in the abundance o f the things which he possesses.” In order to really live, a man must have “ things.” More than this, he must have these things in “ abundance.” And he must have all these things for “ himself.” “ Things” are the stuff out of which life is made, the mate­ rial out of which the tapestry o f life is woven! Then Jesus describes the activity of covetous­ ness. In verse twenty-one, He observes, “ So is he that layeth up treasure for himself.” Since a man must have things, these things must be amassed. They must be “ laid up” — a word, incidentally, 9

Visualize, if you will, a typical American home. Proudly it takes its place in the handsome suburb of a large city. The well-tended lawn with its neatly-arranged shrubbery tempts one to lazy re­ laxation. The luxurious inner appointments are of the finest: the best of rugs, deep-piled and wall-to- wall ; decor to match; four bedrooms; a cozy den; a basement recreation room and a two-car garage (both sides used). The setting is, in a word, per­ fect, and it is perfectly legitimate. But within this admittedly legitimate setting, a dreadful thing may happen. Quite unnoticed, the level of life begins to escalate until luxuries become necessities and pleasures become essentials. The eyes of the soul, focused with ever greater inten­ sity on “ things,” lose their vision of spiritual reali­ ties. Like a monstrous wall, the sin of covetousness grows until it shuts out the cry of our fellowmen and the voice of God, and we grow deaf to any pleasure but our own. The restless demon of desire tantalizes us with dreams of a yet more beautiful setting, a more comfortable home, a bigger car, a finer life — until we become virtually oblivious to the demands o f the Kingdom of God. At this point the “ fusion” between story of the rich man of Jesus’ day and the contemporary man of our day is complete. The incidental factors of time, place, cir­ cumstance and society become mere surface struc­ turing and the parallel between the two is plainly evident. I suspect that if God were to speak in audi­ ble tones to men today as He spoke then, His evalua­ tion of us would be unchanged! “ Thou foo l!” But, covetousness is not an inescapable error! Man is not without recourse, option or choice! An­ other course o f action, another manner of life, is offered to us in the subsequent verses where Jesus presents to us His EXHORTATION concerning covetousness. A beautiful triplet of truth takes form in these verses, each of the three points introduced by a simple, concise statement from the lips o f Christ: “ Take no thought . . .” vs. 22; “ Seek ye first . . .” vs. 31; “ Sell that ye have and . . . provide . . . a treasure in heaven . . . ” vs. 33. Here are three state­ ments which accentuate three chief characteristics of the life of faith. The man of faith is content with essentials, occupied with concerns of the Kingdom of God, his treasure amassed in heaven! Now note carefully: These three distinctions of

which describes the actions o f one who hoards scarce items for future use. But Jesus is not finished. His analysis continues in the latter part of verse twenty-one as He re­ veals the state of the covetous man. Jesus says he is “not rich toward God.” Wealthy according to the standards of earth, he is a pauper by the standards of heaven. Thus does Jesus expose the philosophy, activity and state of the covetous man. But an academic treatment of the theme, how­ ever pertinent, is not enough. Jesus, therefore, in­ cludes in His discussion an EXAMPLE of covet­ ousness. As usual, He clothes truth in the garb of personality. In order to unmask the true character of covetousness, He shows us a covetous man, the notorious Rich Fool o f Luke’s Gospel. The word-picture is etched in straight, hard, angular lines. It is the story of a man so obviously in the grip of greed that no one can misunderstand. It is the picture of a covetous man at his zenith, of covetousness come to fruition. The word which de­ scribes this man is spoken by God Himself: “ fool” ! Accurately translated, it reads, “ simp leton .” Wicked indeed he was! But above all else, he was stupid! For several reasons this man may be justly labeled “ stupid.” First, he was presumptuous: counting on long life, unharvested crops, and good health. Secondly, he was forgetful: forgetful o f God and forgetful of eternity. But most of all, he was worthy o f the epithet stupid because he spent a life­ time amassing things for himself, which he would never have the privilege of enjoying. Foolishly he had cried to his soul, “ Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry.” A modern para­ phrase might read something like this: “You’ve got it made; now have a good time! Don’t be overly bothered by opportunities of service to others. Do not allow needs on every hand to disturb your emo­ tional equilibrium. Do not upset your carefully- balanced ‘way of life’ for any such abstract cause as the ‘Kingdom of God.’ Don’t become a religious fanatic. Remember, God gave good things to be enjoyed, so ENJOY them!” The modem parallel to this story is not hard to find. Strip it of its cultural and historical trappings and you have an exact representation of modern, well-to-do, law-abiding, covetous AMERICA!



