King's Business - 1967-03


plan to combine CONCENTRATED BIBLESTUDY Sacred Music Christian Education with an inexpensive, purposeful vacation in Chicago

By A l Sanders ■ ast O ctober I became really " interested in saving stamps (postage, not the S.&H. type). I didn’t realize, however, the ex­ citement of being a philatelist un­ til I started work in my first large album. It all began with a desire as a father to get his son interested in some specific hobby. Stamps seemed to be a “natural.” My boy of ten, however , long since dropped by the wayside when mother and dad took over in a full-fledged collection. He is more interested at the moment in mar­ bles. In the months that have inter­ vened we have often thought about the possibility of a Chris­ tian Stamp Club. Doubtless you have duplicates, as we do, which you might be interested in ex­ changing. We have no idea how many people there are who read THE KING’S BUSINESS maga­ zine who are also interested in the hobby o f stamp collecting. We do know, however, from a recent discussion with a Christian post­ master in our area, that there are more people collecting today than ever before in the history of printing stamps. We would like to find out how many people would enjoy partici­ pating in such a program of a Christian Stamp Club. We invite you to write. Let us know your type of collection, specialty and interest. Several of our mission­ aries have signified their willing­ ness to supply us new issues from the countries in which they serve for the benefit o f our proposed “Christian Stamp Club.” There are many fascinating stamps today, such as the beauti­ ful productions from the land of Israel. We are hoping that there will be sufficient interest gener­ ated so that this program may be developed in the days ahead.

t0 students, teachers.


June 19-July 7 • July 10-28 Classes in more than 50 accredited Bible and related subjects . . . carefully selected for people who want to improve and en­ large their effectiveness in Christian ser­ vice . . . taught by Moody’s outstanding faculty of Bible teachers, Christian edu­ cators and gospel musicians. * * *

. . . and2 Week ''l4caioitSpecial JULY 10-21 Four Bible courses planned to accom­ modate those with limited time for study. W O R K SH O P S AN D S E M IN A R S June 19-July 7 Missionary Literature Workshop Specialized for missionaries on fur­ lough and m issionary candidates. Three main parts: (1) Writing, (2) Pub­ lishing, (3) Distribution. Fundamentals of Christian Broadcasting Using excellent facilities of WMBI, class covers fundamentals of gospel broadcasting. July 10-28 Open-Air Evangelism Seminar S P E C IA L W O R K SH O P S June 26-July 1 Church Music July 10-14 Management Seminar for Christian Workers

Tuition is FREE ... board and room at the school as low as $27.50 per week. Plan to enjoy a fine, low-cost vaca­ tion in Chicago this summer . . . classes in the mornings leave after­ noons and evenings free for study, relaxation, sight-seeing and shop­ ping. * * *


FOR FREE CATALOG and APPLICATION PAPERS Application papers must be mailed back at least 10 days before the opening of the session you plan to attend.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL EVANGELICAL MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, III. 60610 w i l l i a m C u l b e r t s o n , president •s. m a x w e l l c o d e r , dean Please send me Summer folder, catalog and application papers. Name. Dept. 3K7





MARCH, 1967


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