King's Business - 1967-03

for God with his feet for they too were fastened there. His life he could not spend for God for it was already spent. He could only ac­ cept the perfect goodness of An­ other and the same thing is just as true o f you and me. In the second place, CHURCH­ ES ARE TOO GOOD TO HAVE A REVIVAL. We are so busy with good things that we miss God’s best. “ The good is the en­ emy of the best.” Some years ago in meetings where I had used that proverb, I remarked to the assistant pastor after one o f the services, “Well, we had a good meeting.” “ Too good” , he replied. When I asked what he meant, he said, “ You remember saying that the good is the enemy of the best. We should have been on our faces before God tonight but everybody settled for just a good meeting when they could have had the best — and went out feeling com­ fortable.” I wonder if we do not have too many “ good” meetings today as an excuse for not paying the price for the best. Our Lord said to the Laodice- ans, “Thou sayest. . . and know- est not.” They were good enough and didn’t need anything. Some years ago a brother taking me to my hotel after a meeting said, “Well, we’re not so good in this town but we’re not so bad. We try to make a decent living and behave ourselves. We’re not so good but we’re not so bad.” I re­ minded him that it was just that kind of people who made the Lord sick. “ Because thou art neither cold nor hot but lukewarm, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Nei­ ther hot nor cold water will nau­ seate but lukewarm water will. We are a little too hot to be cold and a little too cold to be hot. He did not say He would spue us out for being too hot! We are too good to have a re­ vival. We want to let well enough alone; we do not wish to be dis­ turbed nor have our complacency ruffled. I am wearing myself out today preaching to people who, (Continued on page 20)

Open your heart... choose one of these!

You can share your blessings by sponsoring a destitute Asian child for just pennies a day.

Bring Christian loving care to a boy or girl o f your choice in our orphanages. Only $10 a month— just 33 pennies a day—provides every necessity including shelter, food, clothing, medical and school supplies. Interest a co-sponsor, your Sunday school or other group. You will get orphanage pic­ ture and history; life story, pic­ ture, and address o f the child you select. You can write or send parcels as you wish. Replies are prompt, in English. Sponsors are t h r i l l e d with this personal con­ tact. Many new sponsors are ur­ gently needed to take in desolate children wandering the streets. Victims of Tragedy and Grief # 124 Tae Soon. Orphaned at 5 years o f age when her mother drowned. Father aban­ doned her in August, 1965, whereabouts since then unknown. #96 Yong Myung. Admitted to a Compas­ sion Home when his mother was confined to a hospital with leprosy; family aban­ doned by father. #172 Yung Sook. Brought to a Compassion Home by a policeman who assumed her care for 4 years. Father died o f a serious disease; mother’s whereabouts unknown.

# 1 2 4 TAE SOON


#1 7 2 YUNG SOOK


# 77 KI CHUL

# 1 3 2 DUK OK

DID YOU KNOW? COMPASSION... Cares for more than 22,700 Korean chil­ dren. Maintains 172 orphanages (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised by Christian staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean govern­ ment. LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIN D IN KOREA


Compassion will send a pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes to each new sponsor.


(Impassion Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder An Interdenominational, Gov.-approved non-profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Dept. K 3 7 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Compassion of Canada Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario Sponsorship and gifts tax-deductible.

Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God's help, I want to sponsor a child for $10.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time.

My choice is Number------------. If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as soon as possible. — -------— ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I prefer □ boy □ girl, approximately------ years of age. . . . □ Please send folder, “Information About Address----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsoring Korean Orphans." □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want City_____________________________ State______________ Zip__________ to he,P by 8ivin8 I ------------------enclosed.

MARCH, 1967


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