equally expensive furniture and enjoy all the lux­ uries which mark the lives of our unconverted neighbors. The evidence seems clear, therefore, that covetousness is not only the sin of America, but the sin of the Church as well. You disagree? I challenge you, then, to prove me wrong ! Let us show to our generation that the Kingdom of God and its concerns are more impor­ tant than the enjoyment of the pleasures o f a lux­ ury-laden society, by establishing a moderate stand­ ard of living and sticking to it. Be satisfied with more economical transportation. Purchase the next room full of furniture only when you need it. Get your next car when the one you have is sufficiently worn that a change is economically feasible. Put off buying that new T.V. until the one you have is too costly to maintain. Think twice about that $5,000 cabin cruiser, the $40,000 home, and the additional clothes you don’t need. Consider, too, that T-bone steak isn’t the only cut of meat worth eating ! Than, after making these and a hundred other sensible adjustments in your pattern o f life, calcu­ late the money involved and invest it wisely in ways that will enhance the ministry of the Gospel. Until then, don’t be surprised if your unsaved neighbors laugh at your “ religion” behind your back. Lest you misunderstand, this message is not an appeal for enforced poverty. The issue already has been made abundantly clear: covetousness is not just “wanting more money.” It is the desire for more “ for myself.” There is no limit to how much a man may have, or acquire, if he uses it wisely and expends it worthily for the glory of the Lord. My appeal is simply this: that we cease being victims of our age and begin to act as responsible children of God, accountable to Him for that which He per­ mits1us to have. This challenge deserves the attention o f each of us, for within the foreseeable future the vicious storm clouds which now hang threateningly on the horizon may break in fury over our heads and snatch from us by force that which we refuse to surrender willingly. If that time should come, two things will become immediately clear. We will learn how much we can get along without, and we will learn beyond any question that the one sin that most effectively deadens us and makes us insensi­ tive to the voice of the Spirit of God is the sin of covetousness.

the life of faith constitute an exact antithesis to the life of covetousness. They form a direct contra­ diction to the philosophy, activity and state of the covetous man. Philosophically, the covetous man says, “Life is worth while only if I have things.” The man of faith declares, “ I will not unduly con­ cern myself with the daily needs of life.” The covet­ ous man is active in “ laying up treasure” for him­ self. But the man of faith “ seeks first the Kingdom of God.” Regarding his state, the covetous man is “ not rich toward God.” But the man of faith has a “treasure in heaven that faileth not.” What a contrast! On the one hand is the life of covetousness; on the other, the life of faith. With unerring directness, Jesus pinpoints the latter as the only life worthy of His own. He says to His disciples, “Wherefore I say unto you . . .” His ex­ hortation concerning covetousness is, therefore, “ SHUN IT! Go in the opposite direction! Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. Don’t follow the example of the rich foo l!” I once viewed this man as a lost soul, doomed for a Christless eternity. Perhaps he was, although I am no longer sure. You see, God does not con­ demn this man to perdition. He makes no reference to his after-life. He simply tells him he is going to die! Then He asks the question, “Whose shall these things be?” It may be, therefore, that this man was a religious man and in terms of today’s Christian Gospel, a converted man, but one who lived by the standards of the world rather than by the stand­ ards of the Kingdom of God. If this is true, his descendants have increased and are with us today in record numbers. In no recent age have Christians been as “ afflu­ ent” as they are today in America. Nor need we be surprised! We live in what has come to be known as the “ affluent society” and the church, as always, has imbibed something of the spirit o f the age in which it exists. Instead of raising our voices against the evil of covetousness, we have defended our well-padded manner o f living with the argu­ ment that “God gives us all these things because we tithe.” As a result, often little difference is seen be­ tween the standard of living of “born-again Chris­ tians” and those who know not the Lord Jesus. We drive equally expensive cars, eat equally expensive foods, live in equally expensive houses, sit on


