King's Business - 1967-03

toto » tototo 0 s totototototototo 0 to m totototototototototototototototototototo to tototo tototototo Sarah Walton Miller. Six short skits to use as assembly program or worship service features. Each takes about 10 minutes. 85^ DEVOTIONAL DRAMAS FOR A MISSION WITNESS Sarah Walton Miller. Seven 10- minute skits make dramatic fea­ tures in assembly programs or worship services. 850 WAKE TO THUNDER 80 tototo tototo totototo to. tototototototo Don Fearheiley. This one-act play tells what Easter means in the lives of individuals. In a con­ temporary setting, it deals with a § young girl’s religious unbelief caused by bitter disappointment in life. 1 man, 4 women; 40 mins. 500 I SAW HIM Sarah Walton Miller. In this Easter pageant, the 11 characters are physical places and things, in and around Jerusalem, who tell what they saw and felt during Jesus’ last hours. No props needed; 6 men, 5 women; 20 mins. 350 ACTING OUT THE TRUTH Sarah Walton Miller. Add drama and inspiration to your worship programs with these 23 dramatic features for teen-agers or adults. The six categories are: Easter, Christmas, m issionary , Bible teaching, patriotic, and general. 2 to 15 characters; from a few minutes to 30 mins, in length. $2.50 Order from your favorite bookseller toto to 0 toto 00 toto tototototototototototo 1 tototo Dramatize themost important date in history DEVOTIONAL DRAMAS FOR EASTER

PRESSING ON TOWARD THE GOAL Philippian* 3:12-15 Like Paul, all men have failed. But all, like him, can press on toward the goal, “ unto the prize.” I. SOME DENY THEY HAVE FAILED II. SOME ADMIT THEY HAVE FAILED AND ARE DISCOUR­ AGED BY IT 1. It is not manlike to give up the struggle. 2. It is not Christ-like. III. SOME, LIKE PAUL, ADMIT FAILURE, BUT FIND COUR­ AGE AND JOY 1. It is better to fail in a great thing than to succeed in a small or pitiful thing. 2. A sense of unattainment helps us in: a. Effective personal work. THE HOLY SPIRIT IN GALATIANS I. THE HOLY SPIRIT RECEIVED FROM GOD 1. For the commencement of the Christian life (3 :2 ). 2. For the continuance of the Christian life (3 :5 ). 3. For the completion o f the Christian life (3:14). II. THE HOLY SPIRIT REALIZED IN OUR EXPERIENCE 1. With reference to the past. a. In proof of our sonship (4: 6 ). b. In the pattern of our son- ship (4:29). 2. With reference to the future, a. “ Wait for the hope o f right­ eousness” (5 :5 ). 3. With reference to the present. a. Life by the Spirit (5:25). b. Longing for the Spirit (5: 17). c. Leading by the Spirit (5: 16). III. THE HOLY SPIRIT REPRO­ DUCED IN OUR LIFE 1. In our character (5:22). a. In relation to God: love, joy, peace. b. In relation to man: long suf­ fering, gentleness, goodness. c. In relation to ourselves: faithfulness, meekness, self- control. 2. In our conduct (5:16). a. The Greek is literally “ step by step by the Spirit.” 3. In our consecration (6 :8 ). a. We sow our thoughts and deeds to the Spirit. b. From the Spirit we reap life everlasting. — W. H. Griffith Thomas

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MARCH, 1967

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