King's Business - 1967-03

The following excellent summation is condensed from a booklet “History of R osicru cian ism ” by Richard Wolff: R osicrucianism is a combination of Alchemy, Cabalism, Gnosticism, and a variety of other occult beliefs. They claim to be in possession of certain secret wisdom transmitted •»from generation to generation by certain masters. Teaching of the Rosicrucians T he S criptures “ All secret and sacred writings have truth in them, irrespective of their source, and must be judged by their inculcations rather than the source” (The Secret Schools, p. 19). They use the Bible along with “ other occult books” and interpret it in their own fashion. Genesis 1:1 is translated to read, “Out of the ever- existing essence [of space] the two­ fold energy formed the double heav­ en.” The commonly received rendering (A .y .) as well as the “ unusual ren­ dering” of Genesis 1:1 are necessary to an understanding of the subject! The peculiar interpretation given by Heindel indicates that the heaven and earth were created out of the ever-existing essence, not out o f nothing. “ The cosmic root-substance is gathered together and set in mo­ tion.” J esus C hrist Jesus Christ was “ one of the earth’s greatest thinkers” (The Con­ federation of Initiates, p. 16). He is associated with Plato, Mohammed, and other great characters (op. cit. page 17). On the same page we read that Jesus was an Essene, and he is associated with Brahma, Buddha, Lao-Tze, Zoroaster, etc. “ The Son [Christ] is the highest initiate of the sun period. The ordinary human­ ity of that period are now the arch­ angels” (The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Con- ception, p. 376). Christ “ took the dense and vital bodies of Jesus that he might function directly in the physical world and appear as a man

the gift portion of your World Vision Annuities can go to work immediately for Christ in Vietnam. While it’s con­ tinuing to earn the same high rate of interest for you, your money can help care for the more than 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 father­ less children in V ie tn am ... provide Christian homes for widows and orphans . . . bring healing and the knowledge of salvation to the sick and wounded . . . help thousands of homeless uprooted people learn of the security of Christ’s love. See example, right.

NEW HIGHER RATES — New annuity contracts assure you a guaranteed earning power up to 9-1/10% depending upon your age. TAX SAVINGS—A large portion of your annuity income is excludable from income tax; non- taxable in estate settlements. NO PROBATE COSTS — No legal fees; you are assured of a complete investment in God’s work. GUARANTEED INCOM E-Until the Lord calls you home. FREEDOM FROM WORRY-Stock markets fluc­ tuate; other income is often uncertain but your income from World Vision annuities is constant and unchanging. Your payments never vary, never miss. PEACE OF M IND— Faithful stewardship is hon­ ored eternally by God’s promises in the Living Word.

Gift Portion (Goes towork immediately for Christ in Vietnam)**


Unit of

Yearly Earnings For Life*

Tax Exempt Portion



60 M $1.000.00 65 M $1,000.00 70 M $1,000.00 60 F $1,000.00 65 F $1,000.00 70 F $1,000.00

$55 $61 $68 $50 $55 $61

76% $241.00

284.00 335.00 210.00 248.00 302.00

79% 8 2% 7 3% 7 6% 77%

* You earn interest on the full amount of your annuity tax deductible receipt is issued on the gift portion of your annuity.

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MARCH, 1967


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