MARCH, 1967

Therapy Via Television

By Herbert Henry Ehrenstein

her to go into a relaxed state and she promptly did. He told her that her left arm would become para­ lyzed and numb and that this would continue even after she awakened until he touched her elbow. This is exactly what hap­ pened. When the psychiatrist reached the room in which the patient was sitting, she was still balancing her numb, paralyzed arm in the air, unable to move it until he touched it. However, it was felt that since the girl had been the psychia­ trist’s patient, she was accus­ tomed to him and thus went into trance easily. Would the same procedure work with a stranger? The doctor proceeded to test the theory. An utter stranger was se­ cured and placed in front of the television set. Once again, with four floors between them, the psychiatrist told the man that he must clasp his hands and that he would be unable to unclasp them until the psychiatrist touched his head. This is precisely what took place. The patient gripped his hands tightly together until, on the prearranged signal, he could release them. I wonder if we realize the tre­ mendous potential for good or evil that such hypnosis by televi­ sion might suggest. Someone might be able to utilize it on a mass scale. In fact, with the ad­ vent of Tellstar, or other similar global television transm itting satellites, people the world over might well be influenced by a clever hypnotist sitting before a strategically located camera. And while, of course, not every person is susceptible to hypnosis, much harm might be done to and through those who are suscepti­ ble. Let’s not forget that every de­

I N t h e l a s t number of years, hypnotism has been a growing field of interest. Professionals have been using hypnotic therapy in their treatment of patients. There are dentists who extract teeth, using hypnotism instead of Novacain. Surgery has been per­ formed with hypnotism being the only anaesthesia. And of course, psychiatrists have made use of the hypnotic state to plunge a person back into the past. Amateur hypnosis has been growing as well. Many novelty stores sell books on how to hypno­ tize a subject. There are several mechanical devices available to induce a state of hypnosis. Some years ago, in 1952, an amateur parlor hypnotist subjected Mrs. Ruth Simmons to such an inter­ esting bit of hypnosis that a whole book developed and stirred up a hornet’s nest. The book was The Search for Bridey Murphy. Most professionals realize that there are dangers involved in amateur hypnosis. Again and again, specialists in the hypnotic field have warned amateurs not to play around with forces they do not understand. Some time ago, Dr. Herbert Spiegel, assistant professor in Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, con­ ducted an experiment to prove how really potentially dangerous hypnotism can be. The experi­ ment itself takes on all the char­ acteristics of a George Orwell 198U novel. Using a closed circuit television system , Dr. Spiegel, who is a psychiatrist, sat in front of a television camera while one of his patients, whom he had hyp­ notized several times before, sat four floors above watching a tele­ vision set. As her doctor appeared on the television screen, he told

vice which is produced for the good of mankind can always be prostituted and turned to evil ends. If hypnosis, therefore, can be used to help man, it can also be utilized to his advantages and be utilized to his disadvantage as well. George Orwell, in the book 198U already referred to, hinted at some of the vicious uses of television and the hypnotic spell induced by “ big brother.” The Bible speaks about a world ruler yet to come on the stage of history. He is called by numerous titles: Antichrist, Man of Law­ lessness, Son of Perdition, Little Horn, Beast, etc. It will take quite a bit of skill to gain control over so large a segment of the world’s populace as the antichrist will apparently succeed in doing. Is it beyond the realm of likeli­ hood to assume that this world figure may utilize the very tech­ nique this article describes to achieve his diabolical ends? Admittedly, this may sound far-fetched. Some will say we have entered the realm of science fiction. But is it far-fetched? The “ science fiction” of yesterday has become the reality of today in many cases. Once a new discovery comes to light, all sorts of uses are made of it — good and evil. Atomic power has been harnessed for good and evil. Is it not conceivable, therefore, that a biblically - predicted Mas­ termind might utilize hypnotic TV to hold sway over his subjects as a dictator? Dr. Spiegel himself has warned that unscrupulous op­ erators might confuse, exploit and deceive hypnotizable subjects and that therefore, stringent re­ sponsible safeguards and control over public broadcasting systems must be maintained to avoid that which might otherwise take place.



“RETREAT - but ADVANCE” By Chaplain (Major) Homer G. Benton

To the dedicated Army Chaplain is given the chal­ lenging opportunity to present the claims of the Gospel and the privilege of enriching the lives of those men to whom he ministers. He is constantly investigating new and different avenues for drawing attention to his chapel program and to the message which he has to deliver. One such area that is of inestimable value to the evangelical Chaplain, and one that is growing in empha­ sis within the Army, is the one-day religious retreat program. This year more servicemen than ever will have the occasion to enter into a brief retreat period. This quick­ ening of the interest in spiritual things, with its em­ phasis on bringing the soldier into a closer relationship with God, is evidence of the growth of the retreat move­ ment in the military. The United States Army defines the purpose of the retreat program in one of its official publications as “ to cultivate a more intense awareness of the individ­ ual’s responsibility to God and the place that God should hold in the life of the individual” (FM 16-5, pg. 9). When a soldier “makes a retreat,” he is sharing in a fresh approach to an age-old practice. A one-day religious retreat program is ideally suited for the Chaplain who is seeking an effective way to reach men in depth for the Lord Jesus Christ. It offers him the means to encourage Christian soldiers to live consistent lives for their Lord and Saviour during their service days. It is the opportunity to provide an inten­ sified spiritual program with a Gospel-centered content. Thoughtful programming will provide helpful Bible- centered training to men who will need to “ be strong in the Lord and the power of his might” (Eph. 6:10). Many Christians have had little or no experience with retreat programs. “ How can such a program be used by an Army chaplain to help young soldiers main­ tain their Christian life?” is an oft-asked question. Therefore, to understand better what is involved in such a program, it is worth-while to consider one chaplain’s concept of the one-day retreat. is

“He that would attain the inner, holier life must draw away, as Jesus did, a little from the crowd.” St. Thomas a ’Kempis S triding TO the front of the chapel the tall, com­ manding figure of the Army Chaplain turned around and fixed with his eyes all the eighty soldiers seated around him. “ Fellows,” he said, “ you’re attending a one-day re­ ligious retreat. If at the end of the program, any of you can come to me and say that this day has not been the best day of your life, I’m going to do something. Know what?” Silence hung suspended in the air as the chaplain’s listeners stared in anticipation. “ I’ll have your Commander give you a three-day pass and I will throw in ten dollars for your expenses. Fair deal?” Subtly the mood changed and the servicemen began to observe the chaplain with a tinge of awe and wonder­ ment. There was the feeling that the men were not thinking about the money, but rather that the forth­ coming period of ten hours would be “ the greatest.” Later, the chaplain admitted privately, “ I’ve made that offer many times. Never had to pay up yet. After all, a one-day religious retreat, properly conducted, is ‘the greatest.’ ” Today America once again is seeing an increasing number of young men reporting to induction stations for military service. With the departure of loved ones from their familiar home environment, there is often a questioning concern. Christian parents and relatives are always interested in the spiritual welfare of-those who answer the call of the nation’s armed forces. In today’s modern army there has been a drama­ tic upsurge of technological advancement, but with all this MAN still remains the indispensable and the most important resource. To this end the military maintains an intensive religious and moral guidance program to stimulate the moral and spiritual growth of that man. MARCH, 1967

The term retreat is far from ideal and some have stretched its meaning unmercifully. Originally it gained association with a certain type of ascetic withdrawal under rigid leadership. Today it is often applied to recreational holidays, planning conferences, religious emphasis days and vacations with religious overtones. Even within the military framework, the term bespeaks undesired military action during the course of a battle. An understanding of the term can be gained by a knowledge of its military counterpart. To retreat, for a military man, involves orderly retirement to a strong­ er position in order to re-organize with strength for a new assault upon the foe. Likewise, when a person makes a spiritual retreat, he withdraws from the nor­ mal and ordinary duties of his daily life in order to obtain or recoup spiritual strength for a new advance. The idea of a retreat is nothing new in the history of man. The impulse to retire from the confusion of cities, to break away from the anodyne of well-worn habit, to escape from humdrum of ordinary life into a place of seclusion and seek a renewal of life, has always been in the heart of man. The Word of God is replete with the accounts of those who withdrew .for a time to a solitary place. The Lord Jesus Christ often retired to a quiet place with His disciples (Mark 6:31). Moses retreated to Mt. Sinai for forty days of fasting and seeking God (Ex. 2:15 ff). The Apostle Paul found it necessary to be alone in the desert (Gal. 1 :17-18; 11:27). The writer of Reve­ lation, John the Apostle, had a forced retreat of great spiritual benefit on the isle of Patmos (Rev. 1:9). In Church history one reads of Pachomius, Benedict, Basil, Augustine, Bernard of Clairvaux, Eberard Arnold, George Fox, and others who withdrew from society for varying periods of time for the deepest searching of their soul and a consideration of the things of God. Untold numbers of God’s people have turned aside from the well-worn broad paths into the narrow one of seclu­ sion for personal devotion and re-dedication. A retreat, therefore, consists in detachment from the claims of daily living for the purpose of looking upward to God through His Son Jesus Christ; inward to self in examination of one’s degree of devotion to the will of God, and outward to others with the renewed responsibility to serve the “ living and true God” more faithfully. Such a pattern is ideally suited for use in the military by a Chaplain. Just as the compass of the ship frequently needs to be adjusted, so from time to time the Christian’s spir­ itual life needs to be corrected from disturbing and mis­ leading influences of the world by renewing of one's mind to the will of God (Rom. 12:1-2). The whole purpose of a retreat is based on the in­ tention of the retreatant’s having communion with God. The nature of the period provides the most favorable condition for the retreatant to “ know him and the pow­ er of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suf­ ferings” (Phil. 3:10). In order to accomplish this the retreat provides: (1) A day of intensified spiritual guidance, instruction and counsel in spiritual truths under the leadership of a dedicated Retreatmaster. (2) A program directed to the spiritual needs of the individual retreatant. (3) An opportunity for each retreatant to examine and weigh maturely the issues of life facing him and to seek the will of God for his life. (4) An encouragement to be faithful in the daily practice of his Christian faith. (5) The development of a stronger relationship between the soldier and his home church. It is for the soldier who wants to find peace, wisdom and strength as well as for those who do not know what they seek, but who know that they must find something

Chaplain Benton with retreat leaders visiting a U.S. Army missile site for a retreat program. .

to give meaning and hope to life. One of the important aspects of the retreat is to help the retreatant experience communion with fellow soldiers of “ like precious faith.” Fellowship with other Christian servicemen works a profound effect on the lives of those who participate. This program offers a little of the back-home church fellowship for the lives of the men who are far from their home church and pastor. The pattern of the retreat itself is simple. It begins where the soldier is and seeks to introduce him to the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who should “have the pre­ eminence,” (Col. 1:19). It is dedicated to the specific result of deepening the spiritual life of the Christian soldier and so prepare him to serve his Lord more effectually. Such a program is normally operated during the hours of a normal military training day. After the ad­ vance announcement of the day’s activities, a selected number of interested participants are registered in ad­ vance. These men are then excused from regular train­ ing for the stated day and they report to the Chaplain for a day of concentrated spiritual training in the chapel. Under the leadership and direction of a Retreat- master, a full program of activities is scheduled. The day is not a day of ease but rather it involves business of an eternal nature which requires deep personal in­ volvement. There are four distinct characteristics to be embodied in every retreat. Innate to its operation, they are: Discipline, Devotion, Detachment and Decision. DISCIPLINE: It is essentially a discipline for liv­ ing a separated Christian life. This discipline is ex­ pressed in the terms which imply exercise and still at the same time it serves as a period of specialized train­ ing for the use of these in daily life. The retreatant has the opportunity, during the retreat, to engage in the practice of meditation and prayer. This can be strenu- ous work of intense spiritual and mental activity. Meditation is not formless and without content, but thinking in the immediate presence of the Lord. True prayer is never easy and for some it may be quite exact­ ing. The accompanying satisfaction and relief which it brings is seen in the quiet and peace that come into the lives of those men who enter into a new relationship with the Lord.







DEVOTION: This is the turning of the mind and the soul for a definite experience through which the Christian can be reinvigorated and more purposefully directed. This is accomplished in a two-pronged fashion by means of corporate worship and periods of instruc­ tion. Retreat is the time for worship and it is the setting for the day’s activities. The worship service is an ab­ breviated form of the usual public worship which allows for the hearing of God’s Word and the response of His people. Bible study, films and discussion occupy a cen­ tral place in the instructional plan of the retreat. Bible study is always basic, appropriate and adapted to the special needs of the soldier. It is not used to gain more information about the Bible or to revere it, but is used to lead the retreatant into a deeper relation­ ship with God, closer fellowship with other Christians and a surer knowledge about the insufficiency of self and the sufficiency of Christ. Selected films with a mes­ sage (i.e. Moody Institute of Science) provide a change of pace in the day’s schedule and they are useful to drive home TRUTH. Discussion must be the elaboration of some pertinent truth in which shared witness is desired. The issues that most often disturb today’s soldier are usually those on which no clear-cut definitive answers are readily avail­ able. Men come with hearts that are heavy with ques- tians to seek help. The Retreatmaster can offer much assistance by his Biblically-oriented answers and sug­ gestions. DETACHMENT: The detachment afforded by a soli­ tary retreat is a unique experience for those who live in barracks. It allows the retreatant to spend an unhurried day in quiet concentration separated from the usual activities of military life. It involves silence. It is not a “ grim silence,” but a release from the necessity of talking. Silence is two­ fold: the physical silence of the body and the inner silence of the mind and emotions. It is a precept for a true retreat. The Psalmist has said, “ Be still and know that I am God . . .” (Psalm 46:10). Corporate silence and the waiting upon the Lord to­ gether can be deeply significant. Silence is observed to provide the opportunity for meditation and prayer. This is a stillness infused with the presence of God. Separation is also involved in detachment. It is a change from the usual habitual behavior patterns of Army life into an unhurried activity. The soul is taken

from its normal preoccupations and placed in an at­ mosphere of minimum distraction in order that it might commune with the Lord. DECISION: A retreat produces growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It finds summation in some type of decision or resolu­ tion. This is the definite intention of a retreat. This decision is carried out immediately and the director trusts that it will continue. Every retreat that is entered into with simplicity, sincerity and trust in the work of the Holy Spirit of God has its results. There is a deep sense of renewal and peace which floods the soul. This will be manifested in greater faithfulness in prayer, Bible study, devo­ tions, involvement in practical spiritual activity and improved relations with others. The retreat must ac­ complish some specific results in the soldier’s life after the retreat is over, or it has not been effective. Such a retreat creates a climate in which the re­ treatant is enabled to consider the things that count in life. It is during the times of solitude that the soldier begins to find things falling into their proper place. Spiritual values are quickened and strengthened. There is an intensified relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the desire, to live a God-honoring testimony before his fellow soldiers. The retreatant will be energized and stimulated for his return to normal duty status. It is difficult to evaluate the effect that a retreat has upon a person since these values do not lend themselves to concrete or statistical evaluation. What a person gets out of a retreat will depend upon what he brings into it of himself. A measure of the effectiveness of such a retreat can be seen in the reactions written by a group of soldiers who attended such a day-long program recently held at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Retreatmaster for the day was the Rev. Larry McGuill of CONTACT FOR CHRIST, Inc. and guest missioner the Rev. Thomas Lawrence of Philadelphia, Pa. One seventeen-year-old soldier wrote of how the day “ shook up my life,” while another said, “ This was the day that pulled out from under me all of the old wrong things that I was building my life on and my hope for the future. But you did not stop there; you gave me a new set of things to build on — truths and beliefs better than before.” Reactions are varied and produce results that often are unexpected as revealed by one who stated, “ I’m sure had it not been for this retreat I would have gone AWOL. I was ready to ‘cash in my chips’ and leave, but now I have committed myself wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ and His cause and I will now work harder.” Some speak of it as, “ The most wonderful thing that can be done for those of us going to Viet Nam. I’ve been a Christian now for two years and I know God sent me in the Army for something, but until now I did not know what it was.” Other Viet Nam replacements speak of the retreat’s being “ the meaningful day in their Army career,” or “ finding assurance that the Lord will go with me.” Perhaps the most rewarding words come from those who found the Lord as their Saviour. One man stated, “ I think I found today what I have been looking for— the Lord Jesus Christ.” At a loss for words, another soldier wrote, “ I came to Jesus. There is nothing more to say.” The making of a retreat is in order to advance. The retreatant does not seek to escape an encounter with the world, but rather he prepares for it by his desire to “ be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” in order that he might “ endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (II Timothy 2:1, 3).

Chaplain Benton talks with trainees about the re­ treat; L. to R. are Ken Morrell and Steve Moss.


MARCH, 1967